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11.3k · Dec 2020
Remember me
Renae Dec 2020
Remember me?
It wasn't that long ago, was it?
I was so carefree
I would shine like sunlight
staight through the trees
Dance like a rainbow across
the sky
No fear of, "who am I"
I could be anything
No fences hold me
I will travel the world
I will sing from balconies
I will tackle any mountain
I will swim the 7 seas
I am not gone
I remember me.
9.5k · May 2014
A real man
Renae May 2014
I read it somewhere that they say
If a man can be stolen let her keep him
A real man stands for what he loves
A real man doesn't let go
Not even when it seems impossible
Even though it hurts
Even though it's hard
A real man knows what he has in his heart
8.7k · Apr 2014
High school
Renae Apr 2014
Nothing quite makes sense
Try defining this
Why calculators
are only encouraged
after high school
So "they" can say
In America
we know trigonometry, calculus
Or algebra
all in order to
pump gas
work at Lowe's,
Walmart or a restaurant
6.4k · Apr 2014
I love sleep
Renae Apr 2014
Smooth out the wrinkles
before I sleep
don't forget
to tuck in the sheet
chill the fluffed pillows
sprinkle soft scents
floating light as air
off to sleep I went
5.5k · Apr 2014
Renae Apr 2014
Ignorance is bliss
They say
who are they?
The ones sick
struck with blindness
Open up your eyes and see
pry open the lids refusing
Peer into the depths
& you will find
The very knowledge of God.
Click the links, what are you celebrating?
4.4k · Apr 2014
Silence (10w)
Renae Apr 2014
.      my best friend
                   never speaks to me at all
4.1k · Feb 2014
I shouldn't even care
Renae Feb 2014
I shouldn't even care anymore
If gravity triumphs
I shouldn't even care
that my legs turn to forests
or colors no longer grace my face
I no longer eat bits & pieces
& I shouldn't even care
4.0k · Dec 2013
Renae Dec 2013
Always watching
My head hurts  
I cannot understand  
You're after something
that you can't have
That's why you try
to get into my head
Leave me alone
I cry and I beg
You just look at me
and tip your head
then you give me a smile instead
That's when the pressure begins
gripping my temples just like a vice
Grinding my gears,
stopping my wheels
Trying to squeeze out my life
3.3k · Jan 2014
Renae Jan 2014
Enter the designer:
"Move gracefully while ties bind you suspended  with 2 swords pointing at your throat
don't forget to show your fierce face while upside down and flopping uncontrollably
you must be my definition of perfection.
Now lose 5 pounds for my needle and thread cannot conform to your body!
It is my garment you must fit not the other way around!
Walk the catwalk and toss your hips to and fro, you are not good enough!
Chin down darling it is so much more becoming.
Oh how I'd wished you wore a shorter top making your legs run on for miles and miles.
Your plunging neckline becomes you since you have nothing up top.
Stick to greens mostly, a little mint and sage should spice up that lettuce bowl and drink nothing but water now I wouldn't want you to spoil the seams I've sewn for you"

Bone structures and pouting lips,
thigh gaps and protruding hips,
tiny waist lines and judding shoulders

You are Barbie, plastic as can be
you are a paper doll majesty

Dressing you up, dress you down  
Don't dare grow old so don't let your hair down
There shall be no relaxing for you
From your high cheek bones to your flawless skin tone.

