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AM Snyder Jan 2016
Smell the air; he fails.
His mother will be home.
Scrape burnt chocolate into the trash
and spray Febreeze.
Bloodshot eyes
and goodbye Mary.
140 characters or less
brownies taste better
and fill me up with their love
more than you. that's it.
Keep your cool, There's always money in the banana stand.
Oh me, oh my.
Why do I try,
Its like sticking a camel through the miniture eye
of a needle, I see thru every facade.
The things I love have been deemed me odd.

Oust the judgment
which effects the mental
of the masses, whose glasses started half full.
Now they're half empty,
No problem solved simply
by lying and cheating and all of that bull.

Influenced to forgive and forget,
my mind, in time, forgot.
Now I realize who im not.
Not phoney or fake,
I'll make a mistake
This here is me and all that I got.
She's on my mind
Every morning when the sun arises, I
cant seem to imagine
the sun highligthing her blonde hair
as she lay next to me
She's on my mind
When I look at my phone
praying that she
would be thinking of me in that same moment
and would tell me im on her mind.
She's on my mind,
late night,
as I lay alone in my bed,
dreaming of her warmth,
as she cuddles so close to me,
that we become one.
She's on my mind,
on my best days I wish,
she was there to share,
all the happiness that I feel.
and in those moments when
I, feel down or somewhere around
She's on my mind.
and I pray,
That I am on hers.
more brownies,
never can have enough.
Dont you dare ruin my brownies
with peacans or walnuts.
Chocolate goodness in handheld bites.
A brownie filled brownie,
sounds so right.
No icing, no extras,
Just chocolate times ten!
If you have had a today brownies,
then your day is a win.
In reading this you will know me.
Each word selected to fit my soul.
My pain lies within each line,
the love I feel represents the whole.

Lost in the depths of my own soul.
With no star in the sky as a guide,
I completely understand
some days,
are left so hollow.

A gemini searching for himself,
in a labrynth with no escape.
I want the knowledge of knowing thy self.
Surely everyone reading can relate.

Though dark days are expected, along with pain
the gain, is worth it when it is done.
This message is for those who understand,
be strong and carry on.
Nearly five in the morning but not quite yet,
my coffee is cold, but its my best bet.
The mind is racing the body has crashed,
a ***** spacebar being constantly mashed.
In the distance there is a disgusting cough,
Just one more hour until im off.
I feel troubled,
at war with myself, at war with fate.
Master of my own destiny?
I wish, I miss

A million dollars is not enough,
A billion, maybe.
Yet longing for something money cant buy.

My demons haunt me, faultering.
The duality in which I exist
contracts and pulls at the soul, yet the heart only wants

Ready to face the pain of rejection,
the dooming blow of heartache.
The darkness which will claim another piece of me.
Is it worth it.

Who knows,
all the matters is
Brycical May 2014
New York Sun Editor John B. Bogart once said
When a dog bites a man, that is not news because it happens so often. But if a man bites a dog, now that's news.

I think the same could be said of life,
at least, mine anyway.
Don't worry, I'm not going around biting dogs,
but I am living it up as if my life were a story,
because it is, otherwise, I'd be bored.  

But, if it were up to my parents,
I'd be working some dead-end desk job
at some marketing firm shilling packaged bread
so I could pay off my student loans,
own a home, get a wife & make enough dinero
to march to retirement, just like everyone else.

Same 'ol story.
Dog bites man.

Isn't it more exciting to read
about a roving poet skipping around
the world from Cairo to Toronto
occasionally stopping to smoke on beaches
all the while meeting people
who seem like they're from a different dimension?

I'm not saying I want a book written about me,
but... if one should be in the works,
I know it'd be a real page turner.

Although, most in my generation has been told
we're all unique and special;
getting participation trophies in baseball
& ribbons for being in the spelling-bee,
yet we're all also told, or rather it's highly suggested we
follow suit & get in line like our parents & grandparents did,
continuing their stories of countless wars and conformity.

Same 'ol story.
Dog bites man.

But nobody will read all these identical stories.
That's part of the problem with people,
only a few are living like they have a story to tell
while most fade away in some gray apathy hell.

Well, my brothers and sisters,
I can only frame it to you this way,
if you had a choice between reading the headlines:
Person Does What they're Told Until Death
Person Dies in a Skydiving Sound Circle **** & Bake Sale
which story are you going to read?

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have to make some magic brownies
because I'm late to my skydiving ****** education lesson.

— The End —