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aniket nikhade Oct 2015
Here or there,
somewhere along in the way of it's thinking,
somewhere at the back of mind,
the mind knows there is always a curiosity.

An anxiousness to know more
A curious mind stays restless,
then an extra bit of effort is made to know more in detail about all that is happening.

Here or there,
somewhere along in the way of it's thinking,
somewhere at the back of mind,
the mind knows there is always an influence of something in life.

Particularly something in particular
This influence can also be found in the line of action that needs to be taken
Quite necessarily when the line of action is taken, then the role of influence can prominently be seen.

Here or there,
somewhere along in the way of it's thinking,
somewhere at the back of mind,
the mind knows a few things are always going to remain in store.

Some among these few things include the following,
bonding, mutual trust, understanding and also forgiveness.

Bonding comes naturally.
As we grow, we also realize the importance of bonding along with time.
Trust comes after experiencing odds and difficulties in life.
Forgiveness is for those, who believe that things can change for better,
if trust and faith are put together.

Here or there,
somewhere along in the way of it's thinking,
somewhere at the back of mind,
the mind knows there is always a hope for a better tomorrow.

When the everyday news is filled with bloodshed, violence and killings,
somewhere at the back of mind, the mind knows,
tomorrow will be better,
definitely much better than all what is going on as of now in the present.

So never give up in life
Work towards what you have set up as your goal,
while doing so always hope for a better tomorrow.
The little surprises that make me jaunty
The little hellos that make me feel the polka-dots and smiles of yellow

The little gestures and gift cards
That make a trail to a big, bright smile

The little hellos to patch the gap of time for
A friendship we built to cherish

The little surprises maybe packaged small, but it's compressed with
A bond so strong because true friendship should never perish
A thank you poem dedicated for every friend who would randomly call or text me a simple message of hello. Speaking of hello, hello dear poets! :)

John Archievald Gotera © 2015
Michael Ryan Sep 2015
When you fell in love with me
it was the most exhilarating life-style.
We're fabulous and none could tell us
that we were just two ordinary people swooning.

People spoke of remembering the beginning of their own--
comparing their moments to ours
the same places the same people,
but to be honest I never believed a syllable
they whispered our way.

Anyone can recreate a master piece
and say it is identical in every single way.
Though the painter will always look quite different
and their detailed feelings for each stroke
will be the same as a grain of sand
compared to a humpback whale.

These people see love as an comparison story
where they can take notes and read books:
how to deal with happiness or depression
what this means for her and him,
it's the exact same thing for their own relationship.

I simply smile at these folks
they will always wander the grounds behind us
seeking out thoughts
about how to deal with each other.
To them I give a full smile,
where my eyes crinkle at the corners
giving them some peace.

As I take your hand
and tell you about the beach
where we watched whales jump out of the water
and land all over the sand.
I wanted to write a poem about a family and having one of the family memebers wanting to attempt to commit suicide and the struggle they all faced together, but separate, but it just didn't come to me.  Maybe another time.
Dexter Terzungwe Sep 2015
the lanky mortician with wryly looking fingers, oh the poor boy.
The hospital asked me how the body should be cast.
Such a funny thought to wrap you up in white linens,
your favorite colour.
Before I say goodbye my dear Eugene,
"Do you find it all right, my dragonfly?"

I can hear you asking, "James why do you cry?,
Make the most of your life, while it is rife;
While it is light."
Before I watch your flesh go,
Shall we look at the moon, one last try?
Andrew M Bell Feb 2015
On the train to Haifa
I think about my father
in wartime Palestine,
a different time, a different name
but the same place.

His memories of oranges and beaches
and warm, Mediterranean swimming
are the times he chose to rescue
from the six years when the world
was drowning in its own blood.

The weather is blue and grey
but the sun shines
like my father’s medals
on his blue-grey air force uniform
that entranced me as a child.

As the helicopter gunships prowl over Mount Carmel,
speeding north to Lebanon,
I wonder what times I will choose to rescue
from a land built out of longing,
but paid for in blood.
Copyright Andrew M. Bell. The poet wishes to acknowledge The Press in whose pages this poem first appeared.
xXwallflower53Xx Feb 2015
You have a big heart,
I love to ****.
i love my mother.
Amitav Radiance Jan 2015
In the sanctuary of love
Precious relics are on display
Rare moments of solitude
Stupefied by the grandeur
Reading the precious scriptures
Invoking the celestial force
Long forgotten rituals
Trapped between the papyrus
Love is not what love seems
Leaving us with our interpretation
Here, in the sanctuary
The soul awakens
Flame from the core enlightens
Guiding light of love
A path leads to the heart
If love is not true
It won’t hold strong
Will be swept away sooner
In the debris
It’s more than the cloak
Simple, yet so rigorous
Love is the force
That will withstand time
Bobbie Bachelor Dec 2014
Your family loves you
But first they must drug you

Life is like
A visit to the dentist
Sometimes they forget

To drug you
Lynn Greyling Dec 2014
I have a little thought deep inside
my heart of you.
Not unlike the laughter lifting my eyes
into your humour.
Or unlike the longing it instils in me
to stand with you
on a wild and ecstatic windswept beach,
close in embrace.
A little thought not unlike the ocean
in its magnitude.
PrttyBrd Nov 2014
Behind the light of the screen
Live many a friendship unseen
Straight up or with a twist
These bonds do exist
And I am thankful to all
In between
Thank You my poetic family. You are warmth on a cold day, a dry shoulder, a kindred spirit when i feel isolated. We share and thus we are never alone
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