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Sam Jul 2017
You are cheery
And I am dreary

You are social
And I am a rock

You live to see the sun
I lurk among the shadows

But when I'm by your side
I actually feel alive
Naomi Hurley Jul 2017
There's something nostalgic about
The smell of
Cigarettes in the rain.

I am reminded of
Nights bleeding over into
The morning
Inhaling whiskey
Exhaling nicotine

Bonfires on the beach
I've wandered away from
The fire
My feet sinking deeper
Into dark, cold sand
The cool water only slightly
Tickling my toes

I think of
Waking up
In unknown houses
Unknown apartments
Unknown beds
Unknown people
Trying to recount
What just transpired.

I recollect
Faces that have
Come and gone
About what?

I couldn't tell you.

In the midst of it all
I feel
An emptiness
A hole
Pain and
Also nothing.

I feel nothing.

Yet still
Years later
A 3 AM hotel concierge
Reeking of cigarettes in the rain
Can bring it all back

Cold feet
                        Blurred friends(?)
Laughing                        and

Course smoke in a downpour
Nicotine in the mist
How could I ever miss a feeling like this?
Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends.
Sam Jul 2017
We used to dance with the thunder
Our stage lit by crackling lightning
The storms would always cease
and I guess our love did too
Try as I will,
Try as I might.
I've already accepted,*
*I can't win this fight.
Sam Jul 2017
Through the chaos, I caught a glimpse of you
The nightmare unfolding couldn't rob you of that glorious, warm, smile
You sent me weaving through a labyrinth of lost souls
Extending my arms to embrace you
To shield you from this broken inhabitance
This world so far lost among the shadows
And as my palms met your back
I could feel that you were empty
The one with the strong, sturdy, smile
You were trembling
That's when I realized
We shared the same nightmare
That's when I realized
The sorrow living in your eyes
But when you hooked your arms around my back
And pressed your face into my chest
When your crystal tears bled through my shirt
That's when I realized
Nightmares can end
Tina RSH Jul 2017
Behold! My sorrow storms straight through daylight.
And not on the last stroke of midnight, when demons sleep.
To entangle me with its invisible ropes, ropes tugging me tight.
Twisted, Swooned, crushed, haemorrhaging deep.

Labyrinth of shame, heralding my doom, looming ever close.
Earning waste with each second more, till sudden salvation.
That scarce shall cast upon my dim verse hugely verbose.
Inside this too stagnant a mind flows nothing but indignation.

Malaise made manifest with the profusrness of a poet's pain,
Entitled as imbalanced brain, a fresh sign of insanity.
Idle hours thrown away like confetti and time spent in vain
Narrow words written by young hands but a spirit of mundanity.

Morbid fascinations of mine with this lack of hope.
End so soon as I leave this world, unable to cope.
Sam Jun 2017
They say home is where your heart is, and mine used to be with you. Now, it's in pieces, scattered across various bars.
Bars where they leave you to your misery when they see your head tucked in your folded arms.
Sam Jun 2017
I always told you I would bleed for you. Still, I never thought that you would be the one to stick the dagger through my lung. I guess in a way, you took my breath away.
Sam Jun 2017
I was the crow who flew too high.

Now I'm lost among the sky.
Sam Jun 2017
She was my kind of hopeless
Eyes tired...
No, eyes exhausted
Far past the help of coffee
Exhausted from a world bitter and cold
Exhausted from the place she's forced to call home
I don't think her hair had seen a brush in a while
It was professionally done by a pillow
A pillow with years of experience
Still, when she looked my way, I couldn't help but look away
Wish I didn't
Cause she was my kind of hopeless.
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