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 Aug 2014 Jindomess
 Jul 2014 Jindomess
 Jul 2014 Jindomess
And suddenly I was weightless,
Barely a cloud
Near the ground, obstructing the
Paths that my eyes wander down.
Simply a stream of consciousness,
Demonstrated by demons
And the flames flavoured
Like chocolate and ghost peppers.
Burning blisters on the insides of
My teeth, spreading through my bones
As a parasite would slither
Down my throat.
And I wanted to be purified.
I have no clue, but I haven't written in a while, so.
You took care of all of my booboos
Kissed all my scars
But when mental woes came
I was discard.
I am terrified now,
to come to you,
I don't want you to look at me
Like I'm twisted.
I felt like that for three ******* years!
But when it's your mother,
the pain is so much more unbearable than you thought
 Jul 2014 Jindomess
 Jul 2014 Jindomess
It was cold. And  quick.
Not the moment my heart was torn, but
The second it was put back together, so quickly.
So happily.
So lovingly.
 Jul 2014 Jindomess
I carry a bright love in my pocket,
On a chain around my neck,
In my own heart
Because love is intertwined.
 Jul 2014 Jindomess
 Jul 2014 Jindomess
Be your own hope.
And find the one that makes it stronger.
Be your own love.
And find the one that makes it romantic.
Be your own light.
And find the one that makes it brighter.
Be your own inspiration.
And find the one that makes it into art.
Be your own determination.
And find the one that makes it happen.

Be your own fight.
And be your own victory.
 Jul 2014 Jindomess
 Jul 2014 Jindomess
Have you talked about me?
Have people asked?
How is everyone?
I feel too awkward to
Say anything.
Are we really friends?
Or just acting like it?
Am I bothersome to you?
Do you want me to forget?
Do you really care?
Are you disappointed in me?
Are you worried?
I feel like I can't like
Your statuses that i find amusing.
What do people say?

No one saw it coming but me.
I've gotten the same question over and over
But I don't really know the answer.
But I do at the same time.
Because he stopped loving me.
* How? When?*
I don't know...
How long did you go without telling me?
 Jul 2014 Jindomess
I am not a worthless *****.
Stop treating me like one.

I am not an unsuccessful, lazy person.
Stop treating me like one.

I am not a snotty *****.
Stop treating me like one.

I am not a stupid know-it-all.
Stop treating me like one.
Just let me die already. im sick of everything.
 Jun 2014 Jindomess
Sarah Spang
If I was a mountain

That soared towards the sky,

With craggy snow caps

And stormy grey eyes-

Then you'd be the clouds

That swaddled my peak,

That silenced my thunder

When I tried to speak.

If I was the earth

The desert, in fact:

With arid dry soil

And mud, baked and cracked-

You'd be the rain

The downpour that soothed;

The balm to my bruises,

Relief to my wounds.

If I was the Moon

In the indigo night,

With stars as my blanket

And silver; my light-

Well you'd be the Sun

Just always behind

That lent me your glow

And caused me to shine.
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