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 Jan 2017 Kezia Audrey
he was made of dark
matter, i laugh cause i see
his constellations
Haiku #4
The perfect world
Would be one
Without the idea
Of perfection
 Jan 2017 Kezia Audrey
m i a
oh darling you drive me wild,
you make me scream for your attention like a little child,
i remember when you first spoke to me and i smiled
so big, oh so big
darling don't you see how much you drive me wild?
eli, you drive me wild darling.
 Jan 2017 Kezia Audrey
"You are the reason I started praying at night again."
And wishing on shooting stars, and knocking on wood...
I haven't been active lately, as I've been trying to figure some things out.
I haven't come to any concrete conclusions, but I'm hoping to find some answers soon.
Thank you to everyone who has sent love and shown concern.
I'll be posting some old drafts, as writing is still hard for me to bring myself to do.
Instead of keeping the faith, consider sharing it with others!
Put my faith in a bottle,
                                        and watched it *drain.
watched my faith disappear similar to the whiskey in my bottle.
 Jan 2017 Kezia Audrey
I feel as if I am disintegrating,
my atoms all wriggling out of place.
But one look at you,
and suddenly they all realign,
back in their rightful space.
Do you see that old man
filthy and wrinkled on the street
he's a statue where the feet often steps
and yet his soul never did leave

Do you see that young lady
Pained and teared in her heart
sitting by the lonely bench
her eyes teary, staring at the sun

Have you seen that small child
cold and starved by his fate
drinking water despite its filthiness
smiling despite the cruelty of the world

How many unspoken words are there
roaming around in the thin air
knowing how large the world is
Yet the love is so small, so rare

Knowing how heartless people can be
knowing that their beloved ones left
and yet they wore shades of smile
With their unspoken words behind everything else
"We can do no great things, just small things with great love." -Mother Teresa
comes whispering
her way
into the world.
The passing
of the days
are unmentioned,
forgotten sounds.
And then,
with no forewarning,
another faint whisper,
and we have
at our fingertips.
In vain
do we grasp
for the fleeting
of which we were
oblivious to
only yesterday...
which were
only yesterday.
All is gone
beyond our reach,
save only yesterday's

cj  1971
when we are young we all think we will live forever....
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