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Sofia Ageyeva Nov 2019
All is coming...
   All is here...

You are alive
    and you know it...
You are connected to All...

How can I explain it?
   How can All explain it to you?

It's always here...
   You're always alive...
      not always...
        but every day...
Every day of your life...

Life is precious...
All is coming...
    and All is leaving... one day...
“Do your practice and all is coming.” ― Sri K. Pattabhi Jois
Sofia Ageyeva Jan 2020
Changing schools,
       Changing countries,
             Changing jobs...

You start a new...

           You can feel lost...
           You can trust...

That there's a plan...

You can connect to new people, and a new language...

You can fall in love with the new places...

You can trust as it all unfolds...
Sofia Ageyeva Nov 2019
One day
     Or one night
You wake up in the middle of your life...
      and say...
      What’s wrong?
         Why are you crying?
            What are you missing?
Do you want to go back to sleep?


                 I want to live more!
                 I want to Love more!
                 I want to cry more...
                 I want to hug more...

Just Hug...
            and hug... and more...

Just for one day...
            or one night..
I want to stay awake...
           I want to be alive...

PS. ... but it’s  f**g  2 am...
...OK... but stay awake during the day... even when you go back to work in a cubicle...
               Do I have to? Yes...
Sofia Ageyeva Nov 2019
Men Cry...
     But only alone...
        When no one can see...

They fake being strong

What do they really need?
***? Love? Hugs?
All of the above....
So.... They go on a Journey
     to find... LOVE
Again and again...
They give up...
               again and again and again...

Then... when they least expect it...
Then... when You least expect it...

I sent you a message...
simply saying that I like you...

... Can you open your heart one more time?

... Can you drive for 4 hours one more time?

... Can you be excited to hold hands one more time?

... Can you... hug me... but send me to sleep into my room...

Can I be OK with you respecting me this much?

Yes... I'm a Big Girl now...

And this is why...
     I can hold you in my arms when you cry....
I can hold you....
    I can love You...

... And I'm going to be the one to offer you
a peace of metal to put on your... wrist...
that says... "I'm right here"

Be Present....
   Go on your new Adventure!
            .... Just * Go!!!

I'll be here...
   With the sun in my window...
And your heart in a frame in my bedroom...

I'm right here...

I promise....
   You know...
I respect myself so much more now...

              I will wait for You!
for David B.
Sofia Ageyeva Jan 2020
3 years ago my teacher
asked me to write my own obituary,
as an exercise in self-study...

I wrote that I was a good mother...
    Was I?
    Am I?
I’m not perfect!
        Like every other mother...
Please don’t judge me!
Please don’t judge anyone!
Even your mother...

Was she ever perfect?
    Were you?
The moment you were born....
You were a perfect baby,
Your mom was a perfect mother...
Life happens... and happens... and happens...
Love happens too...
So much love...
    So much milk...
        So much sweat...
            So much tears....

How can I write my own obituary?
Sofia Ageyeva Nov 2019
Thank you!
        From my heart to yours... Thank you <3

Ups and Downs...
         So is Life....

The site is Alive... Thank you <3

Is there a DONATE button anywhere?

... Found it:
Sofia Ageyeva Jan 2020
How can I use my phone less? Should I?

I use it to reach out to my daughter...
I call my mama every day...

I tell my sister, I will call her
       And set an alarm to do it...
             Oh well...

I can just fly to the opposite coast...
      And hug her little one...
And be a perfect auntie... for one week...

Oh! that's so cheating!
     Ok, I'm cheating....
            But I'm good at it!

Do you know why?
     Because when I see your little one...
        I see you... and I love her so much!

And I'm sorry I wasn't a good sister...
I wanted to...
I planned on being fair, and caring, and supportive...
     When I was 9...
        But when I was 10....
I got jealous...
I didn't even know that I was...

But you know what?
I still ironed your little blankets...
And went to get donated milk for you...
        In the snow!..
           For like 20 min walk through the snow...
Because you needed milk to grow...

            ... and because I love you <3
Sofia Ageyeva Mar 2020
What's happening in the world?

It's just another winter...  

Just another winter?....
Is that what you think?

Yes, I do!
That's what my calendar tells me...

Ok... what will happen next?

April will come...

Are you sure that April will come?

Yes, I'm sure!
I've heard a bird singing... that's a good sign that April will come...

But what should we do?

We should live our lives!!
Get our summer dresses and hats ready!

Do you think we'll get to wear them?

I think we should get them ready...
We should try our summer dresses on today!!!

... Because there's no plan B and there's no planet B...

Please put on your summer dress 👗!.!..
Give me your hand...
Dance 💃🏻 with me... my beautiful partner...

Should we wear masks 😷?

We don't really need masks 🎭!!!

The music is playing... give me your hand...

And 1-2-3... 1-2-3... 1-2-3...
translation from Russian of poem by Yuriy Levitanskii - Dialog next to a Christmas Tree
Sofia Ageyeva Apr 2020
Как много надо, чтобы стать Ассолью:
Нужна душа чистейшая как снег,
Нужна фантазия огромная как море…
И кроме этого обычный человек…

Просто Грей! Умеющий любить!
Просто Грей! Умещий понять!
Просто Грей!
Пришедший из мечты…
И мечту готовый исполнять.

И тогда взовьется алый парус!
Много ль надо… только две души
Только две надежны и две веры…
Только все же, Грей, ты поспеши!
Transl­ation to English:
So much is asked of you to be Soll!
You need a soul clear like a fresh snow…
You need an imagination as big as an Ocean…
And… you need a Man… not a prince Charming!

You need a Man who knows how to Love!
You need a Man who knows how to Listen! (God help him!)
You need a Man, who comes from your dream to Life…
You need a Friend… a Lover… a Listener…
What does he need from you?
To be a Friend… a Lover… a Listener…

Then… two of you will see Scarlet Sails!
You don’t need too much for that…
Just two souls…
Two hopes, and two faiths…
But oh Man! Can you please hurry?
… But dear David… How could I know, that I had to wait until I’m 49?
Sofia Ageyeva Nov 2019
Она простила.
Без лишних слов и прочей суеты.
Она простила.

Она больше ничего не боялась.
Она больше никого не судила.
Она просто взяла и простила.

Она поняла что не знает кто, почему, и зачем.
Она распустила комитет нерешительности в самой себе.
И перестав спорить со всеми, кто знал как надо жить.
Она просто взяла и простила.

Она не просила помощи.
Она не пыталась прощать по книжкам
Не обращалась она к Библии

Она просто взяла и простила............
Перевод/Translation of "She Let Go", by Safire Rose to Russian by Sofia Ageyeva

— The End —