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4.0k · Aug 2014
Ana Aug 2014

you didn’t prolong my happiness…

you let it be drifted by sorrow streams

and when the night left with its darkness,

I lost the whole kingdom of my dreams.

And please, save me from normality,

keep my dreams,my world of fantasy

and let them have the same intensity

when they will turn into reality.

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1.6k · Aug 2014
Far away
Ana Aug 2014
Browsing life’s dusty files,

the archives of all that happened,

our memories can span the miles

and be right there in just one second.  

Distance never separates people,

but it brings us all together,

makes us realize we’re equal

and that our roots are not a tether.

But it’s always hard facin’ goodbyes

at any time… to people or places…

to know, while deeply lookin’ in their eyes,

you’ll never see again their faces.
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1.5k · Aug 2014
Morning Bliss
Ana Aug 2014
I carry you on my lips, which can’t recover
from the wounds made by the sweet venom
of the taste of yours, when one thing or another
is trying their bond to riven.
But my conscience seem to hover,
in those moments we discover
own banned corner of heaven.

I carry you in my arms, when a pale ray of sun
teases us through the window,
from the whole world, we are remiss
and our joys merged into one.
With your hands around my waist:
a new day has just begun
and life dissolve its liquer of bliss
in my mornin coffee’s taste.
1.4k · Jul 2014
Ana Jul 2014
What makes us being coward?

What is that force that bends our knees,

makes us feel so underpowered

and orders our will to freeze?

Cowardice, doubts and betrayals

goes hand in hand, like sinners

and sink our ship who sails

to the horizon of winners.

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1.1k · Aug 2014
Ana Aug 2014
Media is a constant reminder

that we are living in a scary world !

kidnappings, rapes and robbery,

violence, drugs and poverty,

and where confort and harmony

only exist as a fantasy

in a world led by agresivity.
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889 · Jul 2014
Ana Jul 2014
“The cards are shuffled by destiny… and we play! “

Is life a matter of chance?

Are we standing in a trance,

led by some unwritten plots

and then connecting the dots?

But do we even wonder

where future’s going under?

Is it luck, or is it fate?

And the lifepath we create

is it built on our guesses

or are we guided by GPSs?

And in the end, what is an instant?

a clock beat? or is it different?

Will our acts form our history

or they’re just cards of destiny?
763 · Aug 2014
The butteryfly effect
Ana Aug 2014
A small change at one place

can result in large difference,

and evolve from its original base

in a further state at distance.
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721 · Jul 2014
Distant Dream
Ana Jul 2014
The moon makes its way to pass,

piercing the invasive darkness

and reflects their murky embraces

on the trail his leaving traces.

Nothingness surrounds the silence,

daylight was removed with violence …

She tries to connect the dots

in the pendancy of her thoughts:

“I’m here waiting for a sign,

drinking from the sunset’s wine.

And even though there’s much pain,

in a distant dream, I’ll love you again.

Your every movement had an aim,

and all rules belonged to your game,

which couldn’t make it to the dawn,

’cause the king was just a pawn. “

Shadows fill her empty heart,

her inner soul’s been torn apart,

’cause he had just opened that door

to come and steal what he looked for.

“Now that daylights dissappear,

How far can I move from here,

as I can’t follow the light beam,

caught up in a distant dream … “

The moon got trapped in night’s fever

and took off her armor of silver,

which is glowing, with a slight shiver,

flowing down along the river.

Her grudge too, seems to surrender,

being ravaged by its splendor …

“I need you here… next to me …

The dawn is rising, come and see …”
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630 · Jul 2014
Second childhood
Ana Jul 2014
A special world we have created,

    a bond that no one can see,

    which can make things be transported

    into another space, for you and me.


    A hidden place, inside my heart,

    where people, even if they could,

    they won’t come in and tear apart

    the joy and innocence of childhood.


    ‘cause the moments we’re together

    make me go back there and live

    for the second time that period,

    when we never cared about bad weather,

    And Santa came on Christmas’ eve.


    When worries were just a myth

    playing until our energy was down the drain,

    and the next day, on the same Avenue Fifth,

    we started all over again.


    When time used to pass really slow,

    like the movements of a swing

    carried by the wind’s blow,

    not worried by what tomorrows bring.


    When the word “fun” only meant

    stay around with friends and family

    and hide-and-seek was like the event

    we’re waitin’ for so anxiously.


