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Lyn-Purcell Jul 2017
It's better to be struck down

Your will, your thoughts,
your mind are the
materials of
your armor.

Your perseverance
and life form your

You've no need for a shield
For what makes you whole
is the loving furnace that
burns in you
T Jul 2017
They cry out in vain
For they refuse to believe
The truth that stands in front of their faces
And it yells and screams for them to come home
To end the taunts
That grew into battles
that turned into wars
That are never won
All because they still refuse to obey
They built their lives on towers of lies,
Pride fills their heads with idiotic ideals
And blind them with darkness
Like lost sinners with no saviour
The light moves further away
As they stop talking
As they stop loving
As they stop.
It never worked
It's not the answer
But what is the question?
How many must they ****?
How many must the slaughter?
How many must suffer?
For the the extra bit of land
Is not the answer
But it is the question
And the answer is peace!
The answer is love
I wrote this a really long time ago and just found it recently. I understand that it sounds a bit naive but I was trying to get across the problem we have with violence and hope you liked it.  Please comment at criticisms you have or things you liked
Fire Jul 2017
She was beautifully broken
Her voice was not spoken
Her tears stained the lining of her cheeks
Her life could never seem so bleak
With news like this
The world has now become a dark abyss

Take me now
Take me far
How can you
How can I

You leave me in pieces
Beaten and bruised
Just then all life just ceases
And all your turns have been used.
Check mate, you loose

Take me here
Take me there
How could he
How could she

A heart so brutally used
So with a scar it can be fused
Don't leave me here
Oh can't you hear
The devil cries out to endear

Take me back
Take me up
How dare you
How dare I

This pain will not forfeit it's prize
It only wants its disguise
It hides in broken futures
And cries in broken lies
I seem to not recognize my face anymore

Take me out
Take me down
How dare he
How dare she

The mirror reflects your face now
Your obituary will be my vow
I'll keep you close
I'll keep you near
Maybe you'll find me here

Take me
Take me
How could you die
Take me
Take me
How should I die

And what the heaven
And what the art
Could heal the sinews of my heart
xmelancholix Jul 2017
on days where the sun sinks quietly into submission and allows the moon to conquer the sky, the trees revel in the dull yellow defeat as and the horizon waves a colorless flag or a nod to the sun and the lonely sunset. over the pond , life will cease until morning and spirits will dance among the trees, cold. ∆¨®ˆ˚∂ßπ until the battle returns and the sun takes over with it's dull brilliance. the tears from the oh so lonely ghosts will turn to dust until the strength returns. this is the cycle
the random symbols are intentional. I initially wrote this as a stream of consciousness and my handwriting on that word was so bad that I can't decipher what it says.
Shane Willey Jul 2017
The time has come for a great battle
A fight where beasts turn into cattle.
Grown only to be slaughtered once more,
This is when the animals come stomping down their door.

Silver and gold plated armor glistens in the light,
We have precisely sharpened our claws overnight.
They know we are coming soon we'll be there,
Lock your doors, board your windows, and beware.

You have short time to say adieu
We will take no prisoners, unlike you.
Too many times we've been hunted and killed
We will cleanse our land of things you build

We'll storm the metropolis nowhere is secure,
Hospitals, hotels, houses, all destroyed for sure.
**** all the beasts, leave nothing alive
For they are the reason we do not thrive.

To defeat this immense threat,
We've prepared, don't you fret.
The wild animals have joined forces
Deers with bears, and lions with horses.

Together we will get our revenge
And our fallen allies we will avenge.
You can't stop us, you will try
Your heart from your chest, we will pry.

Hunted and killed, we are sick and tired,
Hearts ablaze and our minds are fired.
We line up on the battlefield one by one
To wipe out the beastly humans, the final battle has begun.
Stanley Wilkin Jul 2017
Mired in history, coiled around by cheap reflections
On previous ramshackle glory,
Roman armies camped in valleys,
Swords trickling with blood from the battle
On the heath. Bodies covering the bracken
Like a foreshortened locust swarm, wingless

Over the town. The triumphant Italians had there
On the high ground, above the sinuous Col,
Built temples
And baths. Marble hauled in from Sicilian quarries,
Loaded on to Carthaginian ships by fierce North African slaves-
Themselves beaten warriors.
They were in the town when the tribes struck,
Dying in chains.

Before their own savage deaths, they slaughtered
Others, cut them into ragged pieces, decapitated, *****,
Choralling songs of victory, leaving none alive.
That day, the dun hills smelt better!
They torched the temples and wasted the proud theatre,
The slender apogee of culture.

Now the town slumbers in the present,
Burying its past under beautiful gardens, purple flowers and
Raffish gladioli peeking out from unobtrusive suburbs
Stinking of ancient corpses.
Janae Jul 2017
I will not fade away
I'm going to make it worthwhile
I'll live so long I might even meet
your great great great grandchild

If you want to destroy me
so be it
If you want to hurt me
this negative energy bounces off
of me to you so fast you
won't believe it

Since you want to be tough
come on
let's get it over with
a battle I know I'll win

I'm going to put up a fight
that you'd wish you never started
this isn't for the fainthearted
Sparrow Junk Jul 2017
Stranded without a line
to pull me back in time
Blinking through snowblind
to try and see a sign

As I stumble through the snow
Where loose footings follow
With my panic held in tow
I cry out my tears of woe

I survived the fall down
Tumbling along the ground
I don't know if I'll be found
This far away from town

Taking shelter in the trees
Away from the piercing breeze
Fashioning my broken skis
To take the weight off my knees

I'm scared that I'll hear a howl
Of a creature most foul
Hiding teeth atop its jowl
As it seeks me on its prowl

Or does something else await?
A slow and more frozen fate
Now that the day turns late
The cold night does not wait

I push the thoughts from existence
For I must be persistent
Or else be gone in an instance
Oh, what is that in the distance?

I was at the end of my tether
As I breathed the brutal aether
But I was found in the weather
And now we're back together
I've not tried to tell a story of this nature so thought it would be interesting to tell a story of someone trying to find their way back in a blizzard in this format
Rae Jun 2017
There once was a girl
who drove a big, black bus
to the edge of a bridge
overlooking the sea.

In the occupied seats
sat her torturous demons
ready to attack her
if needed be.

The girl opened the doors
and walked out to the shore
her demons following
closely behind.

She turned her back
to the edge of the sea
and told them she needed
a moment alone.

She reached out and touched
her forehead with her index
closing her eyes
to savour the moment.

She then took out a blade
from the inside of her jeans
tore it through the air
to make the demons flee.

They hissed and they clawed
slashed their talons in the air
but the girl bit back the tears
and let out a war cry.

She gripped her demons
by their beastly throats
twisting her hands
and the demons fell down.

She gathered them all
in her big, black bus
pushed it in the water
and let her demons drown.
- you have to be your own hero -
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