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Sarra Mar 2020
When time outruns the last of your brothers, and the heart of a golden generation turns into stone. Your strained bones long to rest among your loved ones, but you're unable to answer their call.
There's worry lingering in your thoughts and straining your soul. You fear for stories too precious to leave behind, vulnerable to the ruthless fires of oblivion.
So you keep clinging tiredly to an uncertain future. Desperately, you wonder for a shelter, a sanctum to all the lessons that must endure.

Let go of these fears grandmother. Your history will live on.

Through emblems, talismans and charms carved in the blood of our nation, your beliefs will be embedded in the symbols of our ancestors. Your teachings will clear the path for understanding, and our bodies will carry on the knowledge you left us.
Through legends, tales and chants all forged from truth, your morals will resonate among frozen hearts. Your hopes will breathe life into our dying spirits, and the wisdom of our ancestry will guide our nation for eternities.

Go in peace grandmother. Your wishes will live on.

As your never-fading love warms us, harmony and peace will unite us again, and we will reach together to the glory you once saught.
As your never-dying spirit inspires us, bravery and confidence will guide our conquests, and our triumphs await in the lands you dreamt of exploring.
And as the blessings of your ancestors protect us, we'll pass on the knowledge to our children, and enlighten the path you've once shown us.

So rest assured grandmother. Our culture will live on.
AE Feb 2020
I always wondered,
Why in my culture, we wore a red
And not a white
Then I remembered she is a woman
Her blood is rinsed with sacrifice
And on the day of matrimonial happiness
She shall bleed out
Maybe it’s a cry for change,
Or maybe it’s compromise in its most crimson reflection
But when her hands are stained with henna
And her arms laced in embroidered elegance
Does her blood begin to change?
And if it doesn’t, will she be thrown away
Like the burden on her fathers head?
That chokes him from the day she was born to the day she is wed
Is that why her mother once wore the colour red?
I think to myself,
a lamb bleeds too when it’s cut for it’s meat,
And then it’s coat is no longer light
Is that why she wears red and not white?
Big Virge Feb 2020
A Woman I Know...
Keeps Talking As Though...

The Way People Live...
Is Going Through A... " SHIFT "...

Sometimes What She Says Just Sounds Like CRAP... !!!
But In Truth These Days She May Be Talking FACT... !?!

Cos' LOTS of Stuff That Currently Runs
Provides PROOF That Maps...
A Way To ZION... WITHOUT Snoop Lion... !!!!!

That's QUITE A SHIFT He's NOW Down With... !!!
Down With RASTA'... So NOT Gun Clappers... ?!?

Sometimes These Rappers Just Make Me Laugh... !!!
From Being A **** To... Smoking Drugs... !!!

They SHIFT So MUCH That It's Hard To Know...
Who's REALLY TOUGH From Who's... ALL SHOW... !!!!!

There Are A FEW... " Pros' "...
That's Right... Record Company **'s... !!!!

But Some Are LARGE And HIT REAL HARD... !!!
When It Comes To THOSE Tools That Producers Use... !!!

But What About SHIFTS In How We Live... ?
And... What We BELIEVE... ?!?

Adam And Eve...
Is Now... " Adam and Steve "... !?!

Smoking ****... Well NOW It Seems...
That MORE Do This Than MOST Believe... !!!

From THOSE Who Direct For Hollywood Screens...
To THOSE On Set With A SHEEN Thats CLEAN... !!!

THAT Verse Refers To... TOP ACTORS...
Who SHIFT Like Rappers When Their World... SHATTERS... !!!!!!

Just Look At Whitney... Or... Look At Britney...

SHIFTS That MOVE Their Fanbase... QUICKLY...
When Things IN VIEW Prove They're Quite SICKLY... !!!!!

What About SHIFTS For The... " Average Joe "... ???

Some Enlist... SHIFTS That LIFT... !!!
While Others DON'T And End Up BROKE... !!!!!

BROKE In Ways I CAN'T Explain... ?!?
Because MY Shifts MOVE ME From... PAIN... !!!

Because I Enlist... TAKING The STRAIN... !!!

Until It LIFTS And Fades Awaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy............. ...........

See My Friend Is Speaking of DEEPER Shifts...
Like... SHIFTS In POWER... !!!

