Four young men on a rooftop in 1969,
Putting on a show for the very last time.
Not the last for any,
but this was the fab fours end.
Four old men under thirty,
about to start again.
People pointing fingers,
people laying blame.
Surely it can't be over
they'll Get Back again.
They'll travel back down that
Long and Winding Road.
Back to Penny Lane,
where it started so long ago.
Imagine the world without the Beatles,
I wonder if you can.
I remember four young men on a rooftop,
being great again.
Wanting to prove it to the world,
Before they let it end.
Before they let it go,
Before they Let it Be.
And that's the memory of
the Beatles,
I'll always choose to see.
I watched all 9 hours of Peter Jacksons
(Get Back) for the third time. And what always strikes
me is that The Beatles were just Kids not even 30 yet,
trying to find themselves, trying to live up to the expectations
of the world.
It's a hell of a documentary and a must see if you're a Beatles fan.