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Sarah Flynn Oct 2020
if I die,
I know that my eulogy
would be read aloud
by my biological family
with tears in their eyes
and sad, solemn voices.

it’s scary to think
that if I die,
my eulogy would be read
by the same people who
once wished for my death.
Day Oct 2020
I know that you love me,  
the way you love a lost part of yourself.

Sometimes, I wonder
if you see
the being I am becoming  

It’s hard to get good sleep

I know that’s why you pray

I don’t believe in God
who am I to say?
Yours always
ABIL Oct 2020
Dear Brother,

We do not have the same mother
But the trust I have for you,
Is like no other,
Cause the bond we have
Goes beyond a color

Through thick or thin
I will always have your back,
For the times you had mine
All the those dark days alone
When I could not be fine

Cause you more than just a friend or a homie
You my Brother
Cause you really know me
Sarah Flynn Oct 2020
you tell your six year old daughter
all about stranger danger.

“don’t get into a car
with someone you don’t know.”

“don’t listen if they say
that they have a puppy
or candy or something fun.
they don’t.”

your six year old daughter
knows exactly what to do
if she is ever approached or touched
by a strange, unknown man.
but does she know what to do
if the man who touches her
has a seat at the Thanksgiving table?

you tell your thirteen year old daughter
that someone who she loves
should never hit her.

“if punches are thrown, leave.”

“use that can of pepper spray.”

“if you have to hit back,
aim for the eyes, or the groin,
or anywhere weak.”

“run away.”

your thirteen year old daughter
knows to never let a man hit her.
but if he yells at her,
and degrades her, and scares her,
and maybe even grabs her
but not quite hard enough
to leave a bruise, that is still abuse.
did you tell her that?
does she know what to do
if he doesn’t leave any marks
and tells her over and over again
that he’s sorry?

you tell your sixteen year old daughter
to yell “fire!” instead of “****!”

“people will care more
about the well-being
of their own property
than they will about your life.”

“they will come running,
but only if the situation
affects them too.”

your sixteen year old daughter
knows that people can be selfish,
and if they don’t want to see something,
they’ll simply turn the other way.
but there is good in this world too.
there are people who will care
and who will love her
and who she can trust.
did you tell her that?
if she stops believing in love
and genuine people,
does she know what to do?
or will she settle for the first man
who gives her any attention,
thinking that he is all
she will ever find?

you tell your twenty-four year old daughter
that one day, you hope
her future is beautiful.

“marry an amazing man.”

“have grandchildren.”

“live happily.”

when you tell her this,
you unintentionally add
your hope for her happiness
at the very end of your sentence,
almost like an afterthought.
your twenty-four year old daughter
wants to get married
and live in a nice house
and give you grandchildren.
but does she know to put herself first?
or will she marry a man because
she thinks he wants her to,
and have grandchildren
because she thinks that’s what you want?
does she know that
she has her own voice?
did you tell her that
she doesn’t need anyone
other than herself
to find happiness?
eva-mae coffey Oct 2020
you sit and eat cereal off my floor.
talk about the way it was before

I know your soul like I know no man's land
You know little about me.
you sit and eat cereal off my floor.
I talk about the things i want to be

ode to the peach tree,
sage leaves and chai tea,
to learning how to play guitar,
to undressed, endless summers
wherever you are.
The Gray Wolf Oct 2020
The time is now
Prepare to fight
We move as one
Under dead of night
We hit the ground
Without a sound
Everywhere we look
There's evil abound
The hunt begins
We absolve your sins
Don't take us lightly
We're not jester's and fools
Warriors of God
The legion of wolves
Bright Violet Oct 2020
Surrounded by family
People I've known all my life
Yet I feel my heart stone cold and numb
We're not the same people anymore.
I've changed. I've come so far.
I'm sorry. I can't take you on this
new journey with me.
My happiness is at the distance
and I want to reach it.
It's been everything a person can feel.
Thank you
Now, it's time for me to spread my wings.
Sydney Oct 2020
I watched beside my mother
The coffin
That carried me
She burst into tears
And whispered, "You were too young."
My father came next
In his coffin of glass
He watched beside me
My baby sister wouldn't know
I was
Never in her life
It made me cry
But I saw a tear
On her cute face
My father hugged me
And little do they know
In our own groups
Angel and human
"We'll always be together"
Sydney ©2020
Lee Jackman Oct 2020
I tell myself i am happy being single.
You tell me thats not true.

I tell myself i dont need a family of my own.
You tell me you would make a fantastic father

I tell myself you will see the real me eventually and leave anyway.
You tell me you know me and that will never happen.

I tell myself im a waste of space and the world would be better without me.
You tell me im not and your life is better with me in it.

I tell myself if it wasnt for you i dont know where i would be.
You tell me i will never have to find out.

I tell myself how lucky i am to have you.
You say the same.
Please excuse any spelling, Im dyslexic. I have not had the confidence to share any of my poems until very recently. So kind words please
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