    Childhood is carefree and magical,

     narrated from a fairytale story,

    when all heroes were invincible,

    and future was just something blurry.


    Innocence, which left us to enjoy

    everyday like a new lesson, and life like a tutor,

    people will eventually distroy

    and make us fret about the future.


    But we wanna keep longer this time -

    with no cynism, hypocrisy or lies,

    no cruelty, death or crime -

    The kingdom where no one dies.


    Even if it’s long ago, and for that I am aware,

    as time travels with high speed,

    you managed to take me back there,

    and for that, I love you, kid !
Grown ups are complicated creatures, full of quirks and secrets.
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458 · Oct 2014
The rain of words
Ana Oct 2014
Don’t give your thoughts resonance,
nothing more and nothing less,
Don’t give wordy evidence
to this moment of nothingness.

Let the lighters pierce the sky,
let the worries drop and die
Like that tear on my eye,
I’ll hide your thoughts to keep them dry.

Let the rain touch my wet skin,
in its rush that looks insane,
Stop talking, let the storm begin,
Let it fall and let it rain !
soon on
423 · Jul 2014
Mornin' walk
Ana Jul 2014
Piercing the morning’s air,

delving deeper into the unknown,

I left home to leave nowhere,

’cause my dreams got lost into the night alone.

Heart was beating with pleasure

covered by the excitement’s mantle,

like the discovery of an ancient treasure,

but morning blew into joy’s candle.

Waking up I felt like I have been

running behind a speed train,

but dreams had left and they didn’t let me in

and all my efforts were in vain.

Now what is left is to bag and borrow

the pale shadow of expectation,

’cause they were stolen by ‘tomorrow’

and I have no power for their salvation.


you didn’t prolong my happiness…

you let it be drifted by sorrow streams

and when the night left with its darkness,

I lost the whole kingdom of my dreams.

And please, save me from normality,

keep my dreams,my world of fantasy

and let them have the same intensity

when they will turn into reality.

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309 · Jul 2014
Letter to my father
Ana Jul 2014
"Seemed like she was sleepwalking,

and awake, at the same time.

Songs were running out of sound,

poems had no longer any rhyme.

Colorful turned into vapid,

and life has lost all its vitality,

but all of her senses refused

to put up with the reality.

And she tried to open her eyes,

wide enough to see the sun.

Though… no sun ray, and no heat.

“One minute it was here… and now gone.”

. . .

And it’s gone Forever.”

It seemed like yesterday to her

when she run across the field,

exuding joy, smelling the freedom

and the flavor of walnuts peeled.

Everything was new and greeping,

no new day was like another,

wandering those endless paths

hand in hand with her father.

And she had no pains, no fears,

but a dream brighter then the rays

which had lasted twenty years,

ten months and thirty days.

That innocent smile was replaced

by her hollow tears of pain.

Then, she was strongly convinced

she’ll never wear that smile again.

Terrified and confused,

no one to explain her, no one there to blame.

She was still hoping to realize,

that nothing, ever, will be the same.

The pain was wrenching her body

face to the merciless death,

seeing him in front of her

without movement… without breath.

“Wish he’ll come for a short while,

enough to look me in the eye…

just the time to say “I love you”

and a harrowing goodbye.

I was so sure about my destiny,

but I can’t beg anymore to life.

‘Cause in the least expected moment,

it quickly stabbed me with its knife.

There are moments I need advice,

moments I want you to see,

moments I try to convince myself

that you are still here with me.

But I can barely pierce the darkness

to look for the things I seek

and I blame myself for fighting,

even thought I feel so weak.

All the strength you have inspired me,

all the good parts that I’ve learnt,

they were stolen by reality

and seems to me that they have burnt. “

. . .

There are people in our lives

we’d do anything to keep

and their presence leaves us marks,

which to erase, are carved too deep.

She tried hard to keep her calm,

but when retracing that day,

lots of thoughts flooded her mind

and they just couldn’t go away:

“Who would’ve thought one day

I’d feel like I had a hole in my brain stem

like I lost in one **** second,

everything I was, everything I am … ?

. . .

Even though today, …it still seems to me untrue,

I won’t allow my dreams …to be taken away too

‘Cause everything I dream, I undoubtedly owe it to

The most important person, the strongest one I ever knew.”

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— The End —