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kiss my lips
tell me i'm pretty

grab my thighs
tell me you miss me

clutch my hips
tell me I'm your only one

look me straight in the eyes
tell me you need me

break my heart
and tell me you love me.
 Jun 2017 Heather Hertzler
I was falling for you faster than I ever had before,
You tore my walls down ,
by being yourself,
your embrace was my castle,
And you were the guard,
I blindly trusted you to protect what matters most to me,
you see ,
I guess we were not meant to be,
but what to I do with this half finished symphony,
I tattooed onto my heart,
your memory haunts me,
on the basement couch,
where you heard my thoughts in silence,
and held me as i cried,
after you discovered one of my demons,
In the campfire smoke,
that stings my eyes,
the same way the tears do  ,
You haunt me in the constellations,
I feel you as i sit amongst the grass,
we used to lay upon the grass,
tangled in blankets,
and the warmth of the other,
we used to talk,
we never did stop,
until you let worry silence you,
I don’t let what i can not control have power over my voice,  
I wonder what your doing,
I went from ridding shot gun,
to driving three cars behind,
you placed me in your blind spot,
now all I get are snapshots,
on Snapchat and Instagram,  
I’m left wondering who I am to you,
I hope I’m not just “some girl I knew”
Maybe some day we will dance
Holding hands in disbelief
As tears of joy
flow from our eyes
While the field of flowers
will cheer in salute
Maybe our eternity
will come to an end
And our day will come
to begin . . . just maybe

Just maybe I hope
beyond my dreams
Waiting for the one you love
For so long I have been so strong.
I can feel my armour starting to
I miss you and yes, it does hurt.
These late nights have been getting so long.
I've waiting for the wrong people
to answer my texts
wishing it was you.
The thought of you being gone
forever has finally started setting in
and there is a fire in my lungs
because of it.
It's almost like I was sure you were
going to come back,
and you never did.
If you gathered every grain of sand
Off every seashore,
I assure you
That her big, beautiful heart's love
Is still more.

And if you gathered every single leaf
Off every giant tree,
I guarantee you
That within her soul
There is still more love
Than your eyes will ever see;
Her love is boundless, ever growing, Infinitely.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
 May 2017 Heather Hertzler
if i had three wishes
one of them
would be to take back
every single touch from you
that has laced my skin.
another one
would be to take back
every single word
that you whispered in my ear.
the final one
would be to forget
that i ever knew you,
and forget what you did to me.
but maybe i dont wish that
because, yes,
you ruined me,
but because of it
i wont let anyone else
do the same
 May 2017 Heather Hertzler
Forever we wondered
Forever we said
Forever we claimed
Forever we prayed

But oh what fools
To think of an ever
When the only "ever"
Is always a never

Forever we promised
To stay together


Forever is nothing
Nothing forever

Here's to those
Who read
Who write

Here's to those
That love with might

Forever remember
To never say "forever"


**Forever is nothing
Nothing is forever
To those who fell in the purest most passionate love and had to let go for love
I wish
I wish
upon a star
That I could gather you
in my arms
and take you far
Far far away
On a cloud made for two
A special cloud
for me
and for you
Away from these lands
filled with anguish and pain
To lands with no illness
where you'd have good health again
To lands where together
we'd grow
and grey
As husband and wife
forever we'd stay
Wish we could float away on clouds
Away you put me,
Far from thought,

And the great distance,
What it tell,
As it truly befell,

Yesterdays love it flourished,

To erase,

So away I am put,
A place you refuse to look.

— The End —