I need a distraction to delay my reactions. If I could explain it to you in fractions, I would. Addition. Subtraction. We're just an equation that couldn't happen. I was less than You were greater than I ever could be You're in a different division. But I just multiply the visions. A mathematician couldn't solve me.
Going to rip the chains from my body, Run wild, Fly high, Soar, Leap, Fall, Tears... Stand back up, Jump, Live, Love, Dance, Freedom, Chains broken, Forever
Soft flirtations, And obvious innuendos, Gentle murmurs of empty sweet-nothings. The rising excitement, Perhaps a bit of nausea, To see you. I know quite well, What will happen when, My plane touches down in your state. An odd anticipation.
I remember our first kiss whiskey and too many cigarettes I was at my worst you were at your best I made you do two lines after all I needed to feel fine you made me slightly nervous you were too observant
You change, I'll change. You say you love me, I say I love you. You smile, I'll smile. You break my heart, I'll never forget. you leave me, I'll wait till you come back. You're my addiction, I'll be obsessed. Stay with me forever, or I may never rest.
You used to course through my veins before I knew it. Seeping into every part of me. I knew only to succumb.... Like a drug taking over against all will.
Now you have found a way to become an entity that sits before me. Staring me down in hopes of success. Oh what a joy to be able to stare back and simply walk away.