**Modeling icon of anorexia for generation upon generation
for little girls with dyslexia of the natural body image
Creating dysfunction in societies views
of what health and beauty is to all girls.
3.2k · Sep 2023
Renae Sep 2023
Revenge, sounds like fun, sounds like healing doesn't it?
Revenge, sounds like justice, but is it?
Hate is a wall we build within.
That wall reaches the heavens, and revenge can turn everything dark.
The knife that we pulled from our back with revenge, has now stabbed us straight through the heart.
3.2k · Oct 2013
Renae Oct 2013
I read never to trust in our own understanding and I believe that.
So I continue learning from the only source or line possible, a faithful and discrete slave, one who does not lie; one who is consistent and continually searching and researching for truth.
It is not something within me, but external I listen to. 
A light that grows ever brighter through a humble channel and it makes sense.
I enjoy a feast of knowledge, a wonderful stream I can drink from and my roots stay strong because of it. Grateful and privileged I endure in a state of joy.
This poem expresses my gratitude for knowledge given by Christ through a streamline we call the anointed or faithful and discreet slave.
3.2k · May 2014
Communication breakdown
Renae May 2014
the most important thread
holding together every different fabric
sewn into this garment called success
each piece by each personality
contributed by all humankind
but it has frayed, it will snap
since communication breakdown
has spilled all over the incomplete
I know many don't edit theirs so hate me if you will but I think it's much better now
3.1k · Jan 2014
Renae Jan 2014
Bending forward trying to read the tiny print on the screen; I'll work it out. This shouldn't be so hard, as far as I can see it's a simple twist of the fingers here, a steady hand there; I can do this. Confidence will lift, pamper, use the razors edge & streak it's way to independence and stability.
I am going to be a hairdresser and esthetician
2.8k · Aug 2014
Renae Aug 2014
I'm so sorry I believed
I always do that
I stumble too easily, too fast
Head over heals tumbling backwards
Broken in pieces
Lying lifeless
Back to the drawing bored
I hung on for dear life
onto syllables
every word sounding like truth
Every tear that falls
from my eyes like ice cubes
Tiny ice cycles
Proves once again
My magnetic pull
Is for something
I want
That I can't ever have
Always attracted to the wrong type. I must be a glutton for punishment the way I hurt myself.
2.8k · Feb 2014
Renae Feb 2014
Unreasonably rebellious
Sarcasms at its worst
Selfish inhibition
an angry look with angry words
stuck in a fantasy
Of infatuation uncontrolled
lock your mind away
from this meaningless world
this little sanctuary
where you'll always be loved
turn your back on everything
for what you believe is love
My 15 year old daughter turned ice cold after I spent the whole day pampering her for her winter formal, she turned sour because I told her I had different plans than she anticipated for Superbowl Sunday that didn't include her boyfriend. So super fun turned to super stubborn in a snap.
2.7k · Feb 2014
Renae Feb 2014
When it all seems too much
it's all we can do to keep going
still waking to repeat the same ol' same

When the finish line seems too far to see
& the light at the end of the tunnel seems dim

Nothing excites, knees give way
under the heavy loads we bear

Steady as we go in a forward motion
backing a slowly dying progression
we continue the only way we know how
with endurance
2.4k · Jun 2014
Renae Jun 2014
Frustration does me no good
It hurts, neglects me & builds resentment
I want to overcome my frustration
I will do it too
But for now, I am too dang frustrated
to get over my frustration
anger breeds resentment and a strong dislike for those who frustrate
2.4k · Dec 2013
Renae Dec 2013
Lights! Evergreen! Action! Have you ever heard of the feast of fools? Plunging into pleasures takes the stage!Welcome to the Saturnalia! The setting takes place in ancient Rome, Emperors rule and slaves usually bow but not on this solstice festival. Backwards is the trend and nothing is forbidden it is a drunken wild revel! No rules no laws! Children become the authority taking part in drunken brawls! Yule logs burn and mistletoe hangs from the tops of each doorway. Streams of evergreen decorate the home as a lit up tree stands alone all are home as business is closed for the five day party. Slaves gamble and cheat and rule their masters! Unrule is the slogan and *** the master in public displays of unholy affection!  No recognition of marriage for sin is the law, the anticipation of the Saturnalia! A two faced pagan mythical god is to whom they give their allegiance.
Sadly today, not much has changed, only the name of the public acceptance. It now lasts far longer than five days so as to add to the excitement of the masses. Traditions remain alot the same; more suicides occur on the winter solstice. More drunken bouts, more placed in prison for truly unruly behavior. Yet Christian is the title as it masks the scene, with a portrait of a nativity, desperately trying to mask the desires of the popularity at such a sinful occasion. It's all an attempt to make what is obscene okay in the eyes of their Maker.
2.3k · Aug 2014
Renae Aug 2014
Body whimpers mind is dizzy
head throbbing
I'm falling
Exhausted from helplessness
Exhausted from trying
From others ignorance
From hearing lies
From the major abuse
Exhausted from crying
So exhausted
I feel like dying
2.2k · Jul 2014
Renae Jul 2014
Everything is temporary
Starting with a moment
A memory lasts a lfetime
A lifetime is stunted
A childhood
A garden
Laughter soon forgotten
Tears are for a little while
& gone in the morning
A friendly smile
A secret whisper
Your lovers warm embrace
The darkness of night
The sweet smell of rain
Don't blink for you might miss
The temporary enjoyment
Of the sunshine on your face
Or the rivers current
A stroll among the fields
A bite of something juicy
The only love you'll ever know
So hold on loosely
All is so temporary
Treat your life with care
Stop and smell the flowers
Let them know you're there
2.1k · May 2013
Renae May 2013
Please tell me what it's all about?
I’ve never felt so insecure
So much confusion trying to blind me
I remember my foundation is sure
And that’s when I open my eyes

