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Keen Apr 2022
I miss you,
but I need to use
this space
to create
for myself.
neth jones Mar 2022
i govern an idling heart                                                            ­    
doomingly glazey
won't lift a care                    but won't swat no fly either
maintains functional        with the safety hitched on
observes the public goings and fro-ings            
                           without discrimination
but offers no service                          
             no aid            
and no addition

docile         and folded         and dormant of view
in a world-scape kniving to be brighter                                                   
                                           more memorable and avidly self dominant
                             i am a skiving witness

the older i get the more this approach                  
                                           is not an easy one
i observe a neighbour bully about his kids                 
using jest rewards between shouting them to heel
and cuffing them violent
i observe a lady place her friend                                  
                                      with a simple remark
('i like your choker.. it's like something i wore as a child
it's nice to remember that')
i observe war retread on the screen                                      
i observe a couple secretly kiss and brush fingers.          

human spoil seen now ;         
        it draws pity, pain and longing
i am not devoid                        
                                  ­     despite much practice          
  some involvement on my part
                                             may be due
M Solav Mar 2022
Now come to grip
For grip to release
And come to think
For thought to appease

I’ll be honest
Not that I always try
I haven’t felt much
And it's been a little while

Herein lies
Brokenness personified

It lingers that longing
For a genuine taste of life
These words I scribble down
At the dawning of the night

That fragile short moment
Of our ripened reflections
That we're all so endeavoured
To steer clear and far from

Now come to grip
For grip to release
And come to think
For thought to appease
Written on July 26rd, 2021.

— Copyright © M. Solav —

This work may not be used in entirety or in part without the prior approval of its author. Please contact for usage requests. Thank you.
One day I will raise my child
like I have raised my feelings,
and it will all grow into something that most people agree on for adults.
One day I will raise my child,
and in the future when the present is something we can live.
One day I will have hope in them
as I hope in myself.
Indonesia, 10th March 2022
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho
Ken Pepiton Feb 2022
Thank you, but I have vowed
to accept the fact that luck is as good
a chance to take as grace,
no exchange, no earning luck, never was.

Good luck is only good, bad luck is a mistake,
a grasping at things that did occur,
to change
at sudden, certain, central points,
miss the aim as teleos is said to be a mistake,
the act of aiming
definite purpose, ala Napoleon hill, aim to ****,
train the brain to fear no death, not mine,
not the other guys,
I am the weapon,
possessed of the spirit of the bayoneted and bulleted,
points used to ****, flood the ******
Flanders fields, at that time of year, first the blade,
then the ear, then fields sing thanks and bloom
***** scarlet poppies… later in the spring

Aim at nothing, the mind
of the machine
gunner reacts, point and spray, if you pray,
I say,
pray for the man who takes careful aim,
and squeezes, knowing sudden
budges not the aim aimed true and followed

Machine gunner, pray for me.
not my mind, another guy, mentioned in another 502 limbode layer
Lalaouna Amina Feb 2022
I choose to step on
my thwarted unhappy-self
just before the week ends
I am a cheerful face!
As much I think of myself being
I include the other
Why do I have such a tendency
all week?
Toxic Optimism
Rhan Vincent Feb 2022
there's this guy in the movie i watched

his heart was heavy and sad

the guy went to buy a few drinks

he seemed happy after drinking

so i figured maybe i might feel the same
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