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nihiliti Jun 2018
I am without

I don't know how
it came to this
but it usually does

years passed
like fallen forests
and burnt toast
and leftovers of a meal
made for
those who are hungry

empty tin cans
can't hold sorrow
like a crow can

caw like there's no 'morrow
cry because
people hold hollows
in the places where
we should be woven together
but we were never

ashes and sawdust
remain like revenant
creeping into the ceiling
seeing us as we sleep
as we dream

tell yourself it's all
adrift in what may seem
serene--but instead
it's dead
like carrion in spring
a terrible thing
what rot

rust covers every
once shiny wish
we made upon hinges
hoped the floors
would weather the storm
but they don't
"the wood ain't true"

and it's like nothing is right with my world
Apprentice to a carpenter, but can't nail it down.
Willow Jun 2018
She doesn’t deserve a chance
You’ve given hundreds more
Than she would ever need
All while she slept comfortably.

She doesn’t deserve a chance
You’ve offered thousands more
Than she would ever realized
All while she viewed simply.

She doesn’t deserve a chance
You’ve offerend millions more
Than she would ever believe
All while she thought easily.

I deserve the precious chance
You haven’t offered one
That I would take with love
All while I dreamt widely.

I deserve a chance.
Timothy Jun 2018
In the sea of stars where wishes come true
The night sky painted with white purple and blue
I grasp them and hope to never let go
A silent place with no despair or sorrow

Journey with no care for destination
Only filled with memories of happy occasions
Alas, those stars are far far away
A perfect world where dreams come into play

Look up at the starry night sky
Fantasizing the feeling of wanting to fly
No pain, suffering wound or scars
All of these to be found in the sea of stars
sharing one of my friends poetry. Thank you Ric
Bailey Jun 2018
Why hope
I think about it a lot
To much I'm sure
Both words
Or together
So similar
But different
Why hope
For love
For kindness
For life
When to hope
For dreams
For laughter
For love
Why hope
Jeff Gaines Jun 2018
Hello everyone,

  I'm so very sorry … I feel horrible doing this, but I have no choice. You see, I have published my first book on Amazon/Kindle! This piece (and many others) had to be taken down because they do not allow published material to be available online for free. (Go figure) I wanted to leave the shell of the posts because I felt compelled to leave all your helpful and loving comments. (Silly sentimental, I know), but I also didn't want to just have the pieces disappear without an explanation. I feel bad enough as it is!

  I owe ALL of you so, SO much for all of your reads, love, and support. It was YOU that gave me the gumption to FINALLY get off my **** and publish! Thank you all for the warm comments, camaraderie, and encouragement! I will still be here, reading, uploading and just being the Rascal that I am. How could I EVER leave you guys?

  The book is called “The Way I See It – FictionPhilosophySoul Food” and it will be FREE for the first few days on Kindle Select, so watch for it, if you are interested. I hope that you go and grab it. If you do, I would also hope that you find it worthy, you would leave me a good review. That will help me get in the public eye! Soon afterward (2-3 days or so), it will be available in paperback. I will be building my Author page tonight (12/21/2018) and my website finished first thing Monday!

Find the book(s) here:

Or find the book(s), and all about me, here:

  Soon after, I also hope to have my first novel (a supernatural thriller), called “Wanderer” available as well!

  Wish me luck!
Big, Biggest Love,
        Jeff Gaines
I wrote this lullaby for my HS sweetheart after she came over to my house crying and was all upset that her family had just told her to leave me and to  "Forget that dreamer!"

I can't say I blame them, in hindsight. I was yer typical parents worst nightmare: Long hair, torn jeans, loud-crazy shirts/clothes, singing in a band, bouncer at a pool hall, big mean Doberman Pinscher, hot rod Firebird Formula, big ol' party house with a pool ... you get the picture.

This poem has been up here since Feb/2018. But I guess during the last server cleaning, it somehow got deleted along with the last two paragraphs of my notes to "The Longest Piece Ever Uploaded To Hello Poetry".

I discovered that and luckily had it backed up, so I replaced the missing notes. Last night I read "I love You" (another lullaby written for her and posted here at HP) and when I went to find this one, it was totally gone.

Better check yer posts. There could be missing bits or even WHOLE POEM uploads!
I want to be in love
I wished upon all the stars in the sky
And they collectively shook heads
Saying that I should know better than to wish on sparkly dead things in the sky
My coins fill fountains
And side walks where they spit them back out
Pockets are empty like the valve in my heart that pumps out romance
My body is starved for it
Yet my hands search for the feeling
Wish bones split
And lay in two
But I still search for you
My sweat love
That I am yet to get a taste of
Mary-Eliz May 2018
Behind every dream, every hope lies
visions of something surely better
some are grandiose, some fantasy
others are practical to the letter

yet all are fondly held within
until their time is right, unfazed by falls,
rocky road or rough terrain
equally valuable to those who
quest for them with all they have inside
not giving up so they can proudly say I tried.
Ten letters assigned by someone who chose them randomly.  First of each line, at least 5 words per line.
Not great but I can say "I tried." And thanks for playing along, Verlie
Once more a storm had quelled my sight,
As the ocean waves stirred violently,
Shouting into the fray, "Is tonight the night...
Or will they again drift back to me?"
And as darkness dimmed desirous light,
I cast my wishes out to sea.

Swelling waves ravage all in their wake,
As I hold on tight with spirits worn,
My withering sails, bound to break,
For merciless winds have left them torn.
Assured my faith would not forsake,
I treated the ails of any scorn,
And awaited shores these waters take,
To lift me from a life forlorn.

Through the fading storm light broke free,
And where it shone beyond the stern,
I saw it floating aimlessly
Amidst the settled waters churn.
I whispered to myself, "How could it be?"
With cause for real concern,
For drifting right on back to me,
Was all I'd hoped to not return.

I began to pray a prayer of plea,
"Be gone my wishes!" Unwilling to learn,
That this captive wish just could not flee,
Longer—must I sail to yearn.
I scooped it up out of the sea,
And sealed it tightly within an urn,
To let them fade to eternity,
As my weary soul was left to burn.
I'd wished that there'd be magic in me
When I grew out of my pig tails
To my surprise
I was just another human
With blood
And Bones
And life to do
So much so
That I forgot about the magic
That I'd wished for all those years ago
And rather wished to be happy
Around these human bones
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