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Martin Mikelberg Oct 2020
these three words appeared in my mind without thinking - help me interpret what do you think my mind was revealing  or creating.
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
s  olo
o  nes'
u  nique
 l   ight
many times, in dreams (or what seems like dreams, structures of poems in different formats  float in my brain.  Sometimes I remember them, this is that one that I did remember.
254 · Feb 2018
time - an acrostic poem
Martin Mikelberg Feb 2018
t his
i s
m y
e xistence
A takeoff of a similar eternity
253 · Jan 2018
cherries - a modern haiku
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
sensing worms inside
she ate the cherries
in the dark
It happens, and it did happen in just this way.
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
sudden denial, alzheimers
Written September 20, 1991 -  hello poetry allows me the freedom to let all of you see, think about, approve, disapprove , make comments and/or move on.
For me, Hello Poetry is like an "Open Stage,"  and I am able to be there 24/7.   Part of me is out there and that makes my day.
Martin Mikelberg Aug 2020
With the fires burning today, there is not too much known about the combs that fall to the floor of the forests where they reside.  Actually the seeds are released and free to regenerate because of the fires.   So the journey of the redwood tree will continue as mother nature has provided.
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017

the second minimal, created as I looked at it is even stronger
Martin Mikelberg Feb 2018
always safe, few words - a minimal haiku
The less you say, the safer you are, the more you say.
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
n ot
o ur
n ation
"power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely"
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
memories, always returning in my later years
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
guns, unseen enemy
"Unseen" replaces hidden, but easily a synonym fitting my thought about guns.   This was originally published in Modern Haiku.
234 · Dec 2017
Easter - a modern haiku
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
the lost bookmark in the bible
thoughts on resurrection
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
first touch, chance encounter
This happens quite often, sometimes not by chance.
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
an early minimal haiku that appeared in Modern Haiku in the 90s.
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
a minimal poem about a human energy source within the body
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
.       e     w    o  
  h                    r    
t                       d
d                       g
n                       e
u                      t
    o   r    a   s
Just having fun with art and words
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
share, reach & change
Always making that attempt to help others in the voyage ahead.
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
The right poem for the day before Christmas
Martin Mikelberg Feb 2018
The less you say,
the safer you are,
the more you say.

or always safe, few words
This says it all
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
last straw, waterloo
It just popped into my brain.
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
this reflects the obvious, that "man" was the first error,  and then that was followed by a "woman" .  Or perhaps it was the "snake".  Or perhaps this reflects my cynicism of the planet called earth
Martin Mikelberg Aug 2020
a minimal haiku or "ku"  
slits openings = kirihiraki
Martin Mikelberg Aug 2020
recovering from their becoming extinct - lets celebrate for now
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
a poem derived from my other minimal
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
one Sunday I had a call from Robert Spiess (Modern Haiku) who enjoyed this minimal to the point of calling me about it.  I never forgot the call or the $1.00 I received for it.
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
assure, reassure, reassure, reality
Just what every adult goes through in getting there.
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
Almost like "justwords" which I put together, "closetourselves" has the effect of hiding the "tour." The meaning of the minimal is that we put ourselves into a closet and away from socializing or living in the community, adding to it, improving it, making the most of our gift of being alive.
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
the eyes say yes
Not sure if the eyes say no.
216 · Dec 2017
god - a modern haiki
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
on the
every thinking thing gets to that point where they must take that "leap of faith."
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
U.S. Congressmen
getting caught
with their pants
a sad observation
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
I worked on using the "guardian angel" for years, and one day while swimming and looked at the lifeguard it suddenly fit.  And doesn't a guardian angel guard lives in the same manner as a lifeguard by observing and protecting their charge?
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
The naked lady who rode through the town to win a bet.
Martin Mikelberg Aug 2020
mother earth takes us down
213 · Dec 2017
wisdom - an acrostic haiku
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
w ritten
i n
s and
d iary
o f
m ankind
A comment on what I see. but I am still hopeful.
211 · Dec 2017
frog farm - a modern haiku
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
frog farm
a leaping frog
on its' last legs
I've eaten them, maybe twice in my life, tastes like chicken.
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
I am not a Buddhist, but fascinated by their beliefs and what they portray.
Martin Mikelberg Feb 2020
church, hidden energy
Is there hidden energy in your church?
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
blame, mega game,  american anger
Children's game presently played  - necessary when you are led by children instead of adults.
205 · Jan 2018
vertical & horizontal lines
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
          L I N E S
  H O  R I Z O N T A L
            E                       I
            V                      N
having fun with words and art
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
without a description of why, but the anger of their leader Geronimo was unfortunately understandable.
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
unseen enemy, myself or unseen, enemy myself
"hiddenemyself, " my original poem was written in the 90's.  "unseen" is so slightly different than "hidden," but there is a difference which I will think about tonight and tomorrow.  There is another question which changes the name, depending where you put the comma.
199 · Feb 2018
Khan Shaykhun
Martin Mikelberg Feb 2018
Khan Shaykhun
Khan Shaykhun
Khan Shaykhun
running out of people to ****
Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
perfection, once certain
Just jesting, I was always certain.
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