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5.2k · May 2023
Miss Fit May 2023

She screams as she struggles
The sound of her cries muffled
Her assailant's eyes look baffled
Her red eyes cry, her sobs stiffled

She tries to run but she is stopped
To the ground she is tackled
Her effort to run is attacked
And to the floor she is dropped

She tried to fight, she did, she tried!
She cried too much, she did, she cried!
She aimed to bite, oh yes, she did!
But the result she got was not what she bid
She wanted to hide, but all that was hid
Was only just this evil deed

An evil deed, indeed it was
An evil deed that no one saw
Evil as it was, no one saw
If someone had seen, she would cry no more
But at present her pride was no more
It's a cruel world out there and cries for help often go unheard
1.7k · Feb 2023
Miss Fit Feb 2023
You've always been fully aware of what lies
Between these thighs  
You just weren't sure
If you could ever lure
Me to let you slide
Into the sweetness that they hide

Caramel or chocolate
Of late
You haven't been sure
Which one is sweeter
Than the honeycomb offered not on a plate
But hidden between my legs

The craving in your groin
Longs for a taste
You dream of my *****
Hotter than larva or fire
Burning with desire
For a deep *******
That leaves me wetter than a summer's rain

**** my sweet nectar
Be filled to the brim, my star
Remind me of my naughtiest fantasies
As you show me all your fetishes

Grab my hips
Push them up and down
Even if the rhythm is imperfect
Plunge deep, for me that's perfect

I will hold you deep inside
Your manhood I'll hide
My lips I'll bite
Because I know I might
Not be able to hold my tongue
And let a loud scream escape my lungs

As we ride blissful waves
Drowning in beautiful escapes
Forgetting our surroundings
Until we reach the land of milk and honey

Miss Fit ⚓
Miss Fit Mar 2019
I think foolish best describes an intellectual's ways
I know it sounds ironic, but I'll enlighten you on what the world says Or rather what the world thinks  

See, I grew up thinking that reading was learning  
And learning was knowledge
And that knowledge was born from logic
And finally that logic was wisdom  

Is it just me or did we all grow up in a society that was blinkered to view wisdom as education
With our minds blinded to see intellect as knowledge
Thinking knowledge is power, power is money and money is...well...everything
Well, money does answer all, but it is not everything  
You see, mankind's intelligence never satisfies
The more learned we become the more the world slips away
The more knowledge we possess
The more the world becomes complex  

We believe ourselves to be the I AM
With the power to know everything
We seek wisdom in philosophy
But it only makes us realize we are fools
That the wise don’t exist on earth
Unless we seek wisdom in the great I AM
And forget that earthly knowledge is power  

Well, knowledge is power, but WISDOM
Wisdom is ETERNITY
It is the eternal life that we're all working towards
The life that that thief on the cross had to look forward to
Only because he was wise enough to recognize his salvation and his Saviour  
So, dear stewards, the best that you can give your children is not a Harvard or Oxford kind of education
The most valuable gift is not the concept of making money  

The best that you can give to those in your care is wisdom
This wisdom is the knowledge of a man
Who abandoned His own kingdom
To die for foolish simple men  

A man who stood before so called high judges
Yet He was the Most High
A man who humbled the proud
And used the foolish things to shame them
For His word says that even His foolishness
Is greater than our wisdom
For His thoughts are not our thoughts
Neither are his ways our ways  

So, all I'm saying is
The most valuable legacy that you can leave
Is the knowledge of the One with all the wisdom,
The wisdom to choose God
For we only find wisdom when we realize, we are nothing but fools before Him  

Miss Fit
806 · May 2023
Can't have it all
Miss Fit May 2023
He wanted a woman with curves
She was too self-centred
He chose one with pure skin
She was too sensitive
He got one with flawless hair
She was too cocky
He opted for one with a beautiful face
She was too rude
He went for a fair skinned one
She was too lazy
He switched to a chocolate skinned one
She had terrible cooking
He looked for a tall one
She was disrespectful
He went for a short one
Her temper was even shorter
In all this he learned tolerance
Now he accepts the perfect imperfections in people

Miss Fit ⚓
632 · Sep 2021
Beautiful mistakes
Miss Fit Sep 2021
It's in the beautiful target
Of a calculated smile
Thoughts of a rose
Stemmed by thorns
Beautiful mistakes...  
Giving birth to dreams
Distorted realities manifesting grace

Miss Fit⚓
494 · Jan 2021
Dirty Feet
Miss Fit Jan 2021
I cleaned them one
Time. I thought I was done
I even dried them on a white towel
They were dry, well
They seemed clean
They should have been