SHIFTS That SHOWER And Make Some.... " cower "...
Because TRUTH Will OUT In The End.... DON'T Doubt.... !!!!!

YUP From The Mouths And From The SOUNDS...
of ALL That HOUNDS And Then SURROUNDS... !!!

It's Happening NOW... !!!
Political CLOWNS... Getting FOUND OUT...

Religious Grounds That AREN'T So Sound... !!!!!

LYING Women... CHEATING Men...
Relationships Founded On PURE Pretence... !?!
In The END... WON'T Stand The Test...

When It Comes To STRESS And They Have To CONFESS...
That LOVE Was EXPRESSED... Under DURESS... !!!!!

It's Sad To think...
That ALL These Shifts Come Back To THIS...

And NOT Facing... REALITY...

In Times Like THESE It May Be TRUE...

There's A Shift Going On For ME And YOU...
But Like Marvs' Song... " What Ya Gonna Do ? "....

Cos' These Words AREN'T Nonsense... !!!

... " Change is Constant ! "...

So I'll Leave You With... THIS...

When It Comes To How You LIVE...
And How It IS You Think...

If Society KEEPS Moving As IT NOW IS...
Are You EQUIPPED To Cope With The Things That Give...
Or... Will You RESIST The Things That...

.............. " Shift ".............
We are all subject to change, or, as the poem suggests, shifts in who we are and how we see ourselves, and the world, and we are definitely now in a time of all kinds of different shifts !
Big Virge Feb 2020
For Some It Seems Perception ... LEANS ...  
Toward THOSE Dreams of ... " FANTASIES " ...  

Is Perception ISN'T Better Than ... REALITY ... !!!
In FACT Thoughts Like These NEED Some CLARITY ... !!!  
Perceptive Brains NEED To ... TAKE THE STRAIN ... !!!!!  
And DEAL With The REAL Rather Than Leave The Keel ...  
UneVenLY Balanced And ... PAINFULLY Challenged ... !!!  
By This ... What I Mean ...  
IS ... " Living The Dream " ...  
AIN'T ALL That It ... " SEEMS " ...  
Sometimes Within Life You HAVE To FACE Trials ...  
That REALLY ... AREN'T That Nice ... !!!!!  
NO TIME For DENIAL Or ... " Jeremy Kyle " ... !!!!!!!!!!!!  
THAT Line ... Makes Me Smile ... !!!  
What's Up With THAT SHOW ... ?!?  
Perception FULL BLOWN WITHOUT The ... " Green Mile " ...  
NOBODY Can Know Another Mans' WOES ... !!!  
Perception Is Something ... Reality BLOWS ... !!!!  
When Comfort Zones Go And FALSEHOODS Unfold ..................  
Perceptions of People ... Make Some Turn To EVIL ... !!!  
"He ain't no bad guy, he don't know the game !  
We'll make him feel like, he's sweeter than cane !"  
See ... " Kindness For Weakness " ...  
Can Leave People ... TEETHLESS ... !!!
It's ALL A Deception This FAITH in ... " Perception " ...  
"He's got to sell drugs, just look at his mug,  
and look at his hair, it makes me feel scared !"  
See Perception's A LAIR Where Cats Should BEWARE ... !!!  
Cos' Reality BITES Just Like Those ... BED MITES ... !!!  
Affecting Your Sleep When Thoughts Start To ... "creep" ...  
Like ACTS of Deceit That Leads Some To ... "CHEAT" ...  
And Treat Their Beliefs Like Leaves Blown On Streets ...  
THROWN Here And There In FACT ... EVERYWHERE ...  
As If What They KNOW Just ... CANNOT Be So ... !?!  
Now THAT DON'T Add Up ... Perception And TRUST ...  
TRUST What You KNOW ... NOT What Is On SHOW ... !!!!!  
PERCEIVE ... What You Like ... !!!  
I Deal In What's FACT NOT Fantasy Acts ... !!!!!  
It Seems That Most Minds PERCEIVE What They Like ...  
Rather Than Walk The Path Where DARK Finds The Light ... !!!  
Perception Will ALWAYS PREVAIL In These Types ...  
Who Just CANNOT Face ... The Darkest of Times ... !!!!!  
Because They THEN SEE What REALITY Feeds ... !!!!!  
SEEDS And SEAMS That Sometimes Seem ...  
As If THE DREAM ... AIN'T Quite So Clean ... !!!!!  
But Truth Be Told As Time ... U N F O L D S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
It Is Just What It ... NEEDS To Be ... !!!!!  
FILLED With ... Vagaries of Scenes ...  
Scenes of MORE Than ... PETTY Wars ...  
Scenes of PEACE ... And YES BEAUTY ...  
And EVEN Scenes of .... UNITY ....  
Which ALL EMBRACE ... " REALITY " ... !!!  
But Reality's SEAMS AREN'T ALL Like These ... !!!  
It's Balance and TRUTH That ... In MY VIEW ...  
SHOULD Be USED ... To School The Confused ... !!!!!  
Cos There Are A Few Who'd Rather CHOOSE ...  
Perception OVER ... What Is TRUE ... ?!?  
So ....
Is Perception BETTER Than ... " Reality " ...  
These Days I Can SEE ...
How To Some It Can Seem That It May Just Be ... ?!?  
I Guess That's The LESSON That Leaves MANY STRESSING ...  
The Ideas of INCEPTION ... That Minds Be ACCEPTING ...  
So Here's My LAST QUESTION ...  
Is It All A Deception That's NEEDING CORRECTION ... ?!?  
Or NOW An ... INFECTION ...  
That NEEDS To STOP Spreading ...  
Peoples' ... " CONCEPTIONS " ...  
Of Life Through ...  
..... " Perception " ......
What You Perceive May Indeed ... Deceive ...
Big Virge Feb 2020
So It’s CLEAR That ...“ ILLUSIONS “ ...  
Are Now Being ... PROVEN ... !!!  

