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May 2016 · 877
Look up sugar
Let your walls down.
Let my passion caress
your mind,
as you wear my poetry
out on your skin.
Let these words induce
salacious thoughts;
with each adjective &
every verb intensifying
your desires.
Just lay down,
as my love lifts you higher,
and higher,
until we reach the sun.
Love aint' never looked so good on ya'
May 2016 · 482
Teach me.
“I'm sorry..”

I've written this line
over a thousand times,
yet every déjà vu-filled
renewal of it is a testament
to your influence on me;
an indication of my complete
adoration for you.

Forgive me,
I'm still learning how to adjust to
your love’s wild pirouettes while
keeping my footing.

Teach me.
Apr 2016 · 380
Dear paper,

I sincerely apologise for constantly coming to you for comfort, but you are the only form of calmness I have in the midst of this madness.

No other embrace is as sweet as yours when my hands begin to shake and I seem to misplace my mind.

You take me as I am, even with my daunting cloud of troubles, and hold my thoughts until I regain clarity.

Sanity seems to be so elusive, slipping out of my grasp each time I clasp at it like a silk skinned eel.

But here you are, as immovable as a rock, as honest as a blade, yet as fragile as these glass windows I peer out of for inspiration.

Never have I felt so free while placing a piece of myself behind your bars.

Tranquility is only a touch away when I’m with you.

But once the waves of euphoria subside, and the hurdles placed in front of me become too  towering-I see no other option.

I load my clip full of thoughts into this 1.2mm ballpoint pen and pull the trigger, then watch it penetrate my heart and **** my anxiety.

Dec 2015 · 631
If these walls could talk
Her eyes were tinted like the night sky while her heart was shaded in vulnerability and affliction, with a tinge of hope.

Hopeful that I may be the one to repaint the semi-shattered walls that she had put up since the last cheap job.

All she desired for was new wallpaper to cover the holes and cracks.

All I wanted to do was break them down entirely.
Love Lost Raw Art Past pain New
Sep 2015 · 772
Z z z
A l o n e

Nothing other than utter bliss
As my eyelids begin to passionately kiss
My count of sheep depletes as my imagination grows
My mind starts to open as my eyes begin to close
Slowly welcoming the air to it’s royal chambers in my lungs
With a handful of dreams within grasp even without opposable thumbs
I become N U M B
Thoughts ricochet around in my head
Until they land upon old wounds left untreated & now infected
Visions of the past present a possible future
Unparallel to those predicted by life's various tutors
Then I find myself-
soaring high with complete balance
Steering this craft with faith beside acting as my ballast
Leaping from safety and falling towards uncertainty
Diving into a sea full of clarity
And so goes the plunge
I submerge
Pondering deep beyond previously set limits
      Never once resurfacing
Drowning in yet to be deciphered waves

Thus ending the reign of the once realist schemer
Replaced by the newly appointed lucid dreamer
Aug 2015 · 1.5k
What intrigues you?
Tell me what intrigues you.

Simple task, right?
Tell me. What. Intrigues. You.
It could be something old or new
One word, maybe two
Whether it be why the sky isn't red
Or why we don't bleed blue

Tell me what intrigues you

Maybe its how starfish chew
Where the candles flame flew off to once grandpa blew
Why a bubble pops when caressed too soon
Or how you don't' need glasses to change your point of view

Tell me what intrigues you

Like how loving certain people can be considered taboo
When will Mr.World Peace make his debut
How despite being confined by concrete the flower still grew
Or why we can continue to do unto but not undo

Tell me what intrigues you

Like what does money really do
When change is supposedly due
Maybe where our death leads us to
Or why orphans are stuck playing guess who

Tell me what intrigues you

How windows and not lies are see through
When does the Government plan to play duck/duck/truth
Why color isn't synonymous to ivory hues
Or why the biggest fast food supplier is actually disguised as the news

Tell me, Tell me..  what is it that intrigues you?
Jul 2015 · 770
Magnetize Me
Draw me nearer
As the moon slowly seduces the tide
How iron is lured by a magnets enticing charm  
Like a moth to a flames irresistible pirouette
Draw me nearer
Jul 2015 · 1.6k

Life is like a cash register, in the sense that change comes from within. The words above/below describe my outlook on myself (past/now). For me to fill the voids described above, certain adjustments had to be made. Notice how the words placed above can easily be changed by removing a specific letter or two.. change begins with  “U”