Until I stepped on a white floor
I hadn't stepped outside the door
So I wondered where I got all that mud
Like I'd been walking miles
Now tracking dirt on my mother's white tiles
I wiped the dirt
Kneeling on my skirt
And got up with a smile
That lasted but a while

I cleaned them twice
I lathered
I rinsed
I repeated
They were clean indeed!
Then the test came again
I was ready, for I believed Not in working in vain
But I failed it yet again
And even worse
It felt like a curse
I tracked blood

Miss Fit [the lady king]
447 · Dec 2022
Miss Fit Dec 2022
They buried a small seed
In a dry parched land
The driest autumn they'd seen
Their aim being to destroy

Winter came, stripped every tree
Of its leaves,
Iced the land
Completely covering the ground

They thought that spring
Would be the thing
That would bury her deeper
Outshine her beauty
As it put blossoms on every tree

But summer's rain fell
She chose to heed
To nature's call to grow
And broke the land
Reached out her hands
And poked her head
Looking for the sun

To their surprise
A number of springs later
She stood among the sturdiest
With blooming flowers
Ready to bear fruit
And once again scatter more of her kind on earth

Miss Fit ⚓
383 · Apr 2019
Miss Fit Apr 2019
There are days when the music is too loud
And the grass looks too green
There are mornings when the **** crows too proud
And mama's cheerful wakeup call sounds too mean

There are days when my dreams seem too blury
When past nightmares seem too scary
There are mornings when my goals are too high
And my arms are too tired to reach for anything but the nigh

There are days when my head is too heavy to lift
When even my eyelids are too heavy to lift
There are mornings when my eyelashes are forced to sweep
My cheeks and be drenched in the tears I weep

There are days when I wake up and wish I had stayed asleep
Remembering how I didn't sleep last night counting sheep
The drowsy feeling of last night lapses into the insomnia of today
And the dreams of yesteryear bounce off my head like a faded light ray

Only on those days when the sweet music doesn't speak to my soul
And the green of the grass might as well be grey,
Do I shamefully and pitifully wallow
In the sweet, sticky, dry tears on my pillow

Only on those mornings when the **** crows continuously, monotony its tone
And mama calls for me to wake up, a few hours after my first wink, in a
voice that's a slow, dull, monotone
Do I shamefully and pitifully wallow
In the sweet, sticky, dry tears on my pillow

Miss Fit
If you've ever cried yourself to sleep thinking that by daylight you'll be okay, just to wake up crying still...then you'll understand.
356 · Feb 2019
In love amidst a war
Miss Fit Feb 2019
A hundred times I tried
A thousand times I failed
A million times I lied
A billion more times I failed
And a trillion times I cried

I lived in fear everyday
Bullets hit they did not ricochet
I waited for that day
That single day
For the one that would save the day

He was my one and only
With him I needed not to be
Scared, afraid or terrified
By our covenant he would abide
In his presence was my delight
In his embrace I saw the light

Our relationship was never bright
But I always dreamt of being his bride
I imagined making vows in a gown so white
But the reality hit me with all its might
The love we had for each other, we always had to hide
It was either we lose each other or lose our lives
We could bear neither so we covered ourselves in lies

Through the darkness, through the light
Through daylight and through the night
Whatever time of day we had to hide

Hiding from the battles of the war
At the same time hiding from our own wars
Fighting on opposite sides of the war
Was the greatest challenge we had to face
We never intended to fight the war
But joined it only to save face

Dodging bullets, striving to achieve
Upsetting hornets but trying to live
Violence was the order of the day
Always seeking resuscitation
Seeking doctors everyday
When what we needed was not medication
Indeed we were victims of intoxication
But we were not looking for physical recuperation
What we really needed was intellectual restoration
We needed spiritual inspiration
Then again there was the physical calculation
It was 'needed' for our own recuperation

But in the end, at the end of it all
We all wondered
What was it worth? But nothing else mattered

It was just the war
Nothing less, nothing more
We were all striving to achieve
Striving to live
Even though it destroyed our love
That was one thing we could never have
We could never, ever have love

Miss Fit
316 · Mar 2019
A world of words
Miss Fit Mar 2019
When I close my eyes I see a pool of words
I am buried in a swirl of phrases in worlds
But when I open them
I'm struck by silence unbeknown
I hold my breath
Then take a deep breath
I bite my tongue, yes I'd rather
Be silent before I stutter  

When I sleep I can see clear descriptions
When I wake my mind and mouth are in altercation
It's because my words have never meant much
My speech has never been recognized
I see myself clearer in adjectives
Than in mirrors.
I used to see myself better in people's eyes
And see a definition in their words
They described me as "useless"
And that I was unless
I could find a use for this thing called a mouth "Fool" they called me
And that I was unless
I could find a voice to speak those words
They labelled me "stupid"
And that I was unless
I could gather enough courage to move my lips
And speak those words I see
If only I could summon the strength to rearrange that sea
Of words I dream of
And make something meaningful Create something beautiful
And say something useful  

