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Jun 2017 · 752
For Dad
Lara Charlotte Jun 2017
Every day I've lived my life
You've been there by my side
Through hugs and hopes and dreams and fears
When I've laughed and when I've cried

I have such happy memories
Of beaches, rock pools and sun
Of too much ice-cream, camping in the rain
Of long summers full of fun

It hasn't always been a breeze
There've been downs along the way
But you've always smiled, no matter what
And kept those clouds away

So thank you for the work you've done
With tired nights and long drives alone
It's meant we've always had a house
A place we can call home

35 years you've been a dad
You're a pro after all this time
Though I'm sure you've had a bit of help
Either from Mum or from the wine!

Of all the dads in all the world
I'm so proud that I can say
I've the best dad there's ever been
I love you, Happy Father's Day!
May 2017 · 659
Don't blame the snake
Lara Charlotte May 2017
Don't blame the snake
That's the easy way out
Don't blame the woman either

Would you rather be trapped in a garden
Where ignorance is bliss
Yet even in the day you're in the dark
May 2017 · 1.3k
Lara Charlotte May 2017
If I could reach up
And extend my arms

Stretch out my fingers
Squeeze my eyes shut and just touch
The very tip of a star

Stardust would sprinkle into my hair
Twinkling, like morning frost

I would float up
A feather headed back to the wing of the bird who left it behind

I would soar above the world
Candy floss clouds caught in my shoelaces

The moon would look on
Watch me wrap myself in a midnight blanket
And gaze back down to earth from the heavens

If I could just touch that star
An entire world of magic would course through my fingertips

But it would be nothing
Compared to how I feel when I'm with you
Lara Charlotte May 2017
My dearest, darling, hairless friend
Whenever will this torture end?
You buy these teasing tasty treats
Like sausage, chicken and other meats
But then you hide them on the shelf,
Temptation must be bad for my health!

I’m such a good dog, most of the day,
It's not my fault my training strays.
But pity me, I have no thumbs
Instead of hand shakes, I sniff bums.
Don’t smugly tuck the food away!
You know I’ll get it anyway...

Remember that time you cooked the roast?
You were so proud, you had a boast:
‘I can’t wait, it’ll be divine!
The beef will go perfectly with the wine!’
I overheard and wanted to try,
Should I be left out? I don’t see why.

Ok, I shouldn’t have made a mess.
I may have got meat on your dress,
There could be gravy on the rug,
I might’ve broken your favourite mug.
But I just wanted to celebrate,
Because your roast really was that great!

Yes, it was totally destroyed,
And yes you really were annoyed,
Although I had no treats for a week
I hated that I couldn’t speak.
I wanted to say sorry to you,
Because I love you through and through.

I tried saying sorry with that dead bird
But that made you say more swear words.
I licked your face numerous times too
But you didn’t like that I’d been eating poo…
I even tried climbing in your bed
I'm sorry I was sick on the bedspread.

All I’m really trying to say
Is I can’t deny my doggy ways,
I may be a smelly, naughty pain
But really I think that’s your gain!
We have a laugh and so many hugs,
Please forgive me for breaking mugs?

Thanks for all the walks and runs
I love that we have so much fun.
You’re the best owner there could be
So please just listen to my plea!
Stop buying all this tasty food
And I will leave your roasts unchewed!

(I know I did it that one time
But I’m changed now, promise, I regret my crime)
Originally written in 2014, featured on
May 2017 · 1.2k
I may not
Lara Charlotte May 2017
I may not be pretty
Brave, skinny or witty
My teeth will never be straight

My hair, yes, it's curly
And my style's... not that girly
Plus I'm sorry I often run late

I may not be neat
But I sure love to eat
And I often think that I know best

My nails are chewed
And my humour's quite rude
Plus I know my cooking's a mess

I may not be refined
But I'm loving, and kind
Who cares if I have lots of flaws

I'm perfect for you
You're perfect for me too
And no matter what, I'm yours
Jan 2016 · 3.1k
Lara Charlotte Jan 2016
Where there was black
The sun shines through
Its rays of light
Now clear the gloom

An artist's canvas
So blank and small
Now bursts with colour
Upon the wall

Where tears would stream
The smiles do play
Laughter now lives
And is here to stay
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
A Year Of Love
Lara Charlotte Mar 2015
Love me the way the wind loves the trees
******* away
Rustle my leaves

Love me the way the sky loves the sun
Light up my day
Fill it with fun

Love me the way the sea loves the shore
Wash my heart clean
Kiss me some more

Don't leave me in Autumn
When the branches are bare
Don't leave me in Winter
When the sun isn't there

Keep loving me in Spring
When the tides start to turn
Keep loving me in Summer
When my skin starts to burn

Just love me the way
A boy loves a girl
And we will just wait
For this love to unfurl
Mar 2015 · 3.1k
Lara Charlotte Mar 2015
Just stop
you may not know it
but you are taking me apart

Piece by piece
unraveling me with your tongue
until nothing is left

Not this
all I want is you
in every way but this one
Mar 2015 · 354
Lara Charlotte Mar 2015
I don't think
I ever realised
How much he meant

And I don't think
He ever thought
I meant what I said

But I couldn't have
Meant it
In the way that he wants

If I left him
For myself
Then wants matter no more

I still don't know if
What I want
Is what I really needed

But just knowing
He broke me first
Is need enough for me
Mar 2015 · 1.4k
Lara Charlotte Mar 2015
My eyes meet yours
Our palms are wet
How much closer can we get

Your furrowed brow
Frustration grows
How much longer 'til we go

I smell the sweat
The love
The waste
No need to have so much haste

The time stands still
You just can't wait
So much to anticipate

My heart does soar
We start to move
Everything is running smooth

There are no words
We cannot speak
Concentration at its peak

There's so much noise
Yet not a sound
It's rush hour on the Underground

— The End —