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Tyler Matthew Nov 2018
Rise with the sun.
Shake dreams from your head,
my sweet one.
Breathe deeply,
taste the possibilities.
Speak with the angels
as if you were one.
A league of angels stop and stare
Ascending their ladder up to Heaven,
Wond’ring why God is so unfair,
That there’s no beauty like you in Heaven.

The envy of God’s retinue
Plead for relief from their bond to Heaven,
For all the angels would choose to
Be mortal near you rather than Heaven.

Angels standing at God’s right hand
Plot their escape from service in Heaven,
And beg to be at your command
To worship beauty not found in Heaven.

The angels’ love is infinite
Eternally around them in Heaven,
But even that love they’d forfeit
For a love like yours not found in Heaven.

Every angel would fall from grace,
And vow never to return to Heaven,
If given lips to kiss your face,
Because there’s no joy like that in Heaven.
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Ruheen Nov 2018
Demons are just FALLEN ANGELS.
They fell
And unlike angels,
DEMONS have a STORY to tell.
Good and evil.
It's just two sides of the same coin.
InsertPenName Oct 2018
We are a bit crazy
lazy in our endeavours
A bit hazy by breathing the air that we don't get to share with you
We're holding our breath
We're a bit obsessed and observing the outcome of our rougish reactions to the words we don't get to hear from you
So here we'll sit quietly
We're a bit childish in our affections and having the low immunity to your laughs we've caught the infection of fluff
We assure you that the blush is from the fever
We're a bit dramatic in our words
A bit avarage in our rage
Searching for the focal point we know we won't find now matter how we inked a blank page
We hope you find use, we sit just outside your sight but...
We're a bit too much of us and too little of you for our comfort
We're everything that you don't desire
While we need you... like we need music
I should of never bought the story that the devil sold me
He said he'd put demons in my head so I'd never be lonley
Little did I know they would try to control me
And now my heads to heavy for the angles to hold me
Listen very carefully I'll tell you what they told me
"Why would you want to be OK when you can O.D slowly
Halo Nov 2018
I am a fallen angel.
Taken down by those among me,
And fearful of the demons that live under the surface of the clouds.
For they could break my wings again.
And they would.

I have taken a step down from grace,
Into a forsaken place,
From which I cannot tell light from dark.
Right now I need hope.
Even a spark.

I am left here to drown in my emotions,
In my thoughts and feelings.
My wings will not move.
I am tied down.

But I have a halo.

It keeps me from the evils,
And the sorrows.
So I can be happy for another tomorrow.
I am going through a really quite emotional and confusing time right now, and I am writing what I feel and what I need, and what everyone feels and needs, when in desperate times.
Leo Janowick Oct 2018
I have seen an angel, wearing one of its broken wings, crying, holding the pen to write but had nowhere to translate his writing. In the other hand, he held his wounded soul, as if the heart vanished in silence, I wanted to know if it was pain or the fact of not being able to fly or write sad, I went to see him and I saw with stupor, that I looked like.
The angel is not sad, just lay as a spring inside because he is not allowed to fall from heaven.
An angel cries, when the light of the soul has gone out when a wing has broken and we are condemned to walk among mortals when it changes its brightness to embrace and surrender its life.
An angel weeps when love has gone and the fast-flowing river has dried up of innocence, of beauty, of the subtlety of the enamored soul, seeing the legs of the mired souls who have lost the gift of walking, between stanzas of poetry, that they have lost the gift of opening their hearts, to the love that lives hidden among stories, between stories and prophecies, they have lost their amazement and surprise, they have lost the gift of love.
An angel cries, when love has gone to oblivion when the hooting of the wind cannot overcome the deep silence of a love that has departed or a friendship disguised as deception.
An angel cries knowing that someone has left, walking after other steps on a lost path, dressed in mourning because his mission and reason for existence are over.
Losing a wing, only means, becoming human and not being able to love, forgetting how to dream, what love is like and how it is to truly love, from the depths of the soul, without letting ourselves be embraced.
Therefore, in a distant path, where dream and reality come together, where dreams of past lives become future realities, there, where the name awaits perennial, where the light baggage becomes, where the word floats and the letters spill beyond the dream of dreams itself, on the threshold of the crow that perches on the lintel, beyond the mortal body and soul, where beings and ghosts are one, forgetful of journeys and captive souls, in the secluded corner, hidden obscurity that seizes, where the wind and the mist listen silences and the crowd in lost dawns, in your memory that lathe, smoke of molten ash, in the desperate cry, oppression of vague prejudices, in the muddied mind, poisons of tormented blood, beyond name and disorder, in normal sanity of madness, on the other side of this masquerade, hiding unbridled passions.
There, distant lands of blessed insolence, in wind and fire, air and smoke, in the dream of dreams.
There and only there, I will find the name of an Angel with broken wings.
When the clouds part just a sliver
And the sun is like an echo,
O’er the Earth with light to give her,
To make a ray of sunlight glow.

Angels pass upon the sunbeam,
They carry light from God above,
Our so one ray of light would seem.
With sky awash in aural love.

A point of light from overhead
Expands around us from the gray,
Like a halo upon our head
Adorning us on our dark day.

To see Heaven illuminate,
When all the light has been obscured,
Reminds us that it’s not too late.
The world is sick but can be cured.
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aj Oct 2018
I prayed that you find hope inside disaster

I prayed that if disaster struck
at least maybe you learn from the inevidable

I prayed for the power to protect you
I prayed to forgiven; I failed

I prayed that I would stop worshiping you as if you hailed from the sky

I prayed to those unknown deities
I prayed they would stop taunting me with you

I prayed that maybe I would stop making wishes for you
I prayed that I would not care as much about you

I prayed that angles would stop playing tricks
I prayed their soft tongues and laughing frames would stop placing their creations upon my path like golden gifts on display

but I am on my knees and sitting still
praying that I would stop worshiping you

(you are a blessing
that I've been condemned to)

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