So ... Alphabet Genders ...  
Are Now The TRENDSETTERS ... !!!  

From Stage To TV ....  
What Was Once Freely Deemed As Being OBSCENE ...  
Is Now Being Seen On ... Various Screens ... !!!  
Talking of Screening ....  
When It Comes To Policing Their Illusion Feeds Screaming ...  
Because of The Dealings of Police With NO Feelings ... !!!  
Who Really Give Beatings To Those They Be Deeming ...  
To Be ... BAD Human Beings ... !!!  
But Movements They’re Using PROVES That Their Illusion ...  
Leads To Their ABUSING The Truth For .... MISUSING ...  
Their Powers Like Cowards Who Live In DARK Towers ... !!!  
Like Those ... “ HOLDING POWER “ ... !!!  
Whose Truth Eludes Clues That Gives People Proof ...  
WITHOUT The Illusions That Keep Them From Movements ...  
Where They Stand In Court ...  
Due To Lies That DISTORT ...  
The Truth For Their Moves ...  
Like Paedophiles Teaching ILLUSIONS To Youth ...  
That Lead To Abuse That Then Hits The News ...  
Like ... Calls For Impeachment ...  
That Are ******* ... By Proceedings ...  
Their Illusions KEEP Sneaking Into Their Public Readings ...  
So Folks Be Believing Illusions Where Scheming ...  
And Payoffs Have Leanings ...
That STOPS Evidence From Leaking ... !!!  
Money Infusion Creates These Illusions ...  
That Truth Is What’s Used ... Inside of Courtrooms ...  
Where High Fliers Cash Is Used To Pull SCAMS ...  
Where Loopholes Are Found ... Due To Dollars And Pounds ...  
Instead of Strong Cases That Have ... SOLID Grounds ...  
Well Right About Now ....  
Illusions Surround And Drown Out The Sounds ...  
of Those Who Speak Out About How We’re CLOWNED ... !!!  
By Laws That Are Flawed CORRUPTED And BOUGHT ...  
By ... POWERFUL Guys Whose Money Now Buys ...  
FREEDOM From Truth With Water Tight Proof ... ?!?  
Because They Collude With Those In Courtrooms ...  
Before Things Are Heard And Public Observed ... !!!  
You’re Being ABSURD To Believe What Is Stirred ...  
In Pots Filled With Plots Like Those of ... Ridley Scott’s ... !!!  
Confusions Polluting ...  
MUCH MORE Than Young Students ... !!!!!!!!!!  
They’re Dealing In ... “ TALES “ ...  
For Illusions To Sail So The Truth Gets DERAILED ... !!!!!  
It’s Time For LESS LOOSENESS ... !!!!!  
And Corruption Where Movements Are Suitably NEUTERED ...  
For These Liars To Hide ... Behind Their ......  
...... “ Illusions “ ......
Winterhawk Nevin Feb 2020
Welcome to suicide city. Where the first nations population dies quickly. Let me be your tour guide for this deep dive about suicide through aboriginal eyes. The youth, grown up in abuse, turn to drugs or a noose. Bruised, *****, used with no escape in view. So they try to run but succumb to the world's weight and numb themselves to just live another day. At last, atlas could take a break, because our children now hold the world's weight. As the parents lay near by, needles riddled near them and beer bottles laid beside. Too weak to stand, to protect or provide, The proper care for their youth so they some coincide with disgrace as the kids stare and face what fate may lay.