I focus, then I realize
We’re headed towards the paradise
so I remember the promises I’ve come to know
and the reality of what’s been told,

He cannot lie to us
He makes His name known to everyone
Then He causes to become
He causes to become

Could you imagine peace?
Peace of mind within your thoughts?
Peace inside your heart
Peace within the animal kingdom?
An earth with no borders
Humanity with freedom
It’s coming

He cannot lie to us
He makes His name known to everyone
Then He causes to become
Oh yes He causes to become

No more rich dictators
No more wealthy entertainers
Only beauty will surround us
Because happiness has found us

Watch closely this system’s going down
We can’t wait!
No more wars to hurt the masses
No more famine crisis
No more poor or middle classes

He cannot lie to us
He makes His name known to everyone
Then He causes to become
Oh yes He causes to become*

(Hebrews 6:18 : "So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable, because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us")
The name Jehovah means "He causes to become"
1.8k · May 2014
The desert tree
Renae May 2014
Twisted branches reach skyward  
locked together in formation
Something like a work of art
Impossible to look away
from detailed placement
So intricately woven and weaving
A lonely twisted thirsty looking tree
reaching for rain
1.8k · Aug 2023
I might die tomorrow
Renae Aug 2023
I might die tomorrow.

I am 5, & I don't know my family. I was born like this.
They say my life is in gods hands,
but I don't know what God is? God if you are there, will you please send me an angel?

I heard angels are beautiful.

A lady came today, she said I was so pretty. She told me she would take  me somewhere special where they would take care of me, is she your angel?

3 days later I was on the ocean, shoved into a train car on a boat. All of us, children,
we need baths, we need food. She lied, we are not safe.

Oh no! Where am I?
This place doesn't look clean,
this is scary, now I am in a cage like an animal!
We all are, all the children around me, they are crying... they are not safe,
we are so sad,
they are hurting.
Where am I?

It is so dark in here, it is so cold. Please bring help,

I might die tomorrow.

Please send me an angel.
please send me an angel.
1.8k · Aug 2011
Psalm 37:10 &11 ~
Renae Aug 2011
Every time I look up it seems
I’m down on my knees
asking God please
I’m down in the dirt
"Please save this world from the hurt"
and I’m crying out loud
"I wish it were all over now.
Everyone is so blind
Still we keep on trying
though they want to refuse
they still keep on crying
they are praying to you
I'm so confused
I just don't understand
how they could refuse
but so many won't listen
to your good news"

