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Carlo C Gomez Apr 2022
With all too
familiar moorings,

holding fast the chain
of sons and daughters,

this hiding place
isn't watertight,

life trickles in everywhere,
hopeful to the bitter end.

Tempests may surround
in the worst of times
a storm to level ships
capsize friend and foe alike
waves that change not just lives
but memory
how tragedy frames our desires
as need, rather than options
as love, rather than responsibility
how the quilt of phoenix feathers
that we oft cover us for slumber
molts as we shed our tears
molts as we age through life
and though times do change
and shadows creep beneath the door frame
still we hear the voice whisper,

"The winds of victory are soon to come."

Memories are trinkets we trade for action
we trade for purpose
we trade for comfort
Efforts spent crafting the perfect memories
catch up to our imaginations over time
Snapshots we thought were sublime
Calamities we shut the door upon
In the kaleidoscope of reality
we can see their colors change
what was treasured becomes tattered with use
what was feared becomes power over abuse
As we build our lives from ashes
no longer need for phoenix feathers
as we shatter walls of illusion
fact from fiction
truth from delusion
we come to hear the voice command,

"The winds of victory are soon to come."

And there is a tumult in the cupboards
under the floorboards
in the rafters
an aching shout of protest
a rapping upon the windows of the soul
a look, in the eyes, of horror
a clinging on to the raft of hope
a desperate jump to the cliff of salvation
a plunging fall into starvation
a rushing flight into the arms of the past
a stepping back from its cold clutches
a fervent climbing of the mast
looking out to the distant horizon
seeing how light is carved from darkness
knowing how you were made this way
and that your limitations
are at the mercy of your love
walking forward, proudly saying,

"The winds of victory are here at last!"

And how the winds whirl about you
as you dance in the curls and twists
walking upon the waves of anguish
waves of guilt, love, and praise,
to know they all complete you
and that the storm is who you are
you build the foundations
that will prepare you
for becoming
a guiding star
that leads your loved ones to the noble place
where your dreams would lead you thus far
a place of healing
a place of trust
a place we all know is here
To my friend, Amanda, on her birthday.
May this and every day be one of joy or little victories amidst the struggle of life.
Keep fighting your battles with your heart to guide your journey and your mind to light the way.

Much love,

Louis Segoe Apr 2022
Why am like kid to dance on my father's grave.
Why am not sure about my fallen story of love.
Maybe the passerby call me crazy of course they are not sure about who I am.
But they need to know the truth and the world needs to know all but still my mind is allergic on there quotes.
The world is truly nothing as it gives me reasons to back in my sorrow gracias.
Really our clan is not like wheels, so that we can back in our blood shed, and paint our feathers with the curse of black allies.
But please reflect on me, from my family grave I grew, in eyes of my heart murders I make my roots and again with the hands of my neck slaughters we make our land green by irrigating it with forgiveness and remembrance.

Now you can understand how my pain is my back pack that seek my joy but still be my burden to bring me down of my crown.
My king size my rope, there still a farm we need to renovate and tighten our knots so that the eyes keept at us many needs to change.
As we grow we will understand, once we were church mates later we became killers and others became hunts, once we were brothers later we fights in court, once we were Brothers later we became enemies, haters, and nightmare living.
From my pain I saw my light, I ended up smiling, my God served my soul and brought united
Really they fought, they cured our wombs, they rescued our blood, they vallued our land, and seek my happiness again.
Again we ate our bread with juice instead of roots and thirst, we made it sadly to make happy land ancestry DNA.

Let's build together, let's continue our strategy straight forward to our motto.
I see my lights starting and my vow renewals with my heart beeping maybe am winning and my sword will protect rather than shaddind our blood with innocents soul.
I see Victorious holding victory and the victory is my pride and that's our light.
Hello poetic people!
Am proudly happy to share you this new poem about Rwandan Genocide Against Tutsi of 1994.
As today we remember overmillion Tutsi that killed for no reason but only how there nature, yes there were innocents and the rest of them have developed themselves and there are making there life better.
So I shared you this poem I made today so that it can help you understand how it happened, ended, and the rest servived and creates there next life. ©2022 ISHIMWE Jean Louis Segoe
Zan Apr 2022
Is this the price I have to pay?
In order for the depression to go away?

My heart skips beats.
My skin glistens with sweat.
My legs go numb.
My hands start shaking.
My neck crawls with heat.
My head spins and spins.

Is this the price I have to pay?

This doesn't seem fair when I see the people around me.
My parents continue to ask me why I feel the way I feel.
I dont think they understand how much I want to be free,
Free from all of these feelings that feel so real.

Is this the price I have to pay?
In order for the depression to go away?

