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 Aug 2018 alex
drive me home
 Aug 2018 alex
you'll be the love of my life until my tan fades away,
then we'll walk through the halls and be strangers again
 Aug 2018 alex
oh brother
i wait for love like
a ship at sea.
and a hellstorm
brews like a
witches potion.
i sip quickly
it is more than
enough to
 Aug 2018 alex
fish bowl
 Aug 2018 alex
theres a
crater in the
moon i see
tonight. a
firm reminder
that i am
only good
if im giving.

a man tells
me there are no
trees here, but i
see them all
the time. we must
be in two
different places.
 Aug 2018 alex
i wake to
the rhythm of the birds.
its a day ill live
and forget.
it starts with
grey rain but i have
nothing to do
other than drink
with friends
so what does it matter.

i do not walk alone.
i am not drunk
i can still see the work.
there is real forgetting
going on, and i am sleeping
there. i have made
my peace with battles.
just let me drink
with friends.

i end in bed,
shaking to old wounds.
a creature from the
water, i cant swim
so i cant be hurt. it saves
lives and i need saving.
only a match that
perfect could end
so poorly.
 Aug 2018 alex
great writers make
names of their hometowns.
i am no great writer.

no great writer
could make something
of this nothing.
 Aug 2018 alex
i hope to one day
find love so strong
that i see the streets
as pavement. and not
the spaces around
my shoes.

id love to tell you
all about the mountains,
but the truth is
i dont care.
not yet anyway.
a mountain is just
something else
i cant enjoy on my own.

leave a knife
in your thigh and
try to write about
anything else.

until real love
hits me like a hook
to the nose
ill live in hopes quicksand.
sinking with a smile.
 Aug 2018 alex
haiku #2
 Aug 2018 alex
god must be broken
if were made in his image.
i crack the mirror.
 Aug 2018 alex
let us reconcile
in the moment,
for a moment.
the tiniest
of tensions are so
malleable to the parts of
me that know im
not worthy.

i fixate on a star
to the point that
if i stare long enough
i dont see the others
and it will dance
through a clear sky
like it could breath.

no one is ready for
my sweater. i work to
give but have yet to
pull sword from stone.
either i am not worthy
or i am not ready, but
defeat always feels
the same.

i see a real miracle
over and over.
things have never felt
so futile.
a star will crash
into the earth
and i will never
hold a sword.
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