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In a flower bed
Of rose and thorn,
Scarlet and green,
As we stem into one
Growth under blankets
White with joy, blue
As blood, we pluck
The petals left for us,
We tangle in thickets,
Moisted lips of heaven
Of clover and of daisy,
Milky as the wet stars,
Honeyed in the night
Hive and sumptuous
Joining, like clouds,
Opening above, we
Drench ourselves, cry
In drops, teary rains
That break, inwards,
Eyes, entwining with
Hot limbs unknotted
Till there is the spent
Wonder of skin scent,
Steeps of salt and sea,
Each leftover of touch
An outcast, a grieving.
In a flower bed
Of rose and thorn,
Scarlet and green,
As we stem into one
Growth under blankets
White with joy, blue
As blood, we pluck
The petals left for us,
We tangle in thickets,
Moisted lips of heaven
Of clover and of daisy,
Milky as the wet stars,
Honeyed in the night
Hive and sumptuous
Joining, like clouds,
Opening above, we
Drench ourselves, cry
In drops, teary rains
That break, inwards,
Eyes, entwining with
Hot limbs unknotted
Till there is the spent
Wonder of skin scent,
Steeps of salt and sea,
Each leftover of touch
An outcast, a grieving.
in a meadow on the bluffs
little stars clutch clinging
to earth and sky all for us
the eye. petals are rolling
in on misty winds surprise
more for the eyes, and all
of meadow so live above
is tapestry higher than sea
colours meshing with leaves
birds, bees, faces of flower
scents of sweetness in air
a patch of ground bursting
for you and me with poetry
There is nary a tree where I do live
And highlands beyond are naked,
Yet all is green and all is grey.

If you listen a tad you will hear not,
But the race and howl of windy lot
And all is green and all is grey.

The glens are bare and now remote,
The narrow roads are but outlines,
Yet all is green, muted in throat.

Little boats are waiting in harbour,
The sea is a full glass of milky grey,
All is green, be glad, lass be gay.

And I breathe where I wait and live,
O mountains are snowy and grave,
Yet green, grey, all tarnish today.
I saw you with her,
One day in the sun,
I was only shadow,
Blankness overrun.

Rains fell as I flew,
In greyest courtyards,
Hard as stone set low,
I was but a lone shard.

You looked so happy,
So tame with her light,
I felt a shudder growing,
Held back with all might.

There you were together,
My past one dead page,
You two so happy there,
And my life all the rage.
you have come to me,
from out of a dream,
like an angel of light,
with eyes so vast, deep,
bluer than dark heavens,
piercing the gravest clouds,
it has been so shutting long
my raven haired lord, my love,
i have grieved each unmoved day
to blistering, dull absence, salted
rains unshakeable, ghostly lone moss
of stones who wait in the sectioned
yards I trod, seen each sun turn black,
fading and the moon sings so very loud
in the sharp silence you have wrought,
when you tossed me here, frozen
in a hothouse, pine room, boxed,
where I write this poem, to pray
and feel you in the mercy flesh
immaterial, manifest of dream
an angel of light, all mist, halo
behind you, blinding me bare,
as I stare at this blank page.
In another world
I give smiles come down
From the constant sky,
My breath is sea spray,
My hair a net for you
And the butterfly is kin,
Not larger than me.

In another place
My name, forged with yours,
Set in light of stars,
Blasted about the heavens,
Playful as the otter in winter
And the mountains high,
So small among us.

In another dream
We wake about splendours
So grand, unruly rooks
Disappear before they judge
And all our days, rapt in love
In wove blankets of ocean
So warm because of us.
Once we lied,
On wooden floors,
Shy as sun in the rains,
Blue as the skies to come,
After the soak and cleanse,
For we were so young, so alive,
Happy pursing sweetest nothings,
Laughs and smiles, tickles, noses
Together on the pines of the floors,
I felt weightless under you as I lost
Myself in the rushes of your night hair,
Dark and strange, musk and heather,
And the depths of your eyes.  I bore
No name, my lit flesh was all for you,
My lips never so hungry, my breathing,
Never so short, my eyes never so held.
Lying on that floor, in my simple room,
All the earth unfolded, all the world
Unraveled, and then we awoke.
Wildflowers in grey day sun,
I like how they feel,
Proud amongst the stones
Of craggy walls and splintered
Wood in my village so bare,
Littered, wild blooming sundrops,
So bonnie, loud and cheerfully
Clear that this is a new day
To be beautiful.
Pale faced is bone true,
Lit in darkness like a match,
Two lovers in flame.

The moon is low monster,
High above any scream,
Our lives asunder.

