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Zoe Mae Jan 2018
I latched onto the beast as it took off with a pounce
And I gave all I had pound for pound ounce for ounce
And just as I thought I had reached the beast's head
I looked up and was under the belly instead
Raziel Jan 2018
Follower of none, protector of one,
A door once open, oh what happened?
Chains once firm, when will I learn?
What once was dawn, has now become dusk,
Now I am cold, and I was once told,
“follow or fall, crawl down this hall,
Bow and grovel, conform to your mold,
You are a sin, let go of your hopeless hold,
No one can help, not even your kin,
So trust me when I say don't trust,
Follow me when I say don't follow,
A cell is just another word for home,
This bed is where you wallow,
I hear the dirt of a grave,
Is just a blanket so plain,
Deeper you fall,
Down this hall,
Chains once firm,
Door once open,
Follower of one, protector of none.
MelaninInked Jan 2018
They say that life gives you enough scars, don't manufacture your own.
I just wish this tumblr quote came my way back when I felt alone
I have scars running up and down my thighs and arms
When I look at them they scream louder than alarms
I am beaten up, defeated and bruised
I am confused, hurt and used
Is it ok that suicide has become a constant thought in my mind?
I know you see me look at you, but I can;t see, I'm blind.
I just want to wake up to live not survive
I just want not look but also feel alive
I just want to smile
I know they say that as teenagers go through "emotional turmoils" but sometimes it runs deeper than that. Depression is real, suicide is real. Voices need to be raised.
Arionna Jan 2018
You make love taste rotten, like something that has been sitting out on the sidewalk underneath the afternoon sun. People like you only know how to love yourself and take more than you give. People like you love storms, ravaging the homes others have constructed, leaving nothing behind. You turn something wonderful into something I wish I never had. To you, love must mean Winning, must mean always being right, must mean crushing the person that I am just so you can build your ego a little higher. To you, I must look like a fight, a competitor, a challenge to defeat. You use your words and threats to make me forget that I am a vital part of the relationship, your kisses fall like duct tape on my lips, you don't let me be anything but yours. Yours to love, hurt, twist, break, yours to keep, own, manipulate. I know it is wrong to love someone like you. But that is why things like this are hard- you fall in love with oceans before you realize how easy it is for them to drown you, you fall in love with people before you see how even seemingly best of them can abuse you.
Umi Dec 2017
When everything dies an angel plays a tune
When everything leaves me is it bad to assume
That hatred is what keeps me strong ?
Though I could be wrong...
First mother then father now even my grandpa
Have all the lirycs of a forgotten song
Another day ends in defeat, another time I end up beat
Whats the point of ever even trying ?
If I would say that I am okey I would be lying
Its fine to die...we are all the same
Here hold this determinded flame...
Its all I have left....
Will someone take my hand ?
Or did my life already begin to end,
Like my father who has pathetically killed himself
A Umi who is left without any friend
Is worth nothing at all, maybe this is the right time, to take my fall
I cant take this anymore, not the blood I bled,
My vision begins to slowly turn red
Is this what is called fate ? Is this what I get ?
But we are not our past...not our fears..
Please someone rest with me...
Let me breathe and set me free,
Even if this wretched world with all its flaws might be beautiful
I don't want to be part of it anymore,
I want to rise into the heavens and soar..
I want to be free

~ Umi
felicity Dec 2017
"He doesn't want to be called king
Because he believes that he isn't.
He used to be on war,
Liquor are not his thing rather
Sword and armor are what he always bring.

He isn't the light of salvation,
But he is more like a realization;
That we don't need those knights,
We must be brave enough
To face scratches and wounds
That he believes is a sign of strength.

Annihilate, yet he condemned war.

He is more like a hero,
Helping and healing innocent people
That has a blood of the rivals.

He fight but he valued life.

My war is for the fame and fortune
While his was for peace between life and death.
He will be praised by his bravery
While I will be nothing but an ordinary."

"You isn't much fit for being a fisher, mister." A boy said.

"But the hero doesn't come back to the kingdom. He is right infront of you. Forsooth, defeated."
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