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harley jane Jan 2020
Her golden locks of blonde hair
Were once brunette

Her baby blue eyes that sparkle like diamonds in the sun
Were once a shade of mocha brown

He glanced at her natural beauty
And decided it wasn't enough

So she quickly made arrangements
And the new her was born.
I wrote this about a woman who change her appearance for the "love of her life"
Blake Dec 2019
You basked in the wide stares of seeking glaze,
in the sensual touch,
that could be felt from the most vast distances,
your clocks of youthful imaginations,
spun the ticks of all that could become between you,
just from a gaze of two strangers that lasted a second,
but sometimes felt like fate deciding minutes.

Whether it was upon the street passing a slight bump between you,
or the man in the library who picked up one of your favorite books,
a stranger...a friend...or an acquaintance that made you smile once,
a person your age,
or a man who maybe had more years carved into his structure,
the thought expressed within you at that exact moment,
was always a fantasy of love that one day you hoped be reality.

But somewhere a foggy area between the past and the present,
the framework ticked dramatically into a newer vision that,
dulled but quickened the senses,
that lock of eyes that made blushed cheeks,
that engineered the warm shiver that went from head to feet,
altered in a way that made once curling toes,
walk faster with rushed speed.

In that grey area between the past and present...somewhere,
made those seeking eyes become one of a predator,
those Eden loving dreams turned into warning images,
of dark alleyways,
footsteps that climbed up your spine in the night,
torment of a stolen body

I wonder when you changed,
when did those cute half smiles become signs of future blood,
of bleeding out if you returned the slightest hint,
was it growth?
was it knowledge of the world?
or was it experiences?
what was it?

What made those locked eyes go from 'plans'
to..."what the hell is he planning"
Michael A Duff Nov 2019
Time, the inbetween moments elapsed bringing you forward never back.
Love little overt victories everywhere open your heart to see them.
Life long individual forces ever changing into births and deaths of knowledge into and out of the abyss.
Just thoughts from a dream we all share, life
Left Foot Poet May 2017
for Karlotti

And a flower on the borders of winter.
an unseasoned sign that the singular erupting bud
will lend the lens to see, give the courage to accept
the greatest joy of man will ever be

there will be seasons that the singular erupting bud,
be the bitterest truth nail gunned into your temple,
the perversity of a mockery, an uncrossable boundary
a flowering sign of skull & bones meant to teach acceptance
the greatest curse of man will be
the changing seasons

La mayor maldiciĆ³n del hombre,
Las estaciones cambiantes
CA Guilfoyle Oct 2019
The drape of blue, green vines

that hung and fell with beads of water perfume

of birds and flowers long since bloomed.

Chilly winds lift feathery fronds

of red and rust on autumn ponds.

A shadow of summer

where sandhill cranes have flown.

A fallow field hazy in its gold and brown

stiff blades and grain that brace the cold

Alas snowflakes

soft as feathers falling down.
Rainy Days Sep 2019
You sent me a message
Just one
Late at night
"I really like you, you know that?"
And it convinced me
It wasn't quite over yet.
This was just the beginning
The Vault Sep 2019
My teal hair
The perfect color
A clash from my sea green eyes
And ivory skin
Attention seeps into my skin
I want to change everything
Everything about me
This year has been a change
Let's end it
With a bang.
Natasha Sep 2019
the sun she hides,
cease the birdsong call
the leaves frozen, frail

the darkness long,
quiet river weeps
silence but scurry, settle

lay still to rest,
flaxen unfold
dying carefully, cautious
I haven't written in so long so just a little piece of whatever about the weather and stuff
Rachel Rode Sep 2019
warm wood floors
worn smooth from years of work boots and light-up sneakers
the sun shines through the kitchen window
if I squint I can almost see my younger self sitting at the counter
trying on her high school graduation cap for the first time
In this moment I feel both older and younger than I ever have before
I close the door to my childhood bedroom for the last time,
and the ache in my chest pulses
but I know it will fade
the pictures are gone from the walls
but the memories remain
the love remains
most of it will follow to our new home
but some will remain here a while longer,
warming the space and recalling the lives it once held
The Vault Sep 2019
We are broken up
And it is all my fault
But somehow
I can't seem to change my phone
To a picture
Other then us.
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