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Aug 2018 · 515
dear 58
Gita Aug 2018
the wind propelled her to a new destination
to a fairytale love quite rare for this wallflower
she severed her roots for this newfound affinity

but aimlessly wandering high above the clouds
the wind settled, as the impulse abated
and she fell into ~nirvana~
Gita Feb 2016
The world has moved on and I am fixated on one **** detail. A blank stare that lasted maybe two seconds before he carried on with his work. The look was indescribable because the expression was void of emotion. This is incredibly ridiculous, but I am so horrifically bothered by it. That **** expression. This **** minor occurrence has somehow managed to ruin my day. But here's the thing - this is routine for me. I know myself too well. I will be incredibly self-conscious from now on in that space. So many things go past that man, but my stupid digressions didn't. I am a victim of over-analysis. I will patiently wait for the day my memory will finally let this go.
Dec 2015 · 483
Exception To The Norm
Gita Dec 2015
Am I not meant for love?
Am I an exception to this compulsion?
Did I waste my chances when I had them?
Could I be obsessed with an obsession?
Dec 2015 · 346
It's Time
Gita Dec 2015
Drop the books.
Walk away.
Forget about this world.
You will die either way.
Oct 2015 · 716
"Room 101"
Gita Oct 2015
Ironically situated in the Ministry of Love, these dark, barren walls have rewritten the hope in my heart into verses of wishful demise. This heart is an icebox that has become numb to any whisper of faith. These tear ducts have forgotten the sense of sadness. I welcome the warmth of shackles pinching the skin of my feeble arms. The weeks of misery have culminated into this unspeakable agony. Welcome to Room 101.
Sep 2015 · 1.5k
Gita Sep 2015
My depression translates into artsy poetry.
Sep 2015 · 442
Gita Sep 2015
I am addicted to good writing.
Sep 2015 · 699
Gita Sep 2015
Words are worthless unless they're heard.
Sep 2015 · 1.2k
Late Night Timeline
Gita Sep 2015
It's 12:29.
I'm thinking about the moon.
It's one of those "Sufjan Stevens" nights.
His music always manages to perfectly translate my befuddling feelings and thoughts into rhythm and beat.
If I rest now I will miss out on what the night has to offer.

It's 1:07
I'm lying in bed.
I hear my mom on the phone with grandma.
They always manage to keep the conversation fresh and perpetual despite the 8,096 mile distance.
If I let my eyes close now morning and work will arrive faster.

It's 2:03
I give up on homework.
I open the laptop to watch Netflix.
I re-watch a show I've seen a dozen times.
If I escape to dreamland, this sense of knowing of what is to come will be stolen by the uncertainty of the subconscious.

It's 4:32
I'm filled with sadness.
I have procrastinated badly.
I abruptly jump out of bed and head downstairs to brew coffee.
If I go to sleep, I will regret it in the morning when I will face the consequences of my laziness and late night reasoning.
Aug 2015 · 4.2k
Nebulous Life
Gita Aug 2015
This nebulous life is like a puzzle dissipated,
When you can't comprehend what's real, fake, clear, or faded.
Clueless, mