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DawynSHunter Dec 2015
Everything you say to me
Takes me one step closer to the edge
And I'm about to
-Linking Park
What I'm feeling like right now
Tansy Roake Dec 2015
I feel like I should write a drunken poem,

I think it would be great,

But it’s probably ******* awfull,

It’s also way too late,

To be doing anythig creative,

Especially when I’m this ******,

And I can’t be bothered with rhyming,

Goodnight everyone
Free H Laven Nov 2015
We sang of Sublime,
there was this dude -
and he was a rhymin'.

His name was Wild,
Bill, always went for the ****.
But- not until...

My metallic fragrance
dresses the snare,
as I danced like I didn't care.

Oh, my heart did break at times.
Hell, It was the biggest crime.
I might just wait in line.

And in the end,
I'm loved, confused with friends
My heart I'll send.
Tonight, I was ****** up with some confusion and ****, I enjoyed my night from this old sober man rhyming on the streets of my hometown to jamming out to Sublime. Ex's will mess with your head, honestly, I'm absolutely ******* confused he messed with my head tonight.
Jonny blaze Oct 2015
I'm losing my edge I'm losing my mind about to end a chapter in this relationship where's the button to take it all back like it never even happen rewind they say it gets better in time but I beg to differ people say there's always a winner but I'm a lose lose situation who is really the winner I had my flaws but so did she. I'm the end she was everyhing to me but what she just done to me was far more then a man's heart should be able to bare. Just thinking of her legs open as they made ******* moaning interlocking hands stairing into each other's eyes. Not once but twice did they link up just goes to show what she thought about me how much she really gave a ****. Or maybe the other two guys ***** she ****** maybe it's my fault maybe that's my luck not to mention all the nudes she sent from standing up to laying down or ***** out while she is bent over. Maybe I should just give up on love all its done is maed me feel alone and lost I'm bound to rebound right by any mean any cost? My reality is real this comes from the heart to express how I feel how do you mend a broken heart but feeling the pain you can't deal? I'm like who's really real. Bad enough no one can hear my silent screams the only time I feel good is when I'm sleep lost in my dreams............
Help out if you have advice
Miki Oct 2015
Eternal **** Buddy
Wakes up early
We roll around
In bed

Id get up
Make a cup
But he plays
With my head

He's my *******
At 2 am
Whe the liquor
Fills my blood

The coyote ugly
Try to crawl
But the boy
... Hes good

He pulls you in
Oh so easily
Doesnt even try
Yet he gets to me

Eternal **** Buddy
Hes always down
Screaming NO
just makes empty sound.
mk Aug 2015
i want to lie on my bed with you
listening to old records
with songs about love & throwing away your life
while your legs entangle mine
let’s numb our minds
and think about no further than today
i want to taste the magic on your lips
and feel the strength in your arms
let's just ****
& forget that we’re ****** up
big city kids from broken families
looking for love in all the wrong places
let’s just get wasted
& reclaim our place in the wastelands
exhale our pain
a purple haze
feed me the smoke
from your mouth
blow it into me
& i’ll blow you
i’ll pretend your electric eyes
are the solution to all my problems
and you can pretend
as if my mouth wrapped around you
is all you need in life
forget about the guts and the gore
forget about the half written suicide note
stuck to the backside of your bedside table
which you gave up writing because you realized
once you're gone, no one's going to give a ****
never have, never will
& the fact that last night, you cried yourself to sleep
because you knew your mother was two doors down, doing the exact same thing
we'll forget about the fact that we've got no path or direction
that we're going nowhere, and we're going nowhere fast
& that we're a mix of self-loathing and self-pity
we're sad kids
belonging to an even sadder generation
let's lose control
it's better than losing our minds
i'll pull your hair and cry out in pleasure
it's better than pulling my own and crying out in pain
i'd rather kiss your scars
than deal with my own
i'd rather let you bury your head in my chest
than admit that i'm itching to bury myself six feet under
i'd rather scream your name and beg you for more
than scream at the demons in my head & beg them to leave me alone
the drugs help
but you numb me better
pills are nice
but i'd rather have you in my mouth
i'm looking at the way you see right through me
and it makes me feel at home to be around someone as lost as i am
i see your broken nails and peeled skin
and i know we're cut from the same cloth
because that look in your sad eyes
is one my own know all too well
so let’s just listen to old records
with songs about regret & wasted time
& pretend as if we can’t relate to them
*not one little bit
// are you deranged like me? are you strange like me? lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me? //
♡ gasoline- halsey ♡
Heidi Mason Aug 2015
Scars remind us where we've been
but there aren't there to decide our future
I'm so tired of everyone
telling me I will do bad in life
because I can't exactly control my emotions.

For once, I would like someone to notice
the improvements in my everyday life
Why aren't we focusing on the fact
that I don't slit my wrist anymore
instead of the reason why I was doing it.

Emotions are very silly
They crawl into your skin while you sleep
and they become how you think.

Dear brain, stay strong and stay true to me  
please don't **** with me
I don't know what I would do
if you were to hurt me.

I'm so tired of this sad life
I can't take it and I want out
to all the happy emotions out there
please see me as I sleep because
I am very deprived of your company.
D Jul 2015
I'm too scared to speak up and do something,
No matter how much I want to apologize,
And try to mend what I ****** up.
It's easier to just be on my own and stick to myself,
Then to trust myself to be a good friend,
Because honestly, I don't think I am.

Same song, different verse
History always repeats itself.
Just give up and leave me alone
I'm not worth your help
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