The moon is one faced,
Judge without any jury,
My love for you is plain.

The moon is great Poet,
Above all mountains, pious
In the indifferent skies.

I once loved a dark lad,
Who laid me so blindly bare,
Even the nightingale was mute.

And love is a glowing ghost,
On my shoulders to keep,
Behind me the moon.
I miss knowing you with touches,
Drinking your breaths,
I miss hearing your lush silences,
Under thrills of moon,
My fingers longing for new emotion,
With eyes unseeing,
Still want of giving light from you.

My ears you kissed,
When I heard the rainbow singing,
My skin you fondled,
Hare in the grasses on end running,
I miss you sweet lad,
Above the sky and below the ocean,
Forever in my dreams.
I want to steal away
To Bermuda,
When the sea is calm,
Like Miranda,
See a brave new world
And not be lost
Without touch, here now,
Nearest to you,
The gulls they travel far,
With they I will go,
Fly beyond the outer isles,
Sail over seas,
I do not like being dizzy,
Clumsy tongued
Nor looking up to eyes
That sun tease
To tears of rain I shed,
On white sands
That true stretch faraways
Yet bring me back
My breath is exhausted
Each hour is heavy
Your raven hair on beach
Of Skye, the white
And the black thick strands
Are too much for me
I must leave- us, one day,
Steal away to the pink
Sands of coral fair Bermuda
And be as Miranda
And so, with peace I will be
In a brave new world.
I want to steal away
To Bermuda,
When the sea is calm,
Like Miranda,
See a brave new world
And not be lost
Without touch, here now,
Nearest to you,
The gulls they travel far,
With they I will go,
Fly beyond the outer isles,
Sail over seas,
I do not like being dizzy,
Clumsy tongued
Nor looking up to eyes
That sun tease
To tears of rain I shed,
On white sands
That true stretch faraways
Yet bring me back
My breath is exhausted
Each hour is heavy
Your raven hair on beach
Of Skye, the white
And the black thick strands
Are too much for me
I must leave- us, one day,
Steal away to the pink
Sands of coral fair Bermuda
And be as Miranda
And so, with peace I will be
In a brave new world.
I will lay by thee sire,
Dark tall, frozen-eyed sentinel,
What deep harness,
You ****** upon me,
What sorrows I nae see beyond thee,

Black sire in stables, punish me

I will give in to you,
Limp and strafed about yon body,
Without any purse,
I will succumb to you,
What joys you may make me suffer.

Sweet stallion please, break me

I will let you neck me,
Hard and true as the red deer rutting,
Shameless in pride,
I shall betroth my love,
What promise shall gait in surrenders.

*I shall be your mare, unbridle me
Our eyes,
So shy in sun
Want each other,
Yet pretend so strong,
That flesh is ghost shine,
Colour, shadow with sweat,
Body without touch, blood red
As brick in weathers, strained by
Time and fade of photos in old box,

Our eyes see nothing till all is goner,
Youth, beauty, innocence, mists of soul.
Cloud covers the sky,
Flashes shimmer through,
Golden rims surrounding blue.

Your breath was lighted language

I could hardly breathe, nil airs,
The earth was smothered on highs,
My only breaths broke out into sighs.

Our breaths enjoined us once unto sun

For you, my deathly lad took all,
I look into wee, empty, cold heavens,
See shout out names of babes forsaken.

*In heaven is a moon taking breaths away
I am the broken wing,
The unsong unsung,
That the sky waits for,
In patient days untold,
The words unspoken
From the muted wren,
I am the shy seabird,
Unwinged, let, lamed,
Damaged by heavens,
Indifferent to earthlings,
When I saw lovely you,
Lone on purple heaths,
A bittern was mourning,
In the marshes within,
Me, my drowned heart,
Muffled in blasted wind.
Tears turn sands to mud,
Eyes unveil only sorrows,
Outstretched hands alone,
Red hair is tossing winds,
Lips parched upon dry air,
Barren of flesh to be held,
Toes are frozen on strands,
Eyes remembering of joys,
By the sea that breaks me,
My hand in yours no more.
It's been long
A mighty cold spring
Out in the wind
We lost touch, something
Now I can't remember what went wrong
I only remember what days have befallen

It was so silver
It was so silver and gold
But I felt small
Beside an ocean of wanting
And currents they grow, emptiness flows
From a wild sea they rose, currents they grow

But if you'd just call
If you'd just call me sometime
I'd make us warm coffee and tea
Just for us, the way you once loved it from me
Why won't you call
I'd be your love once more

I'd pick up the pieces we left by the sea
I'd make you dark coffee and rose tea for me
And you would let me give you my love
I'd fix us some coffee and brew up some tea
I'd give you my love
I'd give it so free
never, reaching too fars,
next to ancestors graves
always, comes up home,
taste ó salt air, soily spey,
off-white washed cottage
grey in webbed shadows
by the tangles of streams
surrounding to dankness,
cavern into the sun, outs
in great wides and opens,
chimney smokes, signals,
yet whole world is closed
to me, nestled with family,
in wee drab cottage world.
Kind boys,
Others I have known,
Come to me with glee,
Not like you,
With eyes that do quarrel
And suit me so unsuiting,
My skin bared.

