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There are different kinds
All the same
All different
Different sizes and colors
They make up parts of life

Soap bubbles
Cleaning, scrubbing
Washing dirt, grit
And all the bad
Reflecting you
Your surroundings
In different colors
Different views

Word bubbles
Floating up from the heart
Trying to escape
Only a few make it
The rest
Broken inside
Choking you
Restricting you
Making you regret
Not opening your mouth
To let them out

The best kind of bubbles
Bubbles of laughter
Bubbles of joy
Bouncing out of your mouth
Tickling you until you let them out
The fun bubbles
That make that joy
Drawing the wand
Blowing the joy
Into the bubbles
Until they are ready
To go
And spread joy of their own

Bubbles reflect
Joy and sadness
The two polar opposites
That compliment each other
You cannot have one
Without the other
Sometimes the bubbles of joy
Will pop
Explode in your face
But you can take out your wand
And start all over again
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Left standing in the rain
Left with all the pain
Left with all the strain

Left with the horror show
Left while you turn and go
Left while you threw the blow

Left shackled and in chains
Left with nothing left to gain
Left with nothing in my brain

Left out in the cold
Left with the winds that blow
Left out in the snow

Left with all the grief
Left while you still reap
Left with open wounds that seep
MdAsadullah Jan 2016
Unconstrained, Free flowing stream.
Glitters and glimmers with sunbeam.
With obstruction, blockage and dam;
How long its itinerary can they jam.

It cannot be subdued for much long.
With time it will become very strong.
One day all barriers it will surely blow.
Then the world will see its mighty flow.
Daisy Arcos Dec 2015
it hits you
but not all at once
or like a ton of bricks
more like
a constant migrane
a dull throb
with spikes of pain
that strike you
listlessly in vain
in the oddest
times and places
it hits you
in the middle of the night
or while staring
into your coffee
ruminating twilight
on your drive home
or when you get caught
in a stranger's sight
it hits you
and you'll want
to hit back
but you just can't
IP Aug 2018
the october wind blew
and the breeze turned everything to ice
i have nothing to give
can i give you something that i do not have?
Batool Nov 2015
Once again
i'm here
to blow off the steam
to mould my thoughts
into words famothable
to clear my mind
from all crap
that reality has managed
to put in
I dont know
what to write
or how to write
the only thing i know
is that
i have to write
to keep my sanity intact...
Ally Nicole Nov 2015
Smooth, sweet smoke curls over your lips,
Sticky with resin.
Sticky with lust.
You taste like blunts,
That's what you are.
Blunt force trauma.
Your energy is a blow to the gut.
Blow by blow by blow,
Make me fall to my knees.
I will succumb to your tease.
That's what you are.
I waited for rocks to fall
I waited for sorrow to pour
Down on us like it could end the drought
Picked up a rock real slow
Waited for another blow
Until the world would blackout

I waited for the rocks to sting
Like I knew this day was coming
Chasing us because we were elated
Picked up the words I had spilled
The next moment silence filled
We both hung our heads and waited

I waited for rocks to fall
I waited for sorrow to pour
Down on us like it could fill the gaps
Every bleeding painful cleft
Until I had no love for you left
Until this moment would elapse

I waited for sound to breakthrough
I looked at all the rocks we threw
Chasing away each other in fear
All the gray rocks and gravel
As a symbol of our lost battle
The only trace that you were here
This poem was written this April. I love using nature in my poems.
Copyright @ Johanna Magdalena
Eleanor Rigby Jul 2015
You were a petal of a rose
That settled on my palm
And I blew you away.

-- Eleanor
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