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 Mar 2020 Moma dukes
My Brother
 Mar 2020 Moma dukes
I need to warn him
that he is in danger
I need to tell him to run
far away

I run as fast as I can to the place
                                                                   he is late
                                                                he has a calm face
                                                      something definitely happened
all I know is I need to help

               once again we argue
      no one winning
we yell out how we feel

                                                   but he just holds up his gun to me
                                        he says he will deal with his own conflicts

I can't do anything
but I have to

                                                 he holds the gun to his own head

I yell his name


I stare at his body


tears roll down
and all I do is just stare at him
I can't do anything anymore
my brother, he is gone
I got my inspiration from a show that I recently watched. This show moved me to tears. I cry for a while even after I finished it. And it was this scene that I would think about and cry all over again.
 Mar 2020 Moma dukes
New Moments
 Mar 2020 Moma dukes
In the mists of all the thunder and lighting
I made a decision
to strengthen my bond with my dad
before its too late
I do not want to die not knowing that my parents
truly love me
because for some time
I felt like no one loved me
people may like me but never love
and the fact that I was never able to accept any love
left me emotionally in a coma
I did not know how to react to things that most people would
and I still dont
I am willing to learn how to
but I am still afraid
I know that writing this probably means nothing to other people
but to me, it is going to be like a written contract to myself
to make new moments happen
 Feb 2020 Moma dukes
I could tell you everything you need to know for your future but I'm not. :)
So all you need to know is keep on dreaming of those big dreams and saving up your money like I am and did. Also don't be so afraid of showing your love to people you don't have to say it just show it. Last but not least you are beautiful and your flaws are also beautiful. When it ever comes to a time that you think you are not. Think of your family your as beautiful as your love for them.
 Feb 2020 Moma dukes
 Feb 2020 Moma dukes
I love you
And don't you ever forget
I have always loved you for 15 years
And I'll love you for a thousand more years
Even when I am in heaven I'll love you

And I hope it is the same for you all
 Feb 2019 Moma dukes
 Feb 2019 Moma dukes
When I tell someone to
leave when I am the one who is hurt
and they leave without a fight

Deep inside
I am hurting a whole lot
Not showing the outside world
that my head
is spinning with a bunch of thoughts all at once
not being able to concentrate on the one thing I am afraid of

Distracted and making myself fear more than several things
at a time
dozens of scenarios pass through my head
with several ways to go through the scenarios
I always seem to get hurt or it concluding with me or someone else dying

Taking deep breaths focusing back to the world I am left to face my real-world problems
 Feb 2019 Moma dukes
If I'd a dime for every rhyme
That popped inside my head
Wishing plague and misery
To **** what is already dead

Then perhaps some day, should I have my way
I'd bring silence to the lambs
**** it's bleating, end it's breathing
And let me rest amongst the ******

We cursed few do mock the blessed
We dance on your very grave
If only you saw perspective
You'd know there's none to save!

Time, time and time again
You promised to make change
And now my mind won't SHUT UP
It knows that I'm to blame!

I did this, I did that
I know what wicked ends
Have forged the stage of sorrows
That gave you all there was left

With piggy eyes and snuffling pride
Your wretched filth, and life
Have tempted fate, as of late
Now scream, pig, and die...
 Feb 2019 Moma dukes
Then to Now
 Feb 2019 Moma dukes
Back then, in the sunlight,
your face is bright with joy
as you smile and laugh with your daughter

But now, in the dark room,
your face is filled with violence and hate
as you stare at the killers face
This just popped in my head while I was watching a show when a guy was smiling in a bright room with his daughter. Then in another scene, he is in a dark room and he looked mad and his hair was messy.
 Feb 2019 Moma dukes
ice cream
 Feb 2019 Moma dukes
it is cold yet
it can be colorful or
it can be chocolate or
cotton candy
but its all the same with different flavors
 Feb 2019 Moma dukes
Sometimes my heart
Feels so cold
Like a piece of metal that has been left in the snow
Sometimes my heart feels so heavy
Like a five hunded pound wieght
Sometimes my heart feels so tired
Like a teen sitting in a boring class for an hour
All the time my heart feels out of place
Like a giraffe left in the ocean
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