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tamia Mar 2016
some barber once told me
i was too fat for my own good
and little me was heartbroken
his harsh words weren't understood

because i was okay when i looked in the mirror
and mom and dad loved me so
but when the barber blabbed on and on
i knew the chubby arms and legs had to go

and so i felt bad for years
until one day i suddenly thought:
i don't even go to that barber's barber shop!
i don't need to worry about the things i'm not!
Dee Mar 2016
Woman, you are most beautiful when you are not conscious of it. When you are being so natural, unmindful of how others see you. It's when you have no plans of pleasing anyone else because your only goal is to be you today and to be better than yourself tomorrow.

You know woman, you must have gotten it all wrong. Beauty isn't exactly what the media tells you it is. It isn't really about the color of your skin, the shape of your face, the make up you use or the size of your jeans. It is much more than that. It is what is inside you-your thoughts and the value you place on yourself and others. Beauty is being true to who you are. For when you are true to yourself, you are being true to what God made you to be.

On the seventh day of Creation, God rested and admired what He created for six days. Lo and behold!All of them are beautiful!

If God made you, there is no way you can be ugly. You may be flawed but you are definitely beautiful!
the dead bird Mar 2016
no one can make me
feel worse about myself
than I already do
if you're gonna insult me
better put
some ******* effort
into it
Seeking Oblivion Feb 2016
The ineffable satisfaction
To say it's all my fault

The sad joy I sense
Dreaming about my vault

I feel so full of thoughts
I let only a few in

If I'm willing to comfort others
I can't appreciate me, myself, my own skin.
Yeah. So... uhm
Paul Butters Feb 2016
Pleased to meet you.
But you better be pleased to meet me!
For I am the only one who is Me.
And I’m the only one who counts,
For I’m the one who’s experiencing all this:
For me.
Get it?

Doesn’t matter if you are the US President
Or Putin,
Or anyone else “Important”.
Nobody can affect
That what I experience
Is what I experience.

Nobody else will go through
Whatever I go though.
Nobody else will die with me,
Unless we happen to meet the same fate

You may be Royal
Or Rich,
Or All Powerful,
But all that matters to me
Is Me.

Maybe I’m Mad in saying this.
Perhaps the Whisky has taken hold.
Better than being depressed
I have to say.
Euphoria is better than gloom.

You too can be
As crazy as me.
Just free your mind
From the daily grind.

Never let those *******
Grind you down.

Love yourself
And Love
Whatever there is
To Love.

Paul Butters
The Whisky sits well with me......
uzzi obinna Feb 2016
Ocean water wash up my feet,
Chilly rough sand underneath,
Behind me a torturous pit,
Within me a burning seat;

Onwards i'll be with the stars,
At will visiting venus and mars,
Away from the hurts and scars,
From his cruelty and lies;

I have finally closed the door,
To hurting me anymore,
From now i'll forever soar,
But not dragged on the floor;

I gave my heart, he took it all,
I was rend apart, he made me fall,
But now i run, i will not crawl,
my past i burn, i regain it all;

I have made a solemn choice,
No more silence to my voice,
If i will, i'll make a noice,
And stand in confidence and poice;

I will win and never loose,
Although i suffered hatred and abuse,
I'll put myself to reasonable use,
And watch my achievements reproduce.
This is dedicated to every woman who have suffered one form of abuse or the other and have lost her self esteem as a result.
You can still do great things if you can see the value in you.
hadley Jan 2016
and into her I would channel the seas
let them erode at the darkness
file away the rough edges
fill her up so that she felt whole again
onto her
tattoo a thousand words convincing her of her own worth
etch them into her skin before she could wash them away
let them bleed through the empty pores
and sprinkle into her eyes
paint a world
a blank canvas
hand her a paintbrush
I'd remind her that she is more than he could ever build her up to be
that she was seeing the world through a lens distorted with Melatonin clouds and painkiller ocean
Paul Butters Jan 2016
You are Great
Never forget that.
I’m telling you
You are unique
A DNA Lottery win.

You Exist
Are Conscious
And so much more.
A Wonder.

Every bit, you are, of all these things
As Royalty
Or any Power Figure
You care to name.

By all means be polite
To Kings and Queens
And figures of Authority.
But always know
Within yourself
That You are The One.

For You are the only one
That lives Your Life
And that’s the only fact
That Counts.

Give due deference to those in power
If only to preserve yourself
For your survival is
The only thing that matters.

Esteem yourself
For you are wonderful
Assert yourself
For you’re the only one
Who is I.

Paul Butters
Good Whisky tonight!!! Many people lack self esteem so.......
MOTV Dec 2015
In a land vast,
I try to learn a clear thought
A form that I can use
chisel the underlying block
I am not hypnotised from the eyes
I can't make situations come,
Must learn when they arrive.
Alive I feel inclined to speak only from the mind.
But as I do I am defined,
like reading the summary of a book
in the back slacking off before class casting thoughts
before understanding the twist in the plot, arise true thoughts that leave no compromise in mind third-eye. Thrid like, my surroundings are spiraling around me, staying awake, alive beating riding a heart, but the flame depart, to die in mind, they stay alive learning, yearning to grow, in time the thought provoke, divine inclined to say watch now how fine, words come from dumb  ones dying.
Kate Lion Dec 2015
My New Year's Resolution
is not to keep a running count of unfixed nicks and cracks along my foundation
i want to train myself to understand that the blemishes and smudges i see when i look into a mirror are not real because the beholder is broken and the beholder is me.
i want to sit down at a table with myself and have an honest conversation
stop telling myself that my accomplishments are amateur and meaningless
i want to stop wiping my name off the trophies in my brain with nail polish remover
give myself credit where credit is due
i want higher self esteem, don't you?
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