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in an hurry
her mind always busy
blowing through
on our trees
she does me
they got so jealous smelling me
oh how she is and was scented

and then there was us
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2018
where a storm brews
where the crows linger
where the people know them
but not by name
far away from where they had fallen
long ways away
from where they will rise once more

for now
they sit in the corner
of a place they love
building wings from feathers
left behind by the crows
who stare unbothered on the road

the first pair of wings were too small and ragged
a thing of pride but no structure
not meant for flight but holding them gave hope

the second pair took years
knowing the basic formula now
each feather painstakingly placed

the third pair was an experiment
a challenge to push the limits
to use instead of the pristine second

the fourth was a throwaway
born of desperation and frustration
with these they flew and fell
the fifth pair was a copy of the second
but fine-tuned and reinforced
and with them the crows left
look how
you have

you are

your feathers
are my rainbow

you are an rainbow
your are beautiful
on my

you are feathers
fly me

"rainbow feathers angel"
by: katelynn beth
A M Pashley Jan 2018
place your hand on my chest

can you feel the rustling?

the almost constant buzzing of the monster growing it's nest?

in moments of stillness I can feel it tunneling through my bones,

until it comes to rest inside my ribcage

waiting to hear it's name called again,

when it will flap it's wings in reply,

shedding feathers under my skin.

once it's awakened it will continue its endeavor

in pecking and pulling,

making more room for itself

and less room for me.
Zelda Jan 2018
I watched crimson dance on top of sapphires
Surrounded by moths
I begged forgiveness within their bars
Sent out a prayer for a savior
In return I received a mocking smile
As they took you away from me
In your death I was birthed
I bargained the flames of the raven
To burn the moths
I watched sapphires dance on top of crimson

I’m not who I claim to be
Few can see the chains I drag about
Still, they follow my lead
I’m wired into a new era of empowerment
Where I play the queen accordingly
Taking back control of the world
Reaching for what I want
That which rightfully belongs to me

I don’t know how to fix the mess they made
I can’t reset the past
I can only move forward along a twisted path
Abandoning all the answers
To watch them choke on the feathers they wanted desperately
One day you will understand
And maybe you will accept my apology
But I won’t rest till I get back what they took
I’m searching for that which rightfully belongs to me
Skylar Keith Dec 2017
I spread my wings
Looking left before turning the other way
This time I can make it

Jumping from the spot I perch on
Soaring across the ranges
Watching my shadow fly over the fields

Almost made it
Looking left and sighing
Once again I didn't make it

One last glance is thrown at the place I yearn for
My wings failing me as I plummet to the ground
My eyes opening only to see the familiar scenery of my room

One more failed attempt to get what I want
Dreams can leave us wondering what we want in life
Can make us ask ourselves what it is that we want
What we want to do
spacewalker Nov 2017
I'm a raven with dulled down talons  
unable to catch a meal: I starve and thin
my harsh black feathers turn light as they fall from my grayed skin.
a meal fit for a king but served to all
I lick the blood caked around my beak
but old blood tastes bleak
Ahead of Ensuing havoc on the broken skin I once again become too thin
a fallen soldier
might as well be a feather
hell and hell and gone forever
ravens are the devil's soldiers.
parie Oct 2017
many things were beautiful.
beautiful, was the rain clouds.
the looming, navy puffs, that shadowed everything in sight.

beautiful, was a birthday dress, from your dad.
one complete with frills, and sequins, and vibrancy.
the love, the caresses, the joy behind it.

beautiful, was a peacock's feathers.
those, that they held in pride, flashing whenever they could.

beautiful, was the moment you described,
when the tension got too much to handle.

many things were beautiful.
but, i reckon that the most beautiful thing to be
seen, was your smile.
the fierce excitement, in your eyes, could
be more concise, than any dark blue floodgate for rain.

it could be prettier than a pink, fluffy dress, from your old man.
your smile, could be more enchanting, than the orange on a peacock.

it could be more emotional, than that one intense moment.
you see, many, many, many things could be described as beautiful.
but, your quirk of those pink, happiness-inclined lips, could change
the meaning of 'beauty', forever.
pluviophile Oct 2017
my only hope for you
my love
is that some day
they will stop clipping your wings
and you will fly with your silver feathers
Isabella Soledad Sep 2017
I miss you more
Than Icarus missed his feathers
Because without you here with me
I feel as though I am falling
Down toward the sea
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