Kind lads,
Complement my ginger hair,
My eyes, green as May grass,
Not like you,
Brazen lad so tall and stark,
With eyes blue as sheer cold,
My flesh shivers.

Kind souls,
Wish to court me and understand
Why my eyes askance are waiting,
Wishing for you,
Something unbridled in dark wilds,
A call of the glens to my blood only,
My insides craving.
A dark wind bellows about
Staining all of grey moors,
The whole dire frozen sky,
Shivers and dearly quakes,
Let mine rag out over seas
With clearest sails of eyes,
Let me hear one bold stag,
Stately shout in mossy bog,
Let me fly with black of crow,
Splash over the sodden sun,
Free me from bane sorrows,
Ancient Rowan trees who run,
My love has left, sure as time,
And tears are lost in frost hails,
What will become of only mine?
last night I nearly lived,
in dream so make believe,
such a turn of sunshine

and hope was always true,
could cast away my sorrow,
beyond the dream horizons,

i saw painted, dim lit boats,
shrinking blue into oceans,
skipping in longest tides,

only wings can take me
there, to the outter shores,
beyond the dream horizons,

i cannot fly, I then thought,
as the lone seabird sails,
as such an angelic thing,

but see the sky is an arc,
any wing can show you,
just lend an limb or eye,

across the sun waves,
are new lands to make,
before any moon rises,

the sky is clearly woven,
skerries and the frosted
banks are steeply melting,

a lone grey gull cries over,
seabird in soul ceremony,
solemn with climbing sun,

i cannot fly, I then thought,
as the lone seabird sails,
as such an angelic thing,

merely I am human now,
awake from dream horizons,
dead alive without wings.
last night a door opened
it was you calling for me
such a dream light entered
when you appeared so real
and the flames of set arms
lit fire to unlatched breaths
in my silent room with you
like haloes and open wings
so short was our embrace
and time ran out a window
trailing afar in shy moment
i glanced outside and saw
a moon of breathless white
satcheled in sky the noose
pressing down over black
woods and i heard the owl
moaning deep in darkness
suddenly was i half awake
alone forever bereft of love
and the dream light brought
so dearly with your coming
left with you as a door shut.
In my room by old window,
As turn lights are dimmed,
The face of new shy moon
Presents a dream genuine,

Simply the light of my love,
As you haunt me enthralled
I hear the sweet doves coo,
In the morning stillness call,

Your photo beams a shout,
As it whispers from my wall,
Silent, as the sun lights out,
Under the moon at nightfall.

Memories swirl in my diary,
I remake what has now fled,
What simple pleasures cry,
In jots for moony tears shed,

Window to worlds now sad,
In faintest light beyond true,
My black haired, lovely lad,
I will always remember you.
I have always known you
In this whirling tavern,
Where life is plasmic.

You speak with sweetest
In my groping, deaf ears,
Where sense is non.

And now we are laying
On this letted, fresh bed,
Without any clues.

Your are plain, beautiful
Your hands ply my soul,
As bees on dry flower.
Out on the breakers,
In early morning sun
We ran, making near
The villages at dawn,
Laughing in opening
Cafés, steaming with
Our coffees and teas
And broke for beach
The windings of sea,
Breathless of midair,
Brimming with gulls
Overheads and nip,
Love token musics,
Bathed us unto light
And the golden day
Was never endings,
Until next true song,
We sang in low grass
Above the sleepy hill,
Green stones, woken
Towns, we loving so
And so young, where
Birds ringing always
In the pathways brisk
Of newfound dream,
Sailing without to us
Into the Skye touches
We blew eyes of tear
Open, alive, held shy,
In whispered psalms,
Birthing into heavens,
Wings loosed, set free
Two silver cloudy birds,
We flew in old embrace,
My curved hand in yours.
The indifferent sky,
Cold as marbled altar,
Starless, plain as scripture
Blasphemed with conviction,
In communion with flocks,
Says nothing about love
Nor trust nor truth nor
Blood offered in cold
Cup of chalice
Only priests
Thirst up.
i saw in your eyes
my windowed soul
my naked self freed
alive yet dousing now
joyous tear and burst
of cloud ringing stars
yay i am sure drowned
overboard in lifesaving
blooms wilds flowering
of irises touch so dear
and lay awake bathing
only to dream for sight
with looks blissful keep
the near deepest unrest
and i am fairly held nigh
holy in pagan fairy pools
of skye by sunken lochs
into bluest shyest violets
glowing moons ashudder
what unlived eyes of mine
could nae see ever before
what life held by saving us
ayes set in promising glaze.
My eyes,
Saw the light in yours
And became
True enlightened.

