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Man Feb 15
I cut the wheel out in gravel,
I shaped a navel for the tadpoles.
Firmly, but gentle;
I dug out the furrows,
I made lush the fields,
I caused the showers.
And in that safe place, I deposited them.
So that they might grow.
But now they're adults!

Will they burn out all life
In their self-contained terrarium?
That is of their own making,
Their own doing.

For how high they have climbed up
Yet, how little they have grown!
Like Babel, like beanstalk,
Like Galileo's experiment at Pisa!

All things that go up must come down,
Id, cognism, ego
Ylzm Aug 2024
We count time but don't know what we count
We feel time's flow in the sun, moon, and stars
And see it passed in our flesh and offspring
But without knowledge nor awareness if it is
Forward, backwards, circular, or not at all
Or if a second prior or after, is, shorter, or longer
But only the everlasting, now, past, future, illusionary
And time, the same as times, and so too half a time
Again backward is everything… until, inhale
Peace in mind and body, trauma-covered veil  
Reality is shared pain like Nobara meets Shibuya
Animated it is fairytale, feeling numb after,
Puff puff then imagine dragons
among the skyscrapers my mind wander
how narrow my sight was
to only surmise what one might feel
realizing there are more to conquer
so i take a step back
revisiting another possible tracks i could take
Bhill Oct 2020
man, without wisdom, is uncivilized
understanding how to decide and teach
are we headed backward or forwards
the future, currently exists, only in our minds
do, or will we, have the vision to move
to move past the present, into the future?
((ouch)), (my brain exploded)....))

Brian Hill - 2020 # 295
Mrs Timetable May 2020
There's an esoteric drug
Called Ciretose
It cures lack of
Neoteric qualities
For side effects
Take Ciretoen
It will reverse them
Don't mix them up
Just kidding they don't exist. BLT challenge causes these weird silly reversable side affects.
Poetic T Aug 2019
nac ouy taht sdrow eht eraweb

read, for what is the world if not confusion.

dnA you t'ond want ot get eht wrong egassem
                           to what your reading!!
Sketcher Nov 2018
I hate life,
The major lie that I'm dealing with now is,
That everything is fine,
Soon I began to realize,
Everything is falling apart,
And the following is not the truth:
I love life.
Read from top to bottom, then from bottom to top. These are hard to create. Sometimes I have those days where I think forwards and sometimes I have those days where I think backwards. Just depends...
Jenny Oct 2018
To: Jenny
Subject: Backward ideas

A lady should only speak when spoken to
Do not say
Be quiet!
You can only be graceful, be mellow
Do not tell me
A lady should speak her mind
I know that
A lady should never be aggressive,
You will not tell me
“I want to express control over my own body”
Understand the importance of these words
To Sit still,
To Look pretty
To Talk less
Do not tell me
Women do not need to be put in their place
It was your gender’s fault
That this is the structure of our society
It’s not normal
Accept this,
This is meant to be read from both top to bottom and bottom to top. Enjoy!
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