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Max Neumann Jan 2020
dis here speech addresses all colors
this speech addresses all colors

try to appreciate life
try ta appreciate life feel me?

try ta respect everyone
try to respect everyone

yo maybe eved try ta love people
maybe even try to love people

tis be what i done been learnin' in stationary treatment  
that's what i've been learnin in stationary treatment

if ya don't embrace such values
if you don't embrace such values

try at least tolerating others:

you's black, white and biracial brothers
your black, biracial and white brothers

don't forget you's sisters
don't forget your sisters:

black, biracial, white

24 hours be made of day and night
24 hours are made of day and night

ya feel me?
do you understand?

every man be a mister
every man is a mister

every woman be a lady
every woman is a lady

racists are lazy
racists be lazy

since they don't want to understand "others"
since dey don't finna understand "others"

lovin', tho, be de best mood to make it trough dis state that we call life.

loving, though, is the best mood to make it through this state that we call life.  

from me to you:
from me to you:

Today is a good day.
Xella Jan 2020
These reflecting pearls, the bane of my existence-
Oh so blind to the left and right of squiggly lines like
The pounding of a fly on eardrums- my mind they scour
Flies beating round the hole in my head,
equivalent to the way they fall fate to windows-
Window sills their life long bed-
My windows to the world seem to fall short- failing
Even now in writing this down-
The buzzing bees build their home above my mind and below my throat.
Jane Jan 2020
She deserved it.
Everyone agrees with me.
The signals mixing with the cocktails
and I don't even know what time it is.

She had it coming.
Her parents told her so.
I was acting like any guy would. Should.
Skin taunting. Hips hypnotising me with
That rhythmic pulsing

She wanted it.
How was I supposed to know
when she bit her
lip that way, flirted that
way, smiled that
way, dressed

She did it to herself.
It's not my fault.
That's the way things are, right?
Writing prompt: you are the villain, but unaware of it.
Xella Jan 2020
“You’ll be fine…”
Right i’ll be fine with my labels to brag.
With my diploma, undergraduate degree, masters, phd
Under all that, me. I can barely see me-
I’ll be fine but, happiness? Is that in the picture?
Sorry I digress...

The status quo, they tell us A+ vital,
F is the devil,
Dr label in front of your name makes you capable.

