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Gideon 9h
Art is a lesson for both its creator and those who admire it.
With every soft brushstroke, carefully selected synonym,
or drawn out note, the artist learns a new way to create,
a new way to evoke emotion from others by ripping it
straight out of their own chest. An artist can do this with
a graceful combination of ease and effort. Those who see
the canvas, read the pages, or listen to the melody, are only
able to grasp the pieces of the pain that are reflected within
their own souls. Inside, we are all fragments of the same
shattered mirror. Its glass once reflected only the face of God,
but now it reflects parts of us. Does it still show God’s visage?

Are we God’s art? Were we a lesson for the all-knowing? Does
even our creator learn from our mistakes, flaws, imperfections?
Gideon 10h
Your sickening words
Are a bitter ambrosia.

Your compliments insult
As piercing as a dagger.

You make me bleed
Divine drops of gold.

You made me holy
To **** my mortality.

I am not ready to die
And be cursed by life.

I am unwilling to serve
Under your command.

I was willing to once,
But now I have learned.

I was a foolish mortal soul
Who was tricked by a god.
I was forty- five years old, by chance, I wrote,
My very first song/poem. I am sitting in the same room,
Like then all alone, When I received a sad call, on the telephone.
A drinking buddy, Randy, stumbling on the words, he had to say,
His buddy Jamie, fell off a cliff, his last step, his life,
Ended that day. I had never planned to write, a song or poem,
I could hear Randy’s voice, he was lost, so alone.
I remember, arguing with, a voice inside, of me,
Which kept, saying you can do it, just write you will see.
I gave it a try, I was probably high, Within about,
One hour, Jamie’s Song, I had printed in pencil, before my eyes.
To this date, I have around two thousand finished, with about,
Another four hundred started, I never finished those songs,
My siblings, parents, the lady I married, and Randy,
Left this life, they have all passed along. There is no happy ending,
At least for today, I do thank God, for the talent, of writing words,
In a special way, the ideas can arrive anytime night, or day I then try to finish one then set it aside. A bittersweet feeling, I should feel proud inside,
I know there will be times in everyone’s life, we should have,
A beaming smile, which is washed away by tears from our, lost miles.
                The Original: Tom Maxwell© 8/15/22 AD
(Verse 1)
In life's deep waters, day by day,
When storms arise and clouds turn gray,
I find my strength in Your embrace,
Anchored forever in Your grace.
Your mighty hand holds sure and strong,
Through every trial, through every song,
My faith is secured in who You are,
My anchor point, my guiding star.

And when the waves come crashing in,
Your perfect peace speaks from within,
No force on earth can shake my stand,
While I'm held in Your mighty hand.

You are my anchor, strong and true,
In all I do, I trust in You.
My solid ground, my steady guide,
Forever by Your side.
You are my anchor, holding fast,
Through raging storms that cannot last.
My hope, my peace, my endless song,
In You I'm safe, in You I'm strong.

(Verse 2)
The world may shift, the mountains fall,
And earthly treasures lose their call,
But Your devotion stands the test,
A timeless love, forever blessed.
You lift me up on eagles' wings,
Above the noise the chaos brings,
To find in You a quiet space,
A sanctuary of love and grace.

When darkness tries to steal my hope,
And weary steps struggle to cope,
I lift my eyes, and see Your light,
Breaking through the darkest night.
Your promise shines, a guiding ray,
Leading me to a brighter day,
And I remember, come what may,
Your love will never fade away.

You are my anchor, strong and true,
In all I do, I trust in You.
My solid ground, my steady guide,
Forever by Your side.
You are my anchor, holding fast,
Through raging storms that cannot last.
My hope, my peace, my endless song,
In You I'm safe, in You I'm strong.
You are my anchor, You won't let go,
Even when the wild winds blow,
In You, I find my strength and stay,
My rock, my refuge, come what may.

When trials come, and doubts arise,
I look to You with trusting eyes.
Your love surrounds me, calms my fears, And wipes away my falling tears.
You are the calm within the storm, Protecting me from every harm.
So I will rest within Your care,
Knowing Your presence is always there.

You are my anchor, firm and deep,
A promise You will always keep.
My sure foundation, come what may,
You guide my steps along the way.
You are my anchor, holding tight,
A beacon burning ever bright.
My constant hope, my endless plea,
To stay forever close to Thee.
You are my anchor, strong and bold,
A love that never can grow old.
My everything, my all in all,
I hear Your voice, I heed Your call.

You are my anchor, evermore,
My guiding star, my open door.
In You I live, in You I breathe,
My heart and soul to You I give.
You are my anchor, now and then,
My faithful God, until the end.
Forever anchored in Your love,
Safe in Your arms, like a gentle dove.
"You Are My Anchor" speaks to the unwavering faith and security found in God's love. The anchor symbolizes stability, hope, and a steadfast presence during life's inevitable storms. Just as an anchor keeps a ship secure, God's love provides a firm foundation, preventing us from being tossed about by doubt, fear, or adversity. The song declares trust and reliance on God as the ultimate source of strength and guidance.
Ivan 2d
god of sleep
three days and I've not received your touch
tortured and plagued by monsters of the night
I pray to you

please god
take me by the hand into your domain
embrace me and hold me in your *****
take away these thoughts and perversions of life
as life is hell, this we already live it

god of sleep
carry me to the shores I adore
you are salvation from a life I abhor
and so this temporary death, I beg for

for you oh! god
I will take whatever drug
for you oh! god
I will turn into a street ****

as every time I seek your touch, oh! god
it may be my last
yet, not a care for whatever pay
for your presence to stay

oh! lord, let not the darkness fall
once more without your kiss
merciful and loving god, from a tempest blow
in the distance, your chariot closes in as it grows

closer yet
you deal a smile upon me
my head falls into your abyss
spinning again, until the last time
the weight of the tie
around my neck
and the quivers of my jaw
from what I've said.
a flock sits with downturned heads
and the wolves stand, with mocking hands.

as easily as the pencil glides
over the ****** page,
so also it is for the written to blossom
like forget-me-nots in the slanting rain.

the heavens wrote me
on the wrong end
where the ground is filled with spit
and the sky, grey with the angst
of mourning heads.

the writing would not be the same
and I would be
at the right end.
The stars that fill the midnight sky,
or single grains of sand
cannot compare to all his works
too vast to understand.
What number counts the drops of rain
that make the oceans wide?
How many hours and days and years
fill up eternal life?
How far the furthest star lies from
the meager grasp of man?
How far across this universe
has he stretched forth his hand?
What mercy fills The Father’s heart
which grants us time to grow?
Too much for us to comprehend…
too much for us to know.
I'm trapped, it feels endless
Drowning in my own thoughts
Is the path I've chosen the right one?
Then why do I see no light ahead?
Have I taken a wrong turn?
Is the destiny I hold onto just an illusion?
Will the dreams I once spoke of with pride—
Fade into mere memories?
I've wandered this far,
God, guide me through my doubts.
simmer 4d
To toil with people you love
Is to curse someone already broken
For anger is a sign of folly
And an impartial heart is revealed in words spoken
Calamity will take all the help you can give it
Instead exclaim "I love you"
Wrap them in your words
And watch as their heart melts softly from forgiveness
Thou shalt not lie

Yet we continue to hurt others with our words

Thou shalt not ******

Yet we continue to hurt others with our hands

Thou shalt not cheat

Yet we continue to hurt others with our actions

read the writing on the wall

the day will come

our kingdom will fall

fire and ashes rain from the sky

purest sould to heaven they fly

heaven and earth

they will collide

man and god

side by side
the rapture in my words
(we are semi religious)
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