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Aimée Mar 2020
I saw you today
And my eyes were totally clear
I saw you today
And they didn't fill with tears


My heart felt you today
And it didn't ache and crack
My heart felt you today
And it didn't take me back


My hands touched you today
And didn't long to linger
My hands touched you today
And didn't cling to your fingers


My ears heard you today
And didn't hang on the sound
My ears heard you today
And I didn't hear the blood pound


My feet passed you today
And didn't wait for you
My feet passed you today
And didn't run for you


My mind thought of you today
And didn't drag up the past
My mind thought of you today
And told me it was over at last
It's a relief when your heart finally let's go
Stan Jan 2020
School used to be a fun place
A place I’d meet with my friends
And we would have a good good laugh
Until the day and week ends

In school we used to have sports or PE
And the changing rooms, small and smelly
And I was scared for them to see
My big big belly

To that point were we close
And as best friends is how others would see us
But to make fun of me they chose
“Laugh with them and hold back your tears”

Now you ask why I would try to hide it
And not want to go to the pool
Well, they made me suffer and provided
For my lifetime depression, such fools

Only if you knew that I was skinny years ago
You would have thought I had no parents to feed me
But I got ill, and medicine changed me
So imperfect to you, but perfect

Years later and love is lying next to me
Saying “I love you, my bear”
I’m imperfect but perfect for love
Only if you knew, my dear
Sierra Blasko Jan 2020
The Earth is molting
And though today is a day
Marked by putting layers on
Rather than taking them off
Hidden does not mean gone.
She will shed her skins again
She will bloom and rise and blush
Rolling over in crunching leaves,
Turning her face,
And baring her arms to the sun
Giving it permission
To shine on her again.
Her seasons are only moltings
She does not lose herself in them
And watching gives me hope.
She'll reemerge
And I, like her
Will too.
Colm Jan 2020
We are not just aiming creatures, but also changing creatures
Ever moving steadily offwards
Acting only when we want to be, or time compels us to be more
Some think, some feel, some find their way in the formidable dark
Some ponder and abhor the sight
But creatures we are nonetheless, in ever undoubted outline
Stark is our contrast
Night is our eyesight
And burning is our ambition bright
An observation with a flicker. Like a candle shedding light. I'm a big JBP fan. But this also seems true to me personally. That we don't just aim at things, but that we adjust our aim based on many things over time.
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