My breath is stolen.
My thoughts are taken away.
My brain is fogging.
My body is in constant pain.
My stomach screams for help.
My fingers are weak.

Is this the price I have to pay?

I dont want this, why do they always think I want these problems.
My silent screams are all I can hear curdling in my ears.
My mouth speaks but my insides holler.
My words and thoughts just get pushed down by my worst fears.

Is this what I have to pay?
All I want is for all the things to go away.
I S A A C Apr 2022
you attract more flies with honey
like moths, to a flame, you bug me
ready for hot humid summer days
ready to have my picnics by the lake
my family I have crafted, my kin in essence
my family I have drafted, my purest expression
truest of true, brightest of blues,
chatter filled dinners, loved filled rooms
I prayed for times like this, the flowers in bloom
Aspen Apr 2022
“You are gaining weight”
“I do not care about you”
“You are just like your mother, her side of the family is messed up”

Would you maybe, like to reconsider what you just said?
I hate to admit it, but your words cut deeper than a knife
I’m trying so hard, but they are getting to my head
Maybe reflect on how your words are ruining my life
How I grew up hating myself, wishing I could be someone better instead

They say that family is important, that bonds are important
But I’m starting to reconsider
That maybe family is not the blood that runs through my veins
Or the group of people that share my last name
But it is a group of people where I can feel enough
I’m starting to reconsider
Whether I should stay by your side
Because yes, you do provide me with food, shelter, and the necessities of life
I walk on eggshells, reading your jawline for intentions of strife
You may be family but you should know
If you do not reconsider your actions, your own family will become your foe
Day 2 of the poetry month challenge! Prompt: Reconsider. TW: Emotional abuse from family members. But yeah this was a hard poem to write. It was a vague prompt and tbh I felt pretty anxious going along with this idea. It's hard to open up to people about this, since I've always been told to stay quiet about what is happening at home, so I'm not used to talking about this. Sorry for the dark topics for the first two days, I promise that lighter poems with pretty imagery will be coming this month!
uzzi obinna Apr 2022
Made the decision to cut certain ties,
when it became a must that I have to rise;
Now the dream's clearer and I will outshine,
yes the divine agenda in my master's design;

It's family first at every cost,
never making the same mistakes of those who lost;
some thought I could not make it so I paid them in full,
Now I am getting there so tell me who is the fool;

whether I live long or die at any time,
may my successes prove that I reached  my prime;
grow too big to associate with your people,
it's nothing but the start of a type of evil;

Never drag anyone with you when going up,
let them come running with you or else you drop;
its hard to balance it all in this world we live in,
with the hustling everyday you are lucky to be breathing;

your friends are too desperate and afraid to wait,
do not look up to me cos I can't dictate your fate;
I do what I can to disperse everything I have,
there are too many of you and I don't know who to starve;

They depend on me but I fail sometimes and fall real low cos I am just a man,
hell I don't know if the stop sign will be at my doorstep tomorrow and yes all I had was a plan:

And when some thought they had it all and rubbed it on my face,
I was laughed at and scorned, given everything short of a praise;
it didn't matter then and sure as hell don't matter after all these years'
except it only matters cos it sparked the fire that led me here;

it's very hard to love in a world full of fakes and hate,
keep a pure heart or else you break and seize to elevate;
Try not to Lord your opinion cos you don't know it all,
keep your heart open and know when to build a wall;

If we all contribute a little good we could fix this world(1),
but what is right or wrong when we all have different gods;
become great or die trying(2), leave no stone unturned,
resilience is one of the ways that success is earned;

better to try and fail than not to try at all,
start from something and despise nothing small,
and when it comes to deciding to cut ties,
may it be a decision made by a wise.
references made: (2)Curtis "50 cent" Jackson, (1) Evelyn Beatrice Hall(1868-1956)-the friends of Voltaire (1906) Ch 8. page 221.
Katie Mar 2022
A glare bores into the back of my skull,
I can feel it when I look away.
It exudes more pressure each night and day
And leaves my nerves too full.

Whenceforth does it spring from?
This gaze that drills deep into me?
Why must it lie where I cannot see,
Intent on making me numb?

I'm left adrift in an auburn sky,
Horizons choked black by dust and ash,
Flung up by frustrations and actions too brash,
And ever-longing wishes to die.
stillhuman Mar 2022
A search of Justice
in righteous anger
in the simple existence
of the unbecoming

Death strips us of
our quirks
our thoughts
our selves
Even as we breathe
still, undead

It was polite
unbearably so
to give and take
your breathe from you

It turned
body into corpse
grief from perseverance
stillness from movement
Memory from reality

I still hear you
but you're fading
Though your essence
will stay intact
No more body
nor memory
It still lives
in us
Your memory tastes bitter, which I never wanted
I wanted it to stay warm
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