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Half Moon Feb 2016
a cool morning is rare here
you wake up startled by humid air
lips sweaty
salty like california oceans
so far from home
Martin Narrod Feb 2016
the ceiling i now wear my eyes up
plastic black garbage bags and the rainbows fuse
wood-stock, bare beams and studs fixed with lines from dried
desiccate nails poked through

Milwaukee Avenue the miscarriages of newer child abuse shows through
characters worth keeping close are quieter than I'd choose, the mean grifters are so loud it's trying too hard to be obtuse. Anyone can be an ***
but my assholedom is strained from confusion and too much use. Underneath the mountains inside a record box, I only want to live where you're a fixture and a friend. My fingertips are bent, I can sew, I can write, I can breathe inside your mouth if you'll allow me too.
Nathan Box Jan 2016
Huddled masses longing to be free.

Each name has a story.

More than populace. They represent something.

Where they call home is a representation of who they are.

Their fears. Their worries. Their struggles.

Their hopes. Their values. Their triumphs.

Cities as collectives.

More than high rises, honking horns, and busy people.

In them, is a movement.

They are changing. They are evolving. They are new.

Trying to make a mark on the place they call home.

Attempting to allow the exchange of impact.

Our time is too short.

The possible experiences to he had are vast.

We are measured by our faith, love, and devotion.

We are also shaped by the place we call home.

It is much more than a city.

We are much more than just a name.
Martin Narrod Jan 2016
Now it's up to my neck
and it's over my head
it's inside my mouth
but lives under the bed

There's the times it calls me late
By names I'd rather not say
I swallow heavily until my dues are paid
And the sharp reconciliation of pain
Begins to fade and slip away

Of all my favorite places to die
My watery grave is where I'll stay.

You can't hold me like the
Magic of suspense
or the cold curfews of childhood days.
It's rapping against the side of my head
Calling to my insane to come out and play.

Don't be the space in between
Where I can't breathe right,
Be the sweet dreams where
Sleeping lovers lie,
I always keep my guns close
When the desert cries shoot up my neck
and the shrill of acid trickles down my back
For you
I'd do the planet in
Six Hundred & Sixty Six laps
barefoot with just a knapsack,

I'd slay dragons with the storm
in the hands that guide up your dress
And between your legs until you
Can't stand it
You hold you together with
Me while I reach for the sky
Only to find the nerves of sharks shattered
By the ache of doom
This critical hour the dawn imbues.

Observing the night
While it folds itself Inside the
Creatures that bend towards
The overtures or sunrises as
They are sometime's called,

I wished upon the stars
And there you came to me
Just past midnight on January 1st of
Two-thousand and Sixteen

I drown to drink you up
Your spit and blood
Your skin and touch
I could never have too much,
There's no too much, too much,
While we frolic in this serpent's lair
Taking each other up just for sighs
And you laugh and sing
While we drink poison happily,

Forever is the word applied
Just as together is for you and I.
I've turned my body into a gyro of human meat
Just so you can have something to eat.

Can I watch while you stalk
All your coolest and most favorite haunts,
You're the black panther I'm the soul heir of this wolf pack
If we can dine tonight
You'll never have to starve
I'll **** for you
Whether or not you want me to,
I keep the same names as the fury
Spinning through your web of cries
Beside's the devil
I can shutdown these sunrises.
But you're the daylight I want so badly so
I can just wear my cool sunglasses
all the time
While breathing in water
To bring the pain to life.
Martin Narrod Dec 2015
we are not human
we are                     beyond
all that fits into strands of dna
we are a phone call away and just at the beginning
writhing with excitement that plays like anxiety. we are the nervousness
that turns the body right left and left right left before introducing us to becoming asleep. we are the narrative to the lives of others. our passwords don't match but I refuse to let popular radio dictate our lives. we've ****** ourselves red and sweet, cauterizing our moral wounds with *** and sensuality. we scuba dove in the bedlam of ***** intrigue where I drank the pulse of your fingertips into mid-morning blackouts.

I don't know what you do, but I bleed foreign tongues. I mince words and reconnect them, the Swedes would be proud. Inside the ribs, beyond our teenage skin, between us we are always something better going unchecked but never unnoticed. we have been enlightened, summoned, and have three unchecked voicemails that we will lie about listening to should we ever be confronted about it. I don't ever want to be readdressed by consciousness, I am unhappy there and here

                 the Power lines

unto us both
we may never meet those quondam girl and boy bent by prurient looks
spit dollspit wordplay lust event language poetry writing chicago sanfrancisco chicago forpenguin musedandamused sensuality angst anxiety precipice
Martin Narrod Dec 2015
shrug it off and be a boss
the best is yet to come
don't get stuck on 'falling back'
so fall forward if you would
She is not a paper doll pressed between
Sheets of cellophane in my notebook for
The world to undress with their eyes.

She elbows me out of dreams featuring
Peter Pan with his Lost Boys, and leaves
A bruise the shape of Illinois on my ribs.

She sews on the Metro without a thimble and ******
Her fingers stitching buttons onto her black pea coat—
White thread bleeds red in her hand.