Five times more than normal do native men die. Crushed by the world, by the weight of the skies. They are tough on the exterior but broken on the inside. Not taught to talk so they take their own lives.

Young women perish about 8 times quicker. With a voice of her own but no one will hear her. Abused she endures so she drowns herself in liquor. She succumbs to darkness, to the thoughts that no one would miss her.

Our suicide rates are higher than any other. Tear stricken parents burying their sons and daughters. So many are to blame but the true culprits are our mothers and fathers.

We suffer from what I call, cultural deprivation. We suffer of separation of our own. Children were forced to face colonization alone. Put into schools where our people were told. That our way of life was a lie and they're saving our souls. Only to be the harbingers of my peoples demise. They abducted our youth to save them from their "lies". Separated from their families was truly a tragedy. Those priest and nuns messed them up and never taught them to love. So they were release to the world with nothing but a shove and a shrug.
Aneesh H Jan 2020
'Every competition - is not
A struggle to win over others
But a battle over one's own insecurities
To overcome a perception of exclusion'
I have been a part of the rat race, yet did not want to be a rat. I have often felt, that there is so much of aimless competition in our daily lives that the purpose of doing an activity and experiencing it without the secret feeling of jealousy, and an urge to win it, is nearly impossible to have!

I look at this maddening race of life, from an outsider's perspective. Rather than be a part of the mad race, I would be happy to stand outside and introspect. I
How graceful and more fulfilling it would have been to progress at each one's own pace, pausing a moment in between, to reflect upon the freshly bloomed flower and its beauty, or the morning chirp of the the birds, their flight and gaiety?

Is competition a necessary outgrowth of civilization, or a gangrene that the body of civilization can do away with? Has it dis-cultured us?! What are your thoughts?
Xella Jan 2020
Muffled sobs and pretty crying
Dressed beautifully in black to stand by boxes treasure of the heart-
And to imagine it ripped out time and time again before the preacher starts- so start

Throw soil onto mahogany box all symbolic and sane- I don’t know if I’d do it the same
What to say? I’ve never been to ash funeral of bright summer day-
To stand and cry in laces dress smart suit hat on head- conceal the dreadful fact we are all now dead
To stand and cry in pain.

For the one million dollar, no! To little-
Precious delight lies safely on velvet  mattress
So pretty.
The dichotomy of two so contrasting so ironic-
Sad crying but sad and beautiful-
Dead and cold by dead- beautifully dead Wait!
Pampered face and fluffed chest- never start controversy of the contour on his face the pain on his lips her neck-
We try so hard to preserve and keep- why?

To not celebrate the day with all the broken hearted that bleed, for you left! So yes, cry.
Cry angry Cry sad Cry pretty beautiful
But remember always remember this end
The ritual made, was made one day over a few many days-
This end of the movement of life is all made by us.

So party-
                   For the ones that lived!
                                                  - and remember me.
I’ve never been to a funeral, at least the “normal” kind.
Rickey Someone Jan 2020

Why do I shrug off their compliments?
I hate words of affirmation,
I don’t know how to react or what to say,
But they’re exactly what I need.

Without praise, I’d feel worthless,
But positive public attention is almost worse.
I feel puffed up or manipulated.
But is humility shooting down an applauding crowd?

“Shut up and say thank you,” they tell me.
That’s how to master humility.
So I’ll take what I can get,
And I’ll work at giving it in return.

I have so much love inside,
That I’m afraid to show.
But blasting out compliments,
Is hardly the wrong way to go.
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