History repeats and
we remember the Jews.
They imagined a King
riding on a white steed
to their disappointment  
he rode on a donkey.
But little did they read
the prophecy.
They became ashamed
Their thoughts a big mess
They put their faith in each other
turned their back on their brother
Built gods of stone
said “to each his own”
Today it remains
influenced the same
Blessing weapons of war
keeps an uneven score
Still perfectly waiting, patiently
for goodhearted ones to respond
His will forever remains the same
the meek and the faithful unite as one
learning to be grateful
for the ransom won
because of  this free gift
many inherit the earth
to reside forever in bliss
no more deaths only birth.
Psalm 37:10&11
Revelation 21: 3 &4
1.8k · Dec 2014
Renae Dec 2014
Constantly I am fumbling
Trying to keep time with the beat
I catch up with one thing
While the other one topples
Struggle as I go
Struggle as I go
Like a teering totter
One side high the other side low
Can I get some consistency
Again and again
Struggle as I go
I guess that's somewhat consistent in a way...
1.8k · Dec 2013
How he loves me
Renae Dec 2013
He loves me he loves me not
He loves me 2,000 miles away
Always loves me at a 3 or 5
but no larger than 8
12 is a turn off; 
 there's never a second glance
So I guess that must mean
there's no second chance
After... I will lose every pound you hate
1.7k · Dec 2013
Renae Dec 2013
This is unfair
I fight and read
and I get lost in prayer
I try so hard not to fall
It's just so unfair
Endure to the end
but how can I bear
When you constantly
Surround me
You are always there
It seems to be
an impossible task
To allow you in
Is so much to ask
To believe in lies
Is something I cannot do
I cannot trust you enough
To believe in you
1.7k · Aug 2021
Renae Aug 2021
What does it mean
to be adult in this world?
To be scared,
scarred and broken?
A protector of others
without your own,
buckled and bruised
while smiling,
hiding a crushed spirit
behind a job.
A job that doesn't pay,
it takes all your time away
head in hands
tears only fall where
no one sees
Cold heavy worldly weight
Lies heavy on small shoulders
This is adulting
Please pardon me,  I'm in my feelings tonight, (sorry not sorry) I'll write it out and feel better
1.7k · Aug 2015
Oh Jehovah
Renae Aug 2015
Oh Jehovah
hearer of prayer
For I am but lowly and small
I am only one
of your creations
I am so glad to know you at all

You are more amazing than I could imagine
more beautiful than gold
more divine than the finest diamond  
I am grateful to know

Please let
your undeserved kindness
Everything you have said
prove true
Show us what you meant for us,
let your Love shine through
As it is written
So let it be true
Let your will be done on the earth,
let your kingdom come soon
A poem for my loving living God
1.7k · Oct 2014
Foot in mouth
Renae Oct 2014
I wish I had as much self discipline as you
I wish I could hold my tongue
I'd hold it In between my fingers
so I couldn't talk
And that would keep my fingers busy too
That way I'd never be able
to stick my foot in my mouth again
1.7k · Aug 2023
Renae Aug 2023
She was an open book
He was illiterate
He kept trying to
slam her shut
She didn't know
how to deal with it
She tried to give
him a summary
he wasn't listening
She tried to make
It about him
he called her boring
Finally she turned
the page
and began to write
a new ending
1.6k · Aug 2021
The dilemma
Renae Aug 2021
"How can you love me?"

I said

"You hardly even notice
I exist"

"You're not perfect"