Fathoms deeper than blindsight

My lips,
Were sunken treasures
You grabbed,
Hoarded from others.

Fathoms deeper than oceans

My flesh,
You sailed uncharted
To bewitching shores,
Only mermaids could dream.

*Fathoms deeper than body
Take this flesh,
Make me unreal,
Let voice expose,
Solidify, delusions,
Let body rule most
In this make up set,
Your beauty shine out
Like light blinding eyes,
Interrogate my soul as it
Vibrates within cell made lit
Like fire caught in cauldrons.
When days to wilds became
Bright song of spring so real,
We gifted selves shameless,
Blooms laden in sunny fields.

Kisses grew whisperings airy,
Whizzing round us like bees,
O when we loved true dearly,
Gusts blew breathy thru trees.

Our touch devoting like rings,
Golden in grasses rung green
And eyes glazed over singing,
Wet and sleepy as ***** dream.

O how inmost times passed,
Winsome wee flowers in grass.
Needles and tears jab
At my window, breakouts
Of sky rip through clouds
And mountains shout, drain
From beyond, dark snowmelt
Like cold wind on the ground,
Spatters of my heart shadows,
Loneliness here is warmly kept
By a window I refuse to know,
The sky is old, patching dread,
From my window are new tears
Attached to blur, smoky panes,
In the distance small white birds
Are sailing, stripping what is left.
Green is the sky and all the lights of heaven
Are peeking eyes, up to us in given blossoms
Of the flowering clover and bright are new daisies,
Wee sparks of fire who squad, roams of butterflies
And bees on bouncing airstruck mission waysides,
The shot stems of wildlings breech, lancing into sky.

I am the gardener with suns aborning in my eyes,
To pull the weeds wildly and declare all is garland,
I hear trumpet of bindweed, see hearts in the leafs
Of coltsfoot, crowns in the thistle, tapestries, vines
For dress of hair and eye and walls on cottage dry,
Are lovemakes true and keepsakes of joyous times.
I had words and smiles for you,
Touch, like sparks into waters,
I had stories and poems for you,
Time, tender and dear as light,
I had dreams and hopes for us,
Precious, as salt in deep ocean,
Solid as spirit, love, devotions.

But words to you, just stories,
And smiles for you not poems,
Time was not precious nor dear,
Your eyes smiled no deeper then,
Your skin stretched silent a heart,
Gifts were not real things for you,
But they were all the world to me.
Look up from grey, your stony walls,
Break with the sun, seasides beyond,
Even dreams can come true my heart,
Take one step into the song of the lark.

If I should stay, Cuillin Hills will weep,
End up bleating with black faced sheep,
Stoic on cairns, froze giant of Callanish,
Or gutted in harbour like some cuttlefish.

My mind is mournful, keens with winds,
O what choral fantasias we both'll sing,
Hymns north, west, south, easter terrain,
Thoughts' forsake, points the wind vane.

A fine stout dinghy awaits pure ravel,
My sorrows a mend upon that voyage,
Into the west, moon hid from maid sun,
Aye, ginger haired wrangler tae horizons.
Out in the opens, I loved you fair,
A greeting door of wishes left ajar,
My heart was true consummation,
Offered up to you, beautiful laddie,
Hands held out for your windy soul
And one day my promises became,
Just woulds and pines and beach,
A childish strand of story charms,
Now a love goes cold, ungathered,
A rag of cloths hangs nigh to ribs,
I leave my prints on knotted wood,
My greeting door is closed to you.
Out in the opens, I loved you fair,
A greeting door of wishes left ajar,
My heart was true consummation,
Offered up to you, beautiful laddie,
Hands held out for your windy soul
And one day my promises became,
Just woulds and pines and beach,
A childish strand of story charms,
Now a love goes cold, ungathered,
A rag of cloths hangs nigh to ribs,
I leave my prints on knotted wood,
My greeting door is closed to you.
my hands fit so
well in yours
your hands have
touched me deep
bumping my skin
how they sent
me on frenzies
of late mornings
bare to alleyways
by misty sea on
a rounded hill
your hands have
eyes that see me
i hoped my hands
saw you as blindly
o how i miss them
the way we lost
each other only
to touch and land
over inside bodies
your cool hands
are lushy and white
flesh feather plucked
call me little burns
who trace downs
the valley fingers
branches twined
with shy red hair
tangled and us
winged in skye
my hands so fit
well in yours
my hands fit so
well in yours
your hands have
touched me deep
bumping my skin
how they sent
me on frenzies
of late mornings
bare to alleyways
by misty sea on
a rounded hill
your hands have
eyes that see me
i hoped my hands
saw you as blindly
o how i miss them
the way we lost
each other only
to touch and land
over inside bodies
your cool hands
are lushy and white
flesh feather plucked
call me little burns
who trace downs
the valley fingers
branches twined
with shy red hair
tangled and us
winged in skye
my hands so fit
well in yours
Out on the breakers
Eyes in the sea are watching me
But seals never speak