Miss Fit
Belief in oneself is one of the most important things in this world, to define oneself before hearing from anyone else...
288 · Apr 2019
I know your nightmares
Miss Fit Apr 2019
You and I are as thick as thieves
So I know your nightmares  

You've tossed and turned
Your eyes burned
You rolled and churned
Your sweet dreams were thrown away
And nightmares took their place
The sweet tunes of a lullaby seem to continually fade away
Like you no longer have a special place
In the
Musicians heart.
I know what you face  

From burning hot like fire, everything turned as cold as ice
From wings taking you higher
To being unable to devise
Solutions to rekindle the fire
"This dream has never been yours"
They say
"Had you been a little wiser
You could have owned it," you hear everyday  
The words have turned into the monsters you fear
Mermaids, centaurs, mystical creatures
With long nails, sharp teeth, unrecognizable features
**** joys, depressants, unforgivable teachers
They've scarred you, marred you into an inexplicable stature
But I watch you nurture
The pain 'til it's a part of your nature  

Surprisingly I'm the one fighting everyday
Hoping you won't fail
You're the one in prison denying yourself bail
I'm trying to make you run the sail
But you're walking the plank
Yet I still see a captain in your soul
Every time you come to me in pieces
I'm puzzled
How anyone can fail to accept you never ceases
To leave my mind boggled
Because I understand the colourful 'patchwork' that is your heart
And instead of confusing, raggedy mismatched pieces,
I see a rainbow.    

Miss Fit
Life gives you those people who fail to see their worth and sometimes it's worth it to remind them that you know what they go through.
258 · Feb 2024
Miss Fit Feb 2024
Through pain's call
You've seen it all
My painkiller when I need a cure
Sweeter than sugar,
More than the finest wine,
Your love is pure
That's who you are
And you are mine!

You're the perfect mate
When I go crazy, you set things straight
You swallow my frustrations with grace
In your heart I know I have a special place
My comfort in times of dismay
Never straying from the right way
You're my peace always and your love will never decay

You may not own a billion
But I'm proud of the capabilities you hold
You're one in a million
Your love is worth more than gold

Miss Fit⚓
257 · Jul 2023
Dear Musician
Miss Fit Jul 2023
Dear Musician play me a song
Play for me a song so long
Though the words may not be new
All I want is a tune so true

Play for me the mbira
And take me back to Africa
As your hands hit those metal notes
Let from your mouth come musical tones

Pluck the strings of a Spanish guitar and send my mind to a land afar
Create a song I want to hear it
Create a melody and make me complete

Play the African drums in contrast
Create a melody and make it last
I want to dance the way my forefathers did
To dancing the African way I myself bid

Rub gently the strings of violin
On your shoulder let it lean
With the bow make music
Make music and make me meek
Let it heal me, I'm no longer sick

Hit the notes of the marimba
I want to hear their deep sound
By the melody I'm spellbound
Deep satisfaction I have found

Dear Musician play any instrument for me
Play me any song, whatever tempo, whatever genre, whatever melody
All I want is the sensational harmony
Of your voice making music for me

Miss Fit ⚓
236 · Feb 2019
Of feet and footsteps
Miss Fit Feb 2019
So I was thinking aloud I was thinking about
All the evil in the world
And I had my doubts
To an extent of losing words I don't know if that's allowed  
I was thinking of Pandora
Sent by the gods to humankind, but failed to see the best of both worlds
Her disobedience laced curiosity unleashed a plethora
Of all kinds of evils, vices that no words
Can describe. And taught my feet
To follow in her footsteps  
In the beginning there was perfection
In Zeus' higher
Prometheus caused distortion, Stole fire In a bid to assist
A gesture that Zeus would resist
And bestow a punishment of some kind
Eternal ******* with a rock
And sent an eagle to mock
And with its beak poke at his liver
Forever I am many steps behind this offender
But our boats are harboring in the same dock  
Does it not tell the all too familiar story
Of retrogression, so inexplicable
Of evils that come before glory
Only to pave way for peace that is never reachable    

I was imagining Atlantis
And how it must have been the epitome of perfection
The ultimate Utopian sensation
Only to disappear, something seems amiss.
Yet nonexistent is that eminence in the present
All dwelling in the ocean's depth, death so imminent
No more footsteps, no more hands Just faint footprints among the sands  

