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 May 2014 Margaret
Felipe Thomas
Dreams rushing up and down my mind
Going back and forth and all around
They slip and fall and change their kind
For all I ever dreamt was upside down
 May 2014 Margaret
Felipe Thomas
born in a world that
has its back turned to you
and is paying attention to people
and things you see no worth in.
so you shake your *** and do
all sorts of things you can
so you can get his overestimated interest:
you crawl the wall
you moan and cry and whimper
you sing and dance
you write about your misery
you tell it how bad you feel
but it only takes a few swift glances at you
for you to realise that
it is needed way more to get its attention
than you are willing to give.
so you take a hike
light up a cigarette
and sit wherever you want to
allowing the world’s ****-stained eyes to
behold the unimportance you take for
others’ thoughts.
 May 2014 Margaret
Felipe Thomas
the cat to the boot and the boot to me
from me to the gun and from the gun to my man
my gun screams and rustles
just like that couch in the garden of yours
my man is true and confident
the truth and the confidence, themselves, told me so
in a gathering held at Sicilia
and there was also a wom'n
she laughed at my striped pants and kissed me farewell
I travelled along with the Mayflower fellas
in a tiny yellow rubber boat with black stripes
they told me a tale about a guy and a gun
with a cat and a boot
or could that be a different tale?
I don't know
better ask Grahame, that fact twister
 May 2014 Margaret
Hannah Turner
Three weeks ago you were telling her how much you missed her at 4am. It must have been the alcohol...because you have avoided her ever since. The amount of texts she sends to you with no reply is almost embarrassing, but more than that it's painful-your silence screams volumes in her ears.

It was her birthday three days ago...and you said nothing. As the sun began to set her heart began to drop when she realized the one "happy birthday" she was waiting for never came. And that's when she knew it was over. You've let her down multiple times...but never quiet like this.

You destroyed the one person who would drop everything for you, who fought for you and loved you with all honesty.

So, she confused a lesson for a soulmate and because of that she is broken...but not beyond repair. You see time and Jesus will heal her soon enough. And when she's too busy enjoying the simple beauties and marveling at what it means to be alive-someone will walk into her life. Someone who will protect and cherish her heart instead of use it for selfish gain.

The storm you set on her is now a light drizzle...and soon you will be nothing but a mist

She will wake up one day and the memories won't haunt her, because now she is strong enough to finally put the past in the past. And all you will be is a distant memory with a lesson learned, and you will lose all power you ever had over her.
It's nice to be able to forget,
and act like nothing happened.
But my memory seems to hate me,
The things I try hardest to forget haunt me,
The things I cling to seem to just slip away...

The way I told you I didn't care,
When all I wanted to do was hold you close,
And never let you leave me again...

The time you saw my scars,
How you flinched as if they hurt you,
And couldn't quite look me in the eye...

I see forgetting as a gift,
I wish I could just fall asleep,
*And forget we ever happened...
 May 2014 Margaret
Josh Bowman
If people were like peaches
the scent of their beauty would slap your face and astound you before you catch sight of them.
The constantly blushing skin breaks when bitten to reveal the sweetness cloaked within.
Some flesh is left around the heart that has been hardened by too many days abandoned in the sun.
The body is consumed ravenously by the eyes and mouth, the most beautiful part of the fruit.
But then the heart appears, the absolute entity of the fruit.
The heart has never been a competitor of beauty for its delicious casing.
And so it is disposed.
Without a backward glance.
give you my
forever but I doubt
I will be around that long
so I'll give you what I've got and
hope that it's
Part 2 has been put up :] Same title (Part 2 instead of Part 1 :3)
 May 2014 Margaret
 May 2014 Margaret
there's a certain beauty in the unknown.
a certain beauty in not knowing if
you're as crazy about me as i am about you.

there's a certain beauty in knowing that
my heart is ******* in such a knot that even
a seasoned boy-scout would cringe at the sight of it,
all because of you.

so many nights i have spent looking at the moon,
hoping you were doing the same.

and oh-so many nights have been spent swallowing
pills with various numbers inscribed on their very surface,
just to try to forget about your absence.

but the thing about the unknown and drugs and the moon
is that none of them can even come close to the beauty
that you possess.
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