When she rides the North Line in the winter,
She sails past her stop for the thrill of surveying
New parts of the city bundled in winter clothes.

She collects deserted train tickets with expired
Destinations, and passes the minutes between
Stops speaking with strangers.

Most of them grumble that the Cubs won’t win
The series until they let a goat into Wrigley.

I would trade her every canceled ticket stub
In my wallet to buy her hot chocolate at the
Next random stop she chooses.

But she and I will always be passengers on
Opposite trains traveling to different cities.
If there was a chance that a sliver of hope in humanity
still looms within your hallow chest;
still waves a portion of your resplendent soul like how the Hunyak calls for innocence undeclared;
still looks at the moon embraced by calcium coated rods, wishing it to quench its thirst
Will you let it revel in its over-zealousness?

If not, can you explain to me why,
why have you disowned your responsibilities to mankind despite it, like velcro, wailed when you tore it from your skin?
On the matter of the justice deprived, what say you?
Does it serve a lesser purpose than frolicking on streets, crimson bathed?
Has Billy shown you the razzle-dazzle of murderer's row?

As Legends wreak havoc with twin brigands,
slander who took a page from libel and read out loud —with a projected voice echoing throughout the ages— erroneous eyewitness accounts
and rancor who is bisexual to atrocity and entropy and seemingly engulfs himself in them,
you sat pretentious on your wheelchair
Over looking war from a peephole in a filthy blue washroom

The bombs that we drop are no longer metaphors to modern ears
Neither do sacred extremes keep their insatiable thirst for ruptured streets a thing of faded memory
Attacks on clergymen are no longer a painting born from a misinterpreted dream...

And you, no longer can you regain your innocence for you have witnessed the dilation of dense war, pulling and ******* every ray of light from hope that it sees

Yet you did nothing.

If there is still a speck of humanity in the mind of a mechanical automaton like you,
Will you let it rip apart steel skin and touch the lives of those like you?
Will you let it carve a symbol on your forehead, to let people know you are to save the dying hope in humanity
Or will you let it bid farewell to fair weather forevermore?
Or even more so, will you let it brand you so that every time you hear its call for justice inside you, you cry an ocean of dissatisfaction?

In the matter of a dishevelled world, what say you?
Read more of my works on:
Sindi Kafazi Dec 2015
I keep thinking about the peace I am greeted with while my hands are on your stomach
And your arms are under my head
Losing you is a thought I can't stomach
And tonight it'll **** me as I Iay in alone in bed

I fell a lot in life
And with failure comes dread
Sometimes it's hard to get back up
But when I fell for you I was suddenly not dead
But ironically I don't think I'd ever get back up if you left

Outta curiosity they'll ask where you live and I'll always almost slip

And say "that guy lives in my heart"

But who the **** says **** like that?

Besides me in private when I'm with you or me in public after 3 long islands

But ****...its official
The flight attendant commands
We fasten our seat belts
And before I know it the plane lands

Back in New York and it feels like my soul melts

I don't know what to do.

These miles are memories
And now I got memories for miles
But yet I regret not taking like 10 pictures of each of your smiles.
Martin Narrod Dec 2015
I've waited so long, I'm walking to you
If you'll walk to me by dawn.
I'll give you red diamonds and the black pearls
Give you something for your finger to have on
I'm standing in the street waiting for crunch time to calm me,
I thought I knew you better than this, I know you knew me better
Than you would ever let on.

The way you wore your father's Captain's uniform,
You are the stewardess and pilot both,
I'm the admiral of this flotilla racing across the Aegean to meet your coast,
But often it seems I'm rowing a dinghy into the arms of the storm of your ghost.

Meet me in Palo Alto
Where the devil's giving me dollar for dollar on my soul.
Three thousand miles of traveling the brainwaves
To California, to San Francisco I go.

Some women wait, others they lie, some they hate just for sport
Some men find it troubling to live in their sins while the rest of us
Weather the storm.

Brown paper poetry scribbled on bags,
cut throat couplets, haikus and prose
Drinking and tripping and looking for junk
Just a collection of madness in its throes.
The petals have draped themselves over your body,
Can you taste God in your foils?

I'm just waiting to collide into the skin
My fortune said you'd bring
I can do without the tertiary friends like that red-headed *****
Megan whose company you keep.
When it comes to taking every piece of treason don't underestimate
Their thievery. They'll drink from your fountain of abuse, until their
Goblets sear their lips and burn away their tongues.
The universal language of O- blood lust, is just beginning to be enough.

Doctors say you've died, but your heart's on fire
I'm just a conflagration where there used to be a man
My veins sweat the poisons of quiet disease,
They can crash while we burn alive,
Sitting quietly together in Dolores Park,
While our toxicity kills us inside.
Let's just wait here and burn alive.
universal madness t california sanfrancisco poetry chicago devil sea ocean signofthejudgement paper poetry gods body petals drinking tripping dope junk lips lust blood bloodlust poison disease eternity loneliness solitude hurt
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