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Martin Mikelberg Nov 2021

Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
I am not a Buddhist , but I have read quite a bit about the tenets of Buddhism and have visited many temples - fascinating
Martin Mikelberg Jun 2020
my haiku from Modern Haiku, Spring of 1996
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
A take-off of onenesting, emphasizing or underscoring the nene's  unapparent attempt to continue the species ( a nene is an almost extinct Hawaiian duck)
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
monarch, chance encounter
And that is what it was, a chance encounter
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018

 ­                e
     ­           i
I did not think that my concept of the semicircle would work with the software of Hello Poetry, but this art word form was never thought of when this media was introduced.
355 · Nov 2018
sharp thinking, donald
Martin Mikelberg Nov 2018
selling weapons to ******
sharp thinking, donald

selling weapons to ******
smart thinking, donald

selling weapons to ******
start thinking, donald

selling weapons to ******
just thinking, donald

selling weapons to ******
are you thinking, donald

selling weapons to ******
stop thinking, donald
wise men we have not
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
what the world is in right now, an atomic cage - we are trapped in our advanced scientific inventions
Martin Mikelberg Feb 2018
mirror, reflection once certain
The problems of being content that I am not immortal,
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
on of my minimals published in Modern Haiku many years ago
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
Never engaged with this med, always tried to meditate my trying moments away
349 · Feb 2018
Martin Mikelberg Feb 2018
bitcoin, investment entity - a minimal haiku
A takeoff of  .....mentality
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
At a time of studying the pressure points of acupuncture, I was exposed to alternative treatments and theories associated with them.  Chakras need further investigation to validate the power of these various body areas.
Martin Mikelberg Feb 2018
censure, redaction- one new way
A political statement?  Holly cow, did I just get over my skis?
Martin Mikelberg Nov 2018
wedges and edges in elections in the USA?  Time to make changes is now!!!
330 · Jan 2018
grandson - a modern haiku
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
teaching him"soon", "sooner" and "later"
teaching me "now"
a modern haiku - the impatience of youth, yet I too was once young.
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
the maternity shop mannequins
even the dummies
have tummies
a bit of humor here and there
328 · Dec 2017
cicada - an acrostic haiku
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
c autiously
c onsort
a nd
d ance
a gain
acrostichaiku haiku minimal acrostic
Martin Mikelberg Feb 2018
flat, the earth theory - a minimal haiku
Is it round or is it square?
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
lilies, esoteric riches
I guess I always wanted to follow Nicholas Virgilio in his love for this flower.
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
these words
will disappear
serendipity - it just appeared like automatic writing
324 · Dec 2017
Face, cerebellum luminary
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
The face speaks for itself
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
Back to Zen and Zazen ( a meditative practice in Buddhism) , the latter is a method of briefly leaving reality to see reality.
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
Everyone who naturally age and pass, the genes tell the tale.
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
hidden energy, gymnastics
I have a very strong feeling about the word "hidden." One of my minimals using this word for the first time was "hiddenemyself." The second time I used it was in the combination with the word "chi" and led to "chiddenergy."   This word keeps reappearing in my mind, morphing into new minimals. I know that I will be using it again.
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
And we saw one in Japan, in and out of the shadows.
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
birth, the heatbeats
I originally wrote this in 1999 as "birtheartbeat" as one heart beat without the "s".  As I typed it here in "hello poetry",  I realized that there can be two or more heartbeats.
310 · Jan 2018
egoosense - a minimal haiku
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
ego, goose sense
As opposed to horse sense, the horses are more sensible.
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
hidden energy, yogurt
You are what you eat. But if you do, try the plain yogurt, low fat. It has a lot less calories.
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
This minimal was inspired by my viagrapturestored written by me in May, 2005. It was in my computer, and I only began to write, rewrite and edit what I had to date, thousands of minimals. Retired for 20 years, and finding HELLO POETRY, I began the process of exhibiting and writing again. When Robert Spiess, the editor of Modern Haiku died, I began to stop writing haiku or any form of try. Unfortunately, the new editors possibly lost many poets forever.
305 · Dec 2017
WAR - an acrostic poem
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
W  ine
A  nd
R  oses
Prior to the Japanese suicide bomber pilots taking off to do what they had pledged to do, they were handed roses to thank them for their sacrifice.  I added the wine, call it poetic license.   Such a waste of life, wine and roses.
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
Methuselah, Noah's grandfather lived 969 years - it is a myth
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
it just appeared in my brain and I wrote it - 2015
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
It's a dark and far away place I'll never know or want to know. But it exists. Meditation works just as well but it takes a lot of practice.
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
rain inside, decisions
At times life is always this type of pressure.
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
This is in my opinion what happened, whether justified or not..  And the headwind never stopped during his eight years in office.
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
I remember all those times when the kite would not stay up and finally crashed in the sand on the beach.
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
papa, paycheck, checkmate
With more women working, this situation may be checkmated.
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
on a lily pad
for the sun
Three years after concluding a contract for reproducing our connector contacts by a Japanese Electronics manufacturer, the proud President of the company that I worked for (I was treasurer) came to me and related to me that after two years the word was out that they were "jumping the contract. He had already seen that his letters and telegrams have gone unanswered for months. So after all that he did to get this contract, all the lawyers and translators that were hired, all the celebrating parties for this contract, I was now going to be the scapegoat for non-payment. I followed up his footsteps, letters, etc. and finished as he did, no answers at all. Having nothing to lose, I sent a fax with this haiku, and only this haiku with my name and title, etc The secretary in the sales department who typed the fax (at the time the faxes were different then now, sort of a burned in funny smelling document) looked at it and could not stop laughing at the message. But she sent it. The amount of money due overall was for three remaining years of minimum royalties were as follows- $75,000, $100, 000 and $125,000. The fax was answered in three days by their Treasurer, apologizing, making all kinds of excuses; they got the message - and payments for contract for the next three years was received each year. The President of my company only commented that we would have been paid anyway. However, for the next three years, I traded haikus with the management of the Japanese company just in case. Who would ever think that the use of a haiku or a poem would assist in making sure that a legal suit for non-payment would not be needed? My college education in Business never offered poetry in their curriculum, but perhaps a little bit more of English courses would be a good thing to think about.
271 · Dec 2017
chutzpah - a modern haiku
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
she asks for the children's dinner portion
-  and the senior discount
I saw this happen and the haiku rose to my brain immediately
Martin Mikelberg Feb 2020
chi, hidden entity
I use "chi" to heal my body and my soul every  day when I sleep.
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
c an
t ree
h ear
r obin
s inging
i n
s ilence
listening to a canary on YouTube as I select a poem
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
I liked the sound and effect or repeating the words "she hesitates"
Martin Mikelberg Nov 2018
not the America I knew
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
Sometime the minimal blends so well that putting two words together creates a word with a Zen flavor that makes the merging of the two words complete, almost like ******* .  This is that kind of minimal.  The older I get the more uncertain the world appears.
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
hidden energy, yoga
Monday morning, 10:30, light yoga , our weekly yoga teacher tiffany, my wife and I  - one hour later, we are renewed for another week.
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
In my brain, Adam then Eve doesn't work (forget the snake). The first two human like creatures, our ancestors, were probably both female, with one of them, the one more aggressive, mutated to a male and then evolving from that point on.
Martin Mikelberg Aug 2020
chighigher             er

it is what it is
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