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Imarie 3d
I chased the butterflies your actions spun
Only to learn they were a phase undone
My subtle words a love I longed to share
Met with a silence a feeling beyond repair

A single word and I'd have crossed the waves
And build a world that I long to dream
But deeper knowing brings a deeper fall
Your crave for silence to escape it all

I wished you knew this hope so frail and slight
Longed for your words to make it truly bright
To bury moments and release your hold
And if I asked, what story would be told?
I dedicate this poem to my long-unrequited love. I hope you know how I feel, and if I ask, please don't leave me.
Lynn Mar 15
I come across a broken beach
The roses there smell of peach
I walk the path across the sandy shore
The sand is the deep green of evermore
Lunar light glistens on my skin
It purifies where whatever is withiring
Within the chamber of my ribcage
The heart that decays
Moon lilies bloom on my skin
In this realm night has no middle
No end
No beginning
So on the shore I am sitting
Moon-kissed skin is never tan
I bury my legs into the sand
I wade in the wind
It tickles my skin
I feel the hand
Of a man
Pick me from the sand
My place
And plop me in a glass vase
Maximus Tamo Feb 22
Atmospheric ice,
Sculpted lines across the sky,
Remnants of beauty,
Emery Feine Jan 7
I am not fragile like a flower
Though I’m sure you’d think so
I’m courageous enough to not cower
Though that’s not something you’d know

I’m completely and utterly explosive
If not that then I’m nothing
For I’m not fragile like an orchid
But isn’t that something?

I am counting down to the next hour
I am singing a forgotten song
I am not fragile like a flower
I am fragile like a bomb
.... --- -.-. / ..-. .-. .- --. .. .-.. . / -. --- -. / ... ..- -- / -. .- - ..- ... .-.-.-
Do not mind what a poet tells you,
it is an ellipsis, find the missing truth.
The title of an elder is not an umbrella
to shield a child's head from life's heavy rain.

When the storm comes, the child's head becomes
as empty as the facade of a hollow title.
Do not deceive when tomorrow's dawn foretells
the fate that awaits, like a burning forest's spell.

In that inferno, the bandits of deceit
are consumed by the flames, their power defeated.
Nothing lasts forever, for the world itself
is a fragile paperclip, destined to be folded into nothingness.

Unsaid Nov 2024
You stepped into my life, quiet and new,
A spark unexpected, a flame in the blue,
But with every word, a riddle unfolds,
Do you mean what you say, or hide truths untold?

I watch for the signs, the nuance, the shade,
In a maze of intentions where trust is unmade,
Your presence feels warm, yet shadows creep near,
Is this something to cherish, or something to fear?

I fear the rhythm we’ve started to find,
The comfort that settles, entwining my mind,
For the closer you come, the deeper you stay,
The more I will dread the chance you’ll drift away.

Should I guard my heart, keep it behind walls?
Or let it be open, risk all it entails?
Each moment with you feels tender, unsure,
A beauty so fleeting, but will it endure?

You say all the right things, or so it may seem,
But I wonder if I’m just caught in a dream,
Do you feel this connection, or let it pass by?
Am I holding your hand, or chasing the sky?

Still, here I remain, in this fragile embrace,
Wrestling with time, the unknown I face,
Hoping the threads that bind us won’t break,
Praying this isn’t a fleeting mistake.

For while I don’t know how long you’ll remain,
I cherish each moment through joy and through pain,
And though I may lose you, I’ll never forget—
The beauty of risking, with love, no regret.
Odd Odyssey Poet Nov 2024
My dear Bambi lover, I notice a hint of fear in your eyes tonight —
fleeing from the glint of light that dances within my eyes. It was never
my aim to send you fleeing, my dear.

Even though my affection blooms most brightly beneath the warming
hues of sunrise- fret not, for we can find solace in each other’s arms,
cradled by the soothing melodies of our cherished memories for
another twilight
greatsloth Sep 2024
Why does stardust formed us humans?
Born from great celestials
Yet fragile like a paper fan;

Many say we are related—
In their glorious death
Our history started,
I find it hard to believe
Cause if so
Then why am I here
Stranded in a planet
Full of grief and sadness;

Stars, why you shine on this mortals?
Is this a whim, or that hope in Pandora's box?
Dashalynn Sep 2024
Here I stand, naked before you, brave and unyielding,
All the tender parts of me exposed.
Like a tree, your roots dig deep, anchoring me to you.
I lay myself at your mercy—body, mind, and spirit.
Wrapped in your arms, I quietly implore,
Please, handle me with care
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