He said

"Stop trying so hard
to please me"
1.6k · Nov 2013
It's commercial not holy
Renae Nov 2013
Don't be a fool, it's commercial not holy,
Thankful one night, the next in a hurry.
Camp outside don't miss your chance
to fight over that TV even though it's the last
Watch out! You don't want to be trampled in the hurry!
Rushing in at 4 am the scene is so blurry
But you stood in the cold just to find the gold
The treasure sure to bring on the "oooh's"
But there's so many who're jealous
They'll cuss and consume you
No fighting now, tis the season!
But you got to it first so who cares what they do
Even though the debt is rising
Even in your pockets
Can't hide the idea,
there's no safe place to lock it.
The tradition's been there for centuries
If you don't give you won't get
but who really cares who's
in the most debt
We'll pay it off in time to go under again
But each year it gets harder to top your friend
And there's no family member more satisfied with ends
The gift card full of cash now that's the best gift!
For perhaps they can pay off a little
of their overspending
while the stores roll around in their profits of billions
And the average home is filled with silent depression disappointment of expectation meets the realization
There's so many unwanted presents
Then comes the dreaded texting and ignorance
sitting in a room filled with a cold sting of silence
after spending every dime you had in thoughtfulness
All with the very best of intentions
Sad but true
I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses so I don't participate, but I see the news and the youtube videos,  I also see the aftermath from friends and family who do participate.
1.6k · Nov 2013
Renae Nov 2013
Stubborn in stature & determined by untamed will, she is unable to stop herself. Like that tornado that blew through Kansas, yes that tornado, it swept Dorothy away to a world nobody and everybody knows of. Maybe there she can find a prescription to fix her. Find her a brain, courage? Maybe even take her home...
Without control she rebels instinctively out of pure spite.
Her words are uttered in a childish fashion as if there were a need for defense.
Health escapes her thoughts, she feels there is no need for care. No need to pay attention to her body, no need for a responsible mind....she'll let the pills take care of that.....or maybe therapy. But that can spin out of control too. Just fill the bottles up like clockwork. If she doesn't smile, perhaps it was the dosage. There is no need to dwell on the questions in her mind, they come and go so quickly.
"How could they not take me seriously?"
"Why don't they listen to me?"
Tears flow as she falls apart then laughs at the funny parts, because so much of it is......funny. But wait!!!! The madness has only just begun! Anger is the horror of it all, adrenaline and a blackness like a veil covers what is true, she appears possessed in a horrid-dark-angry cloud of violence. Hide the knives!!!! Do not give her access to the pills... this is her torment. And alas the depression reigns. No showers today or maybe all week. She does not want to do anything but sleep. Until the dosage is doubled and finally she feels alive once again.
1.5k · Jan 2014
Positively Positives
Renae Jan 2014
I like to stay on the sunny side
I like my eggs over easy
If I get shady or foggy or gloom
Please send me straight away
to my room
If I'm going crazy
There's where I'll stay
I shan't want to spread ugly
Over anyone's day
1.5k · Nov 2013
The first
Renae Nov 2013
Do not be misled
He was the first to act demented
The first mental patient
The first *******
Don't fall for the deception
He was the first two face
The first disgrace
a loveless being without heart
He was the first to be thoughtless
The first to show distaste
The first to fall apart
Do not impersonate the first selfish being
One without reason
With nothing to lose  
Please don't opt to choose
to be his possession
please don't hesitate to learn this lesson
He was the first retardation
An abomination
Cursed for eternity without chance of redemption
Who do you want to reflect
The king of imperfect?
The first serial ******
An ancient killer  
skilled at attack
A personality (after death) that will
never come back
Why would anyone want to be
someone like that?
Of course this is about the devil himself
1.5k · Jan 2014
Renae Jan 2014
It was no exquisite dance between royalty from the get go. Truth is I am no princess, then again you never claimed to be a prince. Our story began in tattered ruins so there was no glorious white gown for jaw dropping expressions, no 3 tiers with fondant or butter cream flowers. Righteous reasoning was all we had and a strong sense of holy legality. The only wonderful part was the giddy excitement of having a new last name and someone to love......

So here we are at the end of it all, nothing left of us but 2 amazing personalities; half of eachother. Innocent smiles and oblivious happiness, their laughter gives us reason. We could never dream of tearing them apart.
Ending in civility
1.5k · May 2017
Renae May 2017
Desperate times call
for desperate measures
At least that's how the saying goes
Or something like
You never know what you can do
until you have nothing left
There's a few more like that
Something about **strength

