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Ines Rose Jan 2017
I knew how to speak in Spanish
Then, before I knew it,
I almost forgot

I knew how to give you my love
Then, before I knew it,
That knowledge was lost

I knew how to laugh at the jokes
Then, before I knew it,
The joke was on me

[2019 edit:
I knew what the world was about
Then, before I knew it,
It wasn't so easy]
(Spur of the moment)
Jack Thompson Jan 2017
We had a culture and a humility
That descended into poverty.
It's much and none.
Desperation and opportunity.

I see the beauty and the pain in the eyes.
Of those victims to this tourist culture.
That has us all losing our morality.
I was a person and now I have a price tag.

Traditions that hold us back as a people
That spiral the young naive and uneducated towards empty hearts.
Forced to partake at the mercy of baht.

We weren't always this way.
© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2017
Jack Thompson Jan 2017
I'm gonna spend my time
Escaping my own thoughts
When I dwell just too long
Everything in my heart goes wrong.

I'm just trying to live today
Until the next.
The things I have to do
Just to make it.

Life gradually losing its meaning
Day in day out nothing changes
Just to lay here under you
Your mercy my displeasure.

© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2017
Lingua Franca Jan 2017
She is deep and coloured with story
she was picked accordingly by God like every other
she steals any peak of brightness and stores it in her warmth
she constantly desires the light that looks down on her
she is fed and enriched when she meets the sun
she glows and thrives once she meets him.
She is loved by many but hated much too,
she is a symbol of my culture
she will live with me forever

My skin is Dark and lovely
Alan S Bailey Jan 2017
So far nothing new is happening.
This is just history repeating itself.
One day all love will cease to have meaning,
It will just be something you can purchase,
Like buying plot on the Moon or Mars,
Or war or knowledge or emotions or words,
We'll just pretend it's all real.
A strange, vain culture we've developed,
Why everything is a steal.
And we never learn, we live in fear, do the same
Ridiculous things that "work" over and over again,
Why you can see how it's just a valley of blades,
One day you will realize it's only a matter of when
Some will wind up getting left in the dust, others in the gray,
I've got a hunch that one day if we wait long enough,
Eventually we will wind up in the dark again.
There will again be hell to pay*

Only a matter of when...
Those people...
Some can't be saved,
People should know their place,
No, we are not like those people,
People, well, they get what they deserve,
Some people just aren't worth the time of day,
There is just not enough for everyone on this planet!
They should be thankful, at least they're in a free country.


Done for the night guys thanks all for listening.
Ms. Society,
    when in need, you're the Apple,
-in her eye...

After a fill,
     flung, tossed-away just another piece,
-of her garbage.

The White man's actions when exposed to the light of day,
            cannot compete with the intellect of the black man.

Get it?
       ...Will Smith.


That's the whole point, that you got to defend your whiteness, your privilege!"

The fact that I have to defend you isn't reason enough?

           How about this; the fact that I defend you period is the reason why you a got a shot at the title?

~Mr. Caucasian(Whiteness Monster)
Victor Timmons Jul 2016
I cultivated the land
Make offerings of grass to god
No reward from above
My brother gives him a lamb
Receives holly reward
Abel come to field I have something for you

Violence is rampant
Media highlights deaths
Killers makes history
Fingers are pointed
Desensitized people
This is our culture of violence

Rise up against me
Talk out of place
I will destroy you, your family, your place
You are just 1 more impaled
I take pleasure from you pain
80000 dead Viad rules you

Violence is rampant
Media highlights deaths
Killers makes history
Fingers are pointed
Desensitized people
This is our culture of violence

Take them from their land
Whip them make them your own
I am your master sitting on a throne
Thousands will die to see the light
Mr. Lincoln slavery is our right
Your blood is needed time to fight

Violence is rampant
Media highlights deaths
Killers makes history
Fingers are pointed
Desensitized people
This is our culture of violence

Now go and shoot up the schools
**** innocent children
Lets look at the problem
Violence has been normalized
Indifference to death
Shots ring out, who cares, one more is dead

Violence is rampant
Media highlights deaths
Killers makes history
Fingers are pointed
Desensitized people
This is our culture of violence

Stop all the killings
This is our culture of violence

Stop all the killings
This is our culture of violence

Stop all the killings
This is our culture of violence

Written By Victor Timmons
Sad days we live in
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