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Hanzou Oct 2024
I hope she finds the love she deserves,
A hand to hold when the world unnerves.
If someone else can give her peace,
Then maybe that’s where her heart can cease.

But deep inside, it breaks me still,
To know it won’t be me who fills
The spaces in her soul, once mine,
As she moves forward, leaving me behind.
unspoken words.
maria Oct 2024
I've always stayed behind
never  up front and confident
unlike my friends...
always high and mighty

up front they stay
always leaving me behind
never waiting
at some point they keep me at the edge

instead of being at the edge,
be behind that edge.
fall even
if it means always being there with someone

someone cares.
care? who will care for me?
Jeremy Betts Sep 2024
An unwanted prize
That's what lies
Beyond the reflection of skies
Behind these blue eyes
Past this gentle disguise
Child like but wise
Keeping from view what would give rise
To a litany of farewells and goodbyes

Jeremy Betts Jul 2024
Behind deep blue eyes
Like deep blue tides
Is a mystery
Somehow even to me
Behind bright blue eyes
Like bright blue skies
Is not a safe place to be
Not even for me
Behind faded blue eyes
That prove time flies
There's been too much tragedy
Far too much for me
Behind closed blue eyes
That've seen their last sunrise
Is where I'll find tranquility
That's where you'll find me

Jeremy Betts Jun 2024
I hang a mangled backdrop
A set prop
To keep from view
That I got
Behind the scenes rot
And there's a lot

Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2022
I heard your music
Off-key and beat behind tune
I still tapped my feet
If people were melodies
kn Apr 2022
were a
a monster
Eyes are swollen, everything is falling, to pieces, tiny ones.
Zack Ripley Sep 2021
Can I hold your hand once more
Before you walk
through the next door
And leave me behind forevermore?
Farah Taskin Jul 2021
Everyone has unhappiness
A paroxysm of distress
Humans want to cover their unhappiness
Beyond joviality
Beyond laughter
Beyond music
Behind the roistering jubilation
We suppress our sadness
Underneath our liveliness we're stoic
Our hearts don't love sadnesses
We try  to laugh now and again
We ought to laugh for living
We ought to live for laughing
sigh ...
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