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 Aug 2018 alex
Rohan P
 Aug 2018 alex
Rohan P
swallows fly in
fractured patterns: i stared
at the canopy

i bellowed your name
and sobbed; my dog
licked my face

faraway: i know your voice
rumbles with music.
this is for ellie, the girl i've never met. ellie rowsell: i've fallen head-over-heels for you.
 Aug 2018 alex
i will spend the week
in hourglass torture.
listening to seconds
go bye.
i cant save them
they live as quickly
as they die.

there is no tragedy
in seconds.
no funeral procession
for time lost.
just memories and
blank space.
the bitter blade
of nostalgia just
sharp enough to
pierce weak skin.

there is no excuse
for lost time.
just a .44 pointed
straight at a mirror.
one victim.
one criminal.
i am as guilty
as i am innocent.
so i am really nothing.

just a quarter
in a crisis.

the king of
 Aug 2018 alex
i should feel blessed
to have things to miss.

i only feel lucky,
and rather empty

to have something
to miss
is to have something
to lose.

i am stubborn.
i am a sore loser.

i will circle dates
like a child to chirstmas
for Orion,
and for May.

so until we feel
the sun and its heat.
i bid you adieu
and my love from afar.
ill be waiting
 Aug 2018 alex
Vinnie Brown
A couple dabs of honey
Pinch of salt
A little bit of vinegar
Just a touch of blood
Maybe a smidge of sugar
Teaspoon of red wine
Don’t forget a moan or two
A hint of selfishness
Make sure the sear is just right
Yeah, sounds a lot like what love would be
At least to me
 Aug 2018 alex
Vinnie Brown
Looking for providence
In the areas of hellfire and ash
Strung along four walls
For my humanity is up for grabs
Where my insanity seems to land
For I am hellishly filled with self doubts
And these words aren’t necessarily poetry
Just mere poetic venom
Seeping to the core desires of my whims
Amongst the rolling hills of sin
With sea salt licked sympathies on the rise
 Aug 2018 alex
Vinnie Brown
 Aug 2018 alex
Vinnie Brown
It seemed even as God’s
We found ourselves in a phase
Of making love, where love was absent.
 Aug 2018 alex
Vinnie Brown
For You
 Aug 2018 alex
Vinnie Brown
I do this for my father
Who I’ve only ever seen from time to time
In my dreams

I do this for my mother
Who’s finally clean
No longer a fiend

I do this for my sister and my brothers
The few that I unknowingly need

I do this for you
To understand
That these things are me
 Jul 2018 alex
 Jul 2018 alex
its unusual
the earth said to the girl in a gentle voice through the breeze
unlike others that trek though my valleys
and wade past my streams..
your tears are sweet..

confused the girl looked up from the grass blades
wiped her cheeks with her sleeve
and wondered why that was so significant..

you're home now.. you don't have to run anymore.

and she looked past the hill as a tear went down her cheek
and it was true

she was home again

and her tears were sweet.
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