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LeV3e Nov 2016
You tie my gut in knots
Never expected this in my plot
Twisting my lochs with
Nervous fingers locking
Hands with you is magickal.

You tie my mind in knots
Its like a roller coaster lost
In space the comet's frost
Ignites a shower of colors
Cascading across your eyes...

You tie my heart in knots
I pray it doesn't clot my
Thoughts about our
Dreams about our
Kids about our
Means of getting by...
And I love having this in common with you.
Hello ,
Take my hand . . .
we will step out
onto the stars and run
across the Milky Way

We will swim
in the pools of
glistening light and
share to our heart's delight

We will catch comets . . .
putting them in our pockets
making wishes
along the way

We will visit the darkest moons
and give them light
from far across the galaxies

But the most heavenly light of all
will reside in your smile
Roxxanna Kurtz Aug 2016
You say you see
comets in my eyes.
They spark to life
and quickly die
like the light that
used to ignite
inside my chest.
A starshine fire that
would burn at the edges
of a darkness that seeps
through the cracks of
my atmospheric breaths.
My lungs collapse like
planets that come to rest
in the black hole that grows
inside my heart;
what I once could love,
falls apart.
tamia Mar 2016
i lost you too easily
to space dust dreams and cosmic clouds of nebulae.
knowing you, you would have willingly dissolved yourself
to beautiful phenomena such as these

ever since i woke up to the stars igniting brighter than normal
and your body disappearing from the other side of the bed,
i packed my bags to traverse every swirling galaxy within reach
in the pursuit of finding you

perhaps that is why you decided to leave planet Earth;
you have always been itching to join the stars
you never felt settled in your skin, in the matter that made you
and you wanted to be something more.

i do not know how long i will keep searching for you amongst cosmos
and i have seen my fair share of comets and dark matter,
but whatever universe you are in may never come in sight -
at least the stars seem brighter with you now
Algernon Mar 2016
hey there comet
sorry about throwing you away
i mistook you for a bad idea
i missed the can and you ended up in orbit
***** little snowball without a place to land
spinning in space without a ship
when i was little i did not want to be an astronaut
i wanted to be a teacher and a mom
i wanted to be responsible for shaping little souls
i thought it would be like play-doh
i thought it would be like dress up
because when i put on mommies sweater
daddys glasses
growing up was just about getting larger
so that this dwarf planet could become a sun
with a few more servings of vegetables
and some glasses of milk
stretching my bones by hanging off the monkey bars
gravity worked for me
and gravity kept me grounded
and gravity kept the planets in place
and gravity would grant me permission to grow
but i would never become a planet
because i was born a bit too fast
and a bit too cold
so just make sure
to orbit on back around this planet
my little comet
and I won’t miss it this time
What are we
but a speck in this universe
of granite, metal and a burning tail
Fiery wild passion
moving in a constant speed
As if we already knew
As if we planned
As if written
As if measured
Do we count in Fibonacci's
in blindfolds eternally spin in this limbo
indulging ourselves in the futility of a dog chasing its tail
are we just asleep in this journey
conversing in our dreams
decoding static noises in the other end of the radio
for flight directions
over shifting planes of time
Like the stars believed that fate is their religion
Or the cosmos just furtive of its secrets?

-Margaret Austin Go, Lost in Orbit
Nora Feb 2016
God, the universe,
I’m headed toward you
In bright defiance
Against your reign.

You are
Boring and boundless,
Still and silent.

I am
Blazing and brilliant
Loud and lively.

I am
Fire -- I burn
Through your ice
I tear through your blackness
I rip through your stars
Limitless, or so you were
Until calamity came crashing through.

Hear me, see me, feel me
I am
a presence, a sensational sight
Flaming through the night
Young and reckless,
Spirited and stubborn.

See me speed,
Careening into chaos
One cataclysmic collision
Before I fade off

See my trail,
My ghost,
My legacy
See my start
And end
My escape
From eternity.
Inspired by Sylvia Plath.
Maria Sinoway Jun 2016
You shot through the sky
and I made a wish.
My heart seemed to stop
as it suddenly hit.
You weren't a star,
I had made a mistake.
But your tail was so bright,
you had me amazed.
I wished upon you,
not knowing the truth.
You were merely a comet,
just passing through.
I wished so hard that night.
H Fox Sep 2015
Outside with tea and blankets:
a Fortress against the

August cold.

And so begins another typically English evening.

night is marching,
marching on and


we are not glued to our phones
nor the daily grind.

we catch a handful of

Shooting Stars

and find that this is an addictive occupation.

One moment I wished I could drape my room with starry waterfalls
but then considered how they would


if I breathed too deeply in my sleep.

(a subconscious effort to absorb some starlight into my clotting veins.)

So leave me now under the
Flaming Sky and all its anger.

Leave me alone so that I may fall asleep,
at last.

I have an appointment with the moon about my dulling temperament.

The stars have sworn to let down a



my own Stairway to Heaven.

So rip my heart out,
let my arteries unwind.

Haul me to heaven with my umbilical cord.

There I cling to the back of a comet
and hurtle through space
alive at last and full of stars
until the nausea takes hold

and puts me to bed.
A poem I wrote a few weeks ago about watching the Perseid meteor shower in the garden with my mum.
I ate all the stars last night
every single one
Then I had a comet cone for dessert
Now I have starburn
and I'm burping up rays of light
that sunburn my throat

The comet cone was too sugary
So I let it spew away
Now I have to learn
all the new constellations
And of course
it's all Confucius
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