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Kate May 2018
There are freckles on my hands that you failed to notice and scars on my knees you picked at with jagged fingernails,
never asking for a story.
I found your mother's name in pieces underneath your bed while mine was tattooed clearly across my chest.
You attribute your silence  to solidarity in independence whereas I argue you are a shell of a man
and god,
i wanted to fill you with all the daisies and honey i had left.
You "Can't Do This Anymore",
a white flag riddled in hopelessness,
I could do this for the rest of my life.
There's muddy footprints outlining the path you took away from me,
I'll place my small step in each one as I follow you slowly,
and perhaps you'll wait for me at the end.
(alternately titled random axe of violence)

I calculated an average
     of ~10.16.... deaths per year
of mass school shootings since Columbine,
     a morbid benchmark where,

iGen / Gen Z 1995 - 2012 bore significant hit,
now students require armed guards to learn - veer
really within purportedly "safe places",
     which statistics tracks a unilinear

trend, and justifiably causing
     absolute zero reassurance
     countering alarmist state of mind dust tear
ability to accept rationale

     dismissing greater probability
     prevails lightening will strike loved ones,
     nonetheless share
ring understandable expressing

     rightful salient concerns with school board
     quotidian possibility son(s) and/or daughter(s) rare
lee remain mum at every opportunity,
     how second amendment does not square

with democratic e pluribus unum firmament,
     lieutenant management,
     quintessential reverent tenets
pointing trigger finger of accountability

     at lax gun purchasing rare
lee does emotional uproar demanding
     immediate controls, limitations, restrictions,
     et cetera on firearms scare

the bejesus from stalwart National Rifle Association,
     whence spokesperson doth prepare
convincing rebuttal (lock, stock at barrel) overbear
ring lee outgun legitimate

     parental concerns, now near
daily occurrence hardly cause a flinch glossed
     inducing similar reactions as
     sports home team defeated, sans mere

slightly raised eyebrows while headline news
     when another tragedy gets tacked
     unto the 122 students killed since Columbine
     took the lives of innocent lives 19 plus years ago

which ** hum sacrifice of youth or teachers bare
     lee induce ripple despite an increasing number
     of spent bullets fallout inflicting
     more than 208,000 vulnerable
     impressionable psyches sorrows need a lifetime to air!
Andrew Ewen Apr 2018
December the 31st 2011 is a date I won't forget.
A day filled with misery and full of regret.
Everything was normal as I watched the television.
Then something tore my world apart with a calculated precision.
It started with shaking and a rapid increase in my heartbeat.
I'm not ashamed to admit, I'd almost resigned myself to defeat.
A tight chest sweating and a faint head.
I'd never been so sure that I'd end up dead.
Scared I could die at any moment, I questioned what I'd achieved.
Asking what I'd done wrong and questioning the punishment I'd received.
A Flowered Tux Mar 2018
My tongue feels like lead.
There is a buzzing in my head.
Th lights are too bright,
It's too late in the night,
I just want to leave,
Can you even believe
that I am on a boat?
I'm not supossed to float!
But now I must sing,
for only I can bring
A calm to the sea
These sailors are looking at me
with a new found clarity.
For I can bring them prosperity
all because of my shimmering tail.
But don't worry for I will prevail.
Because with the shinning of the moon.
I will bring them all their doom.
Sometimes I feel trapped with no way out then I remember I have claws.
Danielle Mar 2018
I’ve chosen fight today,
I’ve been choosing fight every single night and day.
I bear the scars now of victories
And the still dripping wounds of defeats.
I’m a fighter now
I fought for me and you.
If I could I’d lay down this spear.
Just to rest for a day or year,
But battles need to be fought.
So I’ll just keep choosing fight instead of flight
Until it’s no longer needed.
I like the idea of these two poems together, representing a growth of stances. But I'm not sure about the words or how it's put together. Thoughts and ideas welcomed! Part two of two
Bailey Mar 2018
I try
But to no avail
To trust is to love
And that I cannot feel

It hurts to watch
Others trust
And turn to dust

Eyes closed tight
On a winter night
Cry away
With all your might

I told you
To trust is to love
And that I cannot feel
alexis Mar 2018
i'm screaming against windows
in a 4 x 4 room by a crowded street,
anticipating a turn of the head
or slam against glass in wonderment.

i'm thrashing above and under
a crowded pier,
onlookers engaged more
by alcohol and bikini bottoms
than the girl's lungs full of seawater.

i'm sinking into a bed, certain
black moths and butterflies outside
are the only insects interested
in this bedsheet quicksand.

i'm throwing the bird who cries,
wings flapped and gripping the ledge,
overboard to dull any will left
in its blue body.

nobody notices the 150 pound girl,
so who would listen to an animal's forced swan-song?
Heidi Franke Mar 2018
Many things going on around you.
Clothes hang on chairs, littered
Like valves of the heart hang
By cords in diastole
Waiting for blood
What do you care about?

I have too many clothes.
Axion Prelude Feb 2018
Defeat is my surmise; what wrought from even the purest intention wilts away by wanton ignorance

Surfeit, the ire of holds past begin to clench my heart with stoic nostalgia

How wise it were to have embraced such depth of heartbreak in all my effort's past; to see the light we must step through darkness periodically.. I simply wish I hadn't need to have done that with you; you were so bright, which lit my path clearly for the first time ever

"two threads cut from the same cloth"

Intellectualism is dead
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