Jul 2015 · 630
Wave after wave
"His love for her was like a beach, endless shores adorned by beautiful seashells. But once the tide seemed to fade out, he could do nothing but wait. So he sat.. and he waited.. patiently for its return."
Jun 2015 · 697
A I G A (Family)

There.. always
Straying never

Like the fingers upon my hand-I can confidently count on them
Like slow service at the counter-they keep me in line
Just like the horizon to the Sun,
the ground beneath my feet,
or that baboon on pride rock-they elevate me,

Time will fade away....
As will possessions...
Memories won’t..
No matter how far ahead you get in life, no matter how many digits are in your bank account or how much fame you may acquire-remember your roots. Never forget those who sacrificed for you, who paved the way for you & who love you regardless of prestige. Family first.
Jun 2015 · 527
Letter I owed you
December 3rd
"I don't think I'll ever be able to understand why things have to be this way,
144 ..the amount of hours I spend being blind because I'm not seeing you those days,
Once a week makes one weak & bleak without you to colour me in,
Only a weeks end until we can reunite so I wait while we watch the weekend,
Seeking nothing else but your face, your embrace to fill the space,
Of this void I can't avoid like permanent errors with no option to erase,
All my first are your seconds and every second you aren't around,
I watch the shot clock drain me of possession until the buzzer sounds,
Games over but my coach left during the first quarter,
Yet I feel your presence around me like an invisible boarder,
Stay with me-just until I can spread my own wings,
Things aren't the same without that smile and all that it brings,
I've been feeling down under while trying to hold myself up like a car jack,
I call you ‘boomerang’ Dad ..because I'm still waiting for you to come back.”
A little letter I wrote as my son, Arioch, seeing life through his perspective. It was challenging in the sense I had to put myself in his shoes and see how he has been effected by his parents separation, especially with me not being around him 24/7 any more. The title is inspired by the fact I promised myself I would write a letter each week detailing everything that went on so when he was old enough he could understand what life was like at that time for me, but I grew lazy and procrastinated and ended up with only a few pages to show for months of experience-thus, this was the letter I owed him. Painful to write some segments but I can't deny the truth, through all this it only inspires me to become a better Father. Never become lazy, in ANYTHING. Whether it be school, work, sports, or even parenting. Enjoy your time with your children & love them unconditionally. No one should grow up feeling unwanted or deserted. Cherish your blessings. Dedicated to my fourth planet.
Jun 2015 · 2.0k
K U M O M I (Cloud Watching)

     Laying here under this sapphire sheet of dreams,
No limits
No rules
       Nobody else

I dive into this non-aquatic azure sea of thoughts,
    No oxygen
    No wetsuit
             Nothing but faith

Psyche an oracle arena-in an undeniable Golden state,
         No fear        
    No higher

Soul searching for a sole purpose within,
       No answers
    No clarity

Awoken with a cleansed perspective,
          No questions
       No notions
'K U M O M I' •Romans 12:2 - "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Just a couple of thoughts I jotted down whilst chilling. Taking a pause from writing wasn't only necessarily to have break & focus on other things, but to also delve within for inspiration instead of around. I took time to just relax & reflect on how God has blessed me personally and was able to open my mind to ambiguous thoughts. Faith within ones self care & the Father will enable his/her confidence to soar on wings like eagles. Also, the piece is named Kumomi after the song produced by the luminary himself, Nujabes. The Japanese term loosely translates to "cloud watching" which helps convey the image of me "laying here under this sapphire sheet of dreams" and all that follows. A man/woman may look endlessly throughout life trying to find happiness, but once he/she are able to discover oneself - there is no such state as being 'lost'. God bless
You lay there.
You act as if everything is as it should be,
"..should be.."
Why can't I walk away from this stage? ..from this performance? ..from us?
Must the show go on?
Her heart's crying out for me to end this charade.. but we stopped following the script a long time ago,
Yet here we are,
Nothing to hide ..only our sins,
No clothes on either of us with a closet full of skeletons,
I traded my soul for pleasure ship for treasure ..her best for better,
Or what I thought was,
I indulged further than I should have,
You became a pest,
We gave no F's & now without them she's left with our lies,
There's only so much pain one can deal,
The more I think-I feel,
The urge to reveal the truth we struggle to conceal,
While juggling discretion & desires,
This game isn't easy for me.. then again I played along,
Don't make me have to choose,
To lose,
Our slice of heaven was delectable ..detectable,
"All good things must come to an end"
So blue. So true.
One plus one can’t equal three,
Subtract you ..divide me

— The End —