The sea birds are gulling
Always they argue over shells
I know how they feel

Long across the heath
The piebald mountains cradle me
But snows, they only whisper

The stationary stone village
Is thatched in chalk and grey wood
Happy in branch without trees
Out on the breakers
Eyes in the sea are watching me
But seals never speak

The sea birds are gulling
Always they argue over shells
I know how they feel

Long across the heath
The piebald mountains cradle me
But snows, they only whisper

The stationary stone village
Is thatched in chalk and grey wood
Happy in branch without trees
In still morning light,
There is new beginning,
Early birds so joyous,
On wings into the sky,
How the sun is painting
A paradise for my eyes.

I will wake into dream,
On this day so spectral,
I will sing with the breeze
And interpret the songs
Of birds in trees a flame,
Sailing into heavens' dawn.
In still morning light,
There is new beginning,
Early birds so joyous,
On wings into the sky,
How the sun is painting
A paradise for my eyes.

I will wake into dream,
On this day so spectral,
I will sing with the breeze
And interpret the songs
Of birds in trees a flame,
Sailing into heavens' dawn.
Patches of grass spot the hill,
Interspersed are old stones
Wind blown, like bones
Buried deep in the sun.

Wildflowers are crowding
There too, scorching bloom
In desolation, windy blown,
Sacred as any high tomb.

Crows circle above, waiting
For new soiled dreams to end,
I watch them from a shy window
Cold as the hill stones, remaining.
listen -
hear no sound, feel
only wind on its way, ghostly
nothings, but hush to sharp wings
of ocean birds so fraying as they cut
the sky, shuttle to fairways, far aways,
in plaintive cries, i hear what they say,
sailing into the jeweled skylights, but i
am only weight of air, still on ground,
i mumble out, sidle the bone tides
that roll to land, grains of clarity,
i am mist and tear, a world
of hollow, i am that sound -
of ocean in a shell.
listen -
hear no sound, feel
only wind on its way, ghostly
nothing's, but hush to sharp wings
of ocean birds so fraying as they cut
the sky, shuttle to fairways, far aways,
in plaintive cries, i hear what they say,
sailing into the jeweled skylights, but i
am only weight of air, still on ground,
i mumble out, sidle the bone tides
that roll to land, grains of clarity,
i am mist and tear, a world
of hollow, i am that sound -
of ocean in a shell.
Your face,
Louder than the moon,
Drowning me
Out into the long night,
Is so warm,
Like sun tendering heather.

Your voice,
Lifting me like a feather,
Into great sky
Weightless as I fall high,
Downy and rich,
As babe is swaddled nigh.

Your touch,
Sets my weary soul aflame
And I call out
Into the night carving names,
Writ in comets,
Yet to crash, that I am starlight.
When first I did see you,
My heart was a drum, beaten,
A fog horn blew out to sea.

When you looked at me,
Stark, true, across blue sky,
Sunshine piercing the clouds.

When you touched me,
Frost thawing at first light,
Misted dews on the heathers.

When you were upon me so,
Could I not but open, bloom,
Softly, wind on the petal.

When your hot eyes got me,
Set smoulder to stoked flame,
Aye, I burned for you.
When first I did see you,
My heart was a drum, beaten,
A fog horn blew out to sea.

When you looked at me,
Stark, true, across blue sky,
Sunshine piercing the clouds.

When you touched me,
Frost thawing at first light,
Misted dews on the heathers.

When you were upon me so,
Could I not but open, bloom,
Softly, wind on the petal.

When your hot eyes got me,
Set smoulder to stoked flame,
Aye, I burned for you.
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