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Bekah Halle Feb 20
We are but a speck of dust,
Gold and valuable, but
Small and crushable.
Worthy of all love, and yet
Wounded we live, held.
Jeremy Betts May 2024
Find conviction in your answer
And hold it forever
To hold you together
Through the bad weather
That seems to go on forever
Never getting any better
Never wantin' to become a trend setter
I'd rather avoid a subplot endeavor
A standard cease and desist letter
An awkward deliverer
Of an ignorable order
Internal by nature
From a habitual quitter

Bekah Halle Jan 2024
Accolades have been my fortress
Comparisons my torturer,
Liberation seemed unreachable,
daunting under duress,
A well-chosen ***, destined for my future....

Venturing the path trodden less
Seemed anxiety-provoking; insane
A roaring lioness,
but with the mouse hidden in my mane.

Held just the same, but
Hoping, wishing to drop them; release the pain
Dreams of a different life, unrut
Freedom and flow beckon my name.
Amanda Kay Burke May 2023
Don't understand why universe took you away
Bits of you seen in all surroundings in some sort of way
Anyone observing wouldn't notice something wrong
Crumbling under a surface that is strong
I attempt to hold head up high
Shrugging off wounding emotion
Repeating routine robotically
Earth's rotation slow-motion
I send deepest regrets with the wind to be lifted into the sky
Whispering words never said before
Worst of all:
Accepting absence as permanent obstruction
Leaves me teetering on edge of destruction
There are moments I wish ground would open up and swallow me whole
Touching not one drop of water yet I'm drowning in the depths of my soul
You always did best to protect me throughout the years
In return I have let you down
Victim of my greatest fears
It might not have been my responsibility to keep you safe and sound
I could have poured out some of those shots you would pound
It was my duty keeping your secrets locked up out of sight
Over and over again I told you no so you responded with a fight
Rather than be at odds I would give in to your spiteful remarks
You ultimately would win and I would fetch your bottle of Monarch
Now I'm haunted by those countless simple mistakes
Forced to bear weight of the fact I didn't have courage it takes
I want to rewind life so I could get another chance to show
That you mean much more to me than I dared to let you know
I'd rather be who's held in the reaper's embrace
Than stuck here tears running down my face
It's my birthday and I'm so not feeling it... How can I celebrate without the one person who made it so special every year?
Gabriel Oct 2022
As we finally concluded what our end is,

you grabbed me by the hand once more,

reminiscing the days where this used to be
a piece of me that symbolizes home

   and it begged for you to not let go of it.

Lips that will never taste each other's love,

eyes locked but this gaze will now be last,

words full of emotions but will never say

the three words that molded us to speak of our forgotten tomorrows

Fingers touch but never held on

to a promise of forever and always

and paths will never cross again
as we both said "good bye"
One carried love and will pass it on to whoever is capable of embracing the pain she felt that day

while the other carried regret and will forever find the answer to the questions he will carry onto his shoulders
On why his greatest love, wasn't the
Ren Sturgis Jul 2022
I desire to be held;
I keep pushing down the desires, telling myself the world is holding me, but we are communal creatures.
Many of us desire togetherness.
The world can hold me, but you can too <3
I S A A C Feb 2022
the room is suffocating, I am spiraling
I thought this was my season but I am unwell
there's so much I want but so little I have
I feel like I am stuck at the bottom of a well
can see the light and life above but I remain in my broken shell
I want to feel even a little bit more secure
I want to smile and sing with the birds
my foundation is shaky, my will is breaking
waiting for someone to save me
I tried to save myself with no help
I tried to love myself to no help
I tried to do it alone with no help
I tried to run from it all with no help
I just really want to be held
I just really want to be felt
make the most of these cards I was dealt
Strying Jul 2021
so alone
i forgot how it felt to be held

took a cold shower
because i didnt want to remember
but fr i just took a cold shower and it made me feel alive
10/10 recommend, especially while it's still summer
internetgirl Apr 2021
i was taking pictures of you
with flowers in your hair
and i couldn't help but notice
the way your eyes held the sunlight
like the way
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