Yes I was thinking of the reasons for all the unhappiness
That remains mystified,
All the heart breaks
That never seem to be justified,
The feelings of emptiness
That can't seem to be fulfilled,
And how the days of old reveal
What it was like in the ideal
Two halves conjoined
Separated because they challenged the gods
Failing to avoid
Eternal incompleteness against the odds
Who am I to wish for change
My foregangers never even gave me a chance  
Speaking of change
It probably doesn't exist
Not then, not now
Like prisoners in a cave,
Plato tried to reason
All we see is a shadow
Of reality in and out of season
And when we do see the light
Let alone the enlightened. Blinded still
We may,we might,
We most certainly will
Fail to realize our ignorance
Fail and never see the glory days
 We are forever losing our feet
Falling head first
Supposedly moving forward, but realizing the worst
We are steps behind, following in the footsteps of forerunners we'll never meet  

Miss Fit
177 · Mar 2019
Down memory lane
Miss Fit Mar 2019
So as I walking down memory lane
Passing by the house of Jane   More like a house of pain...t
All washed down, different faded colours that replaced each other over the years
A dog named Scars lifts his ears

My childhood thoughts flood my head
And childish emotions drench my oversized yellow gum boots
It's like I'm back there again
The bell of a bike chimes behind me at a distance  
"Life's a *******, " the all too familiar voice of the rider shouts
And I look up just in time to see her, Life
Hanging by no more than a string, on a dark cloud with no silver lining
"She is isn't she?
The type you can't help loving though,"
I say just below the sound of screeching tyres
I turn searching for my first best friend's response
There's no direct one, but I believe he agrees with me
Because he is there, just...something like a pile of bones and steel
Reaching, with all he has, for dear Life
Yet she keeps drifting further away until
The only thing that can catch up with her is his spirit
And his spirit and soul have to separate

Miss Fit
Life has a way of bringing back memories that you hoped would never turn up
172 · Feb 2019
Miss Fit Feb 2019
Have you ever wondered how life begins?
Am I talking about biology? By no means
I mean, biologically, we all understand how life begins
From a single celled, tiny unidentified embryo, with no idea what life itself means
We all grew
But who knew
That, that little fetus
Would one day be a recognizable organism?
Either bloom into a beautiful lotus
Or balloon into an enormous crocus
Or grow up to be an object of barbarism

Have you ever thought of how it’s possible to juxtapose
Twins in the womb, and how there’s just a pause
Between their births into the world
A world that was birthed by just a word

Have you ever imagined what the first seed looked like?
Or how the first flower came into being
How God molded the seed that would produce the prickly spike
That identifies only a full grown acacia even before it comes into being
Or how the Creator planted the seed of instinct
In every creature to survive the start of every season
And caused a similar seed to grow in every distinct
Human being giving them the power to reason

Have you ever imagined how the first snowflake
Fell lightly to the earth to face the fate
Of melting and sinking into the sandy, seemingly fake
Piece of ground awaiting green growth, a suitable playmate

Have you ever pondered upon
The first musician’s beat
What caused the members of the first band to meet
How their first melody sounded and so on

Have you ever questioned, ‘What kind of genre was the very first song that was sung?’
Or how, where, when and why the one and only, the very first guitar was strung?
I know those lines were way too long
But I really must end this song

Do you know how I, as a poet came into being?
Well, what can I say?
That’s a story for another day
Because this, right here, is only just the beginning

Miss Fit
166 · Mar 2019
Miss Fit Mar 2019
I don't know what love is
I mean I do, at least I think I do
But I don't know how to explain what it is
This feeling that kinda makes me a fool

I can only but attempt
To tell you what love feels like
It's an inexplicable feeling unlike contempt
I know that's not an explanation, hahaha, psyche

Let me just say
It's warmer than a hug
Sweeter than a may-
Flower's nectar to a bug

I may not know what love is but I know that rhyme was lame
But there's one person who loves me all the same
Though no one knows his name
With me there's no need to compete for fame
Because your love burns brighter than a flame
And if my heart burns to ashes I'll have only you to blame
And pray that you don't drench my lashes

I forgot I had to explain love
From verse one to the fifth
So before I drift
From the subject again like I did above
Let me get this off my chest
I don't really care what love is or what it means
I only care for you and not the rest
So I guess you know what this means
It means that you are the best

It means that there's only one person I love
And that one person is you

Miss Fit
150 · Feb 2023
Sacred heart
Miss Fit Feb 2023
You loved me
And mine
I left you
Never said why
Or for who
You drowned in wine

Now you're fine
I'm back
Come dine
With me
And mine

Love's no curse
Just fill my purse
I will stay,
Go all the way

You were broken,
Somewhat scarred
You're still scared
But I bring a token
I ask to be forgiven
It's granted I know
Your heart is healed I pray
After all it is sacred!

Miss Fit ⚓

— The End —