I breathe complex numbers and long words
my blood is A+ and yes, it is something I lust.
For I, in this reality and life need that degree, PHD-
it is vital to me.
Contradicting my dreams?
Xella Jan 2020
From timid tap to thud feet come running-
Eyes in the back of necks dare open to the groan
of a grandfather ticking clock, fingers
fingers in fauna twist to turn as dry bones roll within casket homes-
snapping knees and grinding of joins vibrate through floors waking.
the crack of a whip hollows out stones as they tip south-
Eyes wide shut.
              Eyes wide shut-
Wrote this on paper. I feel as if paper gives you a whole different sense.
Big Virge Dec 2019
A Report I've Read Today ...    
Has Left Me Feeling ... Quite AMAZED ... !!!!!    
Forces Types Who Have Some Stripes ...      
Appear To Take Drugs Like ******* ... ?!?      
Or OTHER Drugs Classed As YES ... "  Class A " ... !!!!!      
Well .....    
Once They're of A CERTAIN Rank ... !!!      
In An ... EXCEPTIONAL Circumstance ... !!!      
Are NOT To Be Told They've GOT TO GO ... !!!      
The Ideas Being SOLD ...      
They Should Get ... REHAB ... !!!!!      
And Then Kept On ..................................................      
When Assessed To Be ... " STRONG " ..... !!!?!!      
Now Don't Get Me Wrong ...      
But  ... What's Up With THAT Plan .... !!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!      
Are Drug Dealers INSIDE Their Camps ... !!!!!      
Offering Speed ******* And .... CRACK .... !?!    
Are They People They Now Enlist ... ?!?      
If You Want The List Try ... " M.I.6. " ... !!!      
They Seem To Hold The Keys To All This ...      
And Over The Years Have Given Young Kids This Type of FIX ... !?!      
"Who's up for some L.S.D. ?"    
"Come on sarge, stop teasing me !      
It helps me deal with things I see !"      
But Later On When That Life's GONE .................................      
They CANNOT SLEEP ... !!!!!!!      
Because of BAD VISIONS In Their Dreams ...      
" Apocalypse Now " ... Proved This To Me ... !!!      
Well ... Like ALI ... !!!!!      
They'd Better BELIEVE ..... !!!!!!      
I'll NEVER Join Their ... DRUGGED Armies ... !!!!!      
NO Wonder A Wealth Have KILLED Themselves ... !!!      
The Drugs They're FED AFFECT Mental Health ... !!!      
They've Seen BLOODSHED And LOSE Their Friends ...      
And Do This For These ... " Government Men " ...      
Who WATCH This Stuff On ... " News at Ten " ... ?!!!?      
They Should Present THE DEAD To THEM ... !!!!!      
Leave Them Lying ... In THEIR Beds ... !!!!!      
I Bet They'd QUICKLY ... LOSE Their Heads  ... !!!!!      
This Simply Proves They USE And ABUSE ...      
And Send Forces Once ... DRUG Induced ... ?!?      
These Days The News Leaves Me Confused ... ?      
"DRUGS ARE BAD ... DRUGS ARE BAD ... !"      
EXCEPT For CELEBS And OUR Army Lads ... !?!      
So What About Blacks Who They Say SELL CRACK ... !!?!!      
There's CLEARLY A NEED In .... " Forces Camps " .... !!!!!      
Would Our Officials ... Sanction THAT ... !!?!!      
That Could Be A NEW ... " Rehab Scheme ... ?!?      
Crack Dealing CRIMINALS Supplying Our SENTINELS ... !!!      
Isn't That ... CREDIBLE ... ?!?      
They'd **** Two Birds With ... CRACK And SPEED ... !!!      
Keep The Dealers ... OFF Our Streets .... !!!!!!!!      
And Use REHAB TEAMS Like ... " Property " ...      
Make A THRIVING .... INDUSTRY .... !!!!      
One That Could Take Squaddies Money ... !!!!      
Then Of Course ... A KNIGHTHOOD For ME ... !!!!!!!      
For Contributions To CHEMISTRY ...      
And Policies For HEALTH And COMMUNITIES ... !!!!!      
THANK YOU That's GREAT ... !!!      
But ... " LET'S GET THINGS STRAIGHT " ... !!!    
Who On Earth Thinks It's OKAY To Send Forces To War ...      
When They're Quite SURE of DRUGS They Take ... !?!      
CHEMICAL Weeds And OTHER ... " Class A " ... !!!      
Pete Doherty .....      
Should Be Sent With SPEED  ... !!!!!!      
Into Iraq And ... Afghanistan ...        
If He Didn't Fight They'd Be Alright ... !!!!!      
Because His Squadron Would Just Get ... " HIGH " ... !!!!!!      
They'd Do A BETTER Job Than The ... U.N. Lot ... !!!!!      
It's A CRAZY Plot But ... Doch' Would ROCK ... !!!!!      
DON'T Get Me WRONG ... !!!      
He's Got ... PROBLEMS ... !!!      
He's Faced The Courts But Of Course ... GOT OFF ... !?!      
Because ... "They Say" ...      
"He needs re-hab and should write more songs !"    
But The M.O.D. What's Their EXCUSE ... !?!      
For The Masses Paying Tax For ... Soldiers REHAB ... ?!?      
Don't Know About You But I Take ISSUE ... !!!      
With Paying For THAT And The War In Iraq ... !!!!!      
Now This Is Why I'm A Little Bit MAD ...      
Another Report In The News Today ...      
Has Relayed That ... Officials Say ...      
"It's time for a change, let's reduce sentences for A.B.H. !"    
Specifically Those of Lesser Displays ...      
And NO MORE Days of Being Sent To Jail ...    
For ... ACTUAL ****** HARM ... !?!    
Even MAGISTRATES ... !!!      
Are DEAD AGAINST Reducing PUNISHMENT For ..... "ABH" ..... !!!!!      
And I Have To AGREE ... !!!      
If Someone Tried ... ATTACKING ME ...    
And Was Then SET FREE In The COMMUNITY ....    
I Have To Say ... I'd Feel AGGRIEVED ... !!!!!      
What Kind of PENALTY Is CLEANING THE STREETS ... !!!!!      
Government Policies Are CLEARLY ... CRAZY ... !!!!!      
A.B.H. ... Is A Form of ASSAULT ... !!!!!      
Need I Say ... ANYMORE ... !!!!    
If They CAN'T Control BRAWLS ... !!!!!      
Who's ... REALLY AT FAULT ... !!?!!      
Instead of Waging Wars On FOREIGN Shores ...      
They Should Try ... ENFORCING Laws On BRITISH STREETS ... !!!!!      
NOT ... Putting Criminals In COMMUNITIES ... !!!!!!      
I HOPE It's NOT TOO LATE ... !!!!!      
That's ALL I Have To Say ...      
EXCEPT These Last Four Words ...      
Sometimes what you read in the British Press, truly leaves you thinking that they have some warped sense of what's right and wrong, this was one of those times !!!
Yanamari Dec 2019
I want to be treated gently
And yet valuably at the same time.
I want to be in your embrace
And yet sharing my hugs when you're not fine.
I'd give.... To build that value,
A value I cannot find...
For love is a construct
In a society that views construct as wine;
Bought, spent, intoxicating...
Not a feeling developed over time,
Not a feeling of mutual respect,
Not a feeling learning and value...

And I do want love,
But not in a society like mine...
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