being the only option
Or being your own best friend
loving yourself first
Understanding and forgiving
younger less wise years
Oh yes and understanding
those desperate tears
And realizing
You're not as desperate as (they)you
Nope, your far stronger than desperate
You've weathered so many storms
You look back and know
No matter what you go through
You can endure it
Rise up my dear
you are so strong
You're quite the opposite of desperate
Note to self
1.4k · Jan 2014
Renae Jan 2014
I can still write words
Words unseen, unappreciated
I can still pen my emotions
In black & blue
twisting syllables and sentences
So you won't understand
How it feels to be lonely
Abandoned & rejected
I can write words
You'll have to find
Through dictionary pages
And perhaps you might not
Have the time
So instead you'll sigh unimpressed
And close the book
1.4k · Nov 2014
Renae Nov 2014
Creamy, smooth
delicious, sweet
Just the way  
You used to be
1.4k · Jan 2014
Renae Jan 2014
Supposing it is my way, although that is never the intended effect. Shaking the irrational awake is difficult as insensitive as words may seem, instead of causing adverse reaction the hope is to open eyes and ears alike, kindling a desire for change in thought and action. A new system of thinking. A new order of hope found in something real unlike the mythology of today. The idea of ignorance is faulty and study is imperative in order to dig for treasures stored in heaven. Love is real and attainable although blind love will lead to an unstable view of lose ideas of kisses and backing that doesn't exist. A realistic view is sometimes blunt and hard to even take a peek into with squinty eyes. I apologize.
1.4k · Oct 2014
Renae Oct 2014
He has the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. The biggest heart or so it seemed. He is an amazing father, a strong man, domineering but communicative, he is everything I've ever wanted. The most shocking thing I could not conquer is the fact that he's also a womanizer
1.4k · Nov 2013
Liar how could you?
Renae Nov 2013
Liar how could you
Wreck love and laughter
Wreck happiness
Liar how could you
Blame innocence
Use insecurity as an excuse
Emotion to trap your prey
Use compliments as hooks
on this ground of which you play
Liar how could you?
Use your time to trick pure hearts
to ruin righteous people
and fill them full of scars
But you are a liar
life is unfairness
For you deny the truth
so your downfall is this...
1.4k · Nov 2013
Renae Nov 2013
Cravings for what we aren't supposed to have
Love is forbidden and nobody cares
Starvation rules
The poor have no chance
  Greed controls
with idle hands
making up rules with no second glance
And the people vote
Raise your hands
the verdict stands
  a hundred years without hope
Question is
will there be any way to cope?
With wars running rampant and poverty
liars and thieves become the kings
The people bow to cloth, people & things
children remain suffering
This is a world of the insane
Forgiveness is difficult when no one is sorry
Confidence and hope are replaced with worry
Faith flies out the window & prayers are hard to say
when injustice rules,... no one feels safe
1.4k · Apr 2014
Parenting (with boundaries)
Renae Apr 2014
Feedom gives strength and courage to innocence whilst a short leash stunts passion and bravery
A child needs trust in order to prove he deserves it.
1.4k · Jan 2023
Too good
Renae Jan 2023
You think you're
doing life right?
Bending over
no fights.
Never saying
what's on your mind.
You always break
You know
they're fake,
all they do is
take take take...
leave you in pieces
feeling too
But you're here again
In tears again
Does reciprocation
Or is empathy
a disease?
One that only
brings you
to your knees.
I digress
my mind's a mess
I don't know
how it works
put myself first.
1.3k · Sep 2014
Irony of the brokenheart
Renae Sep 2014
A heart crushed
Craves love

Yet it can no longer
Without trust love cannot be
1.3k · Jan 2014
Renae Jan 2014
Colorful thoughts, whispers in a snicker, sharing with a kindred in the warmth of closeness. This is what it is to be human.

To love completely, healing sobs of heartache leaning on a trustworthy shoulder, arms tightly wound around souls.

To care, desiring peace for all, comfort for the helpless. Genuine gestures of  courage, lending manpower and strength, to build and build up the less fortunate.

An image of love

This is what it means to be
1.3k · Jan 2014
Renae Jan 2014
I       would      like       to pick up the pieces

    I'd    create      a mosaic work of art   


     trying     to fit  them       back together       won't work.      
      It would    show
                             every    flaw

      every line   /  every crack

It     would     show

just how broken

what should be one and whole  

The      glue

would goop up   

   & each piece       they'd


                                           apart                                                 again

Only   this time  it       would


create         a       mosaic.
1.3k · Nov 2015
You bet your life
Renae Nov 2015
With only four words her whole life changed "you bet your life" he mocked, and she did. She bet her life it would be just the way it was written. So she read the words over and over again. She promised and prayed with dedication. Then she stood back and watched it unfold. Just as it was told it happend and she knew. He was trying to make her doubt but she knew. She was not blinded by uncertainty; she was grounded in belief. Unshaken by fear she knew her life was important, important enough to dedicate. She was important enough to love. Some wanted her to think she wasn't but she knew that wasn't true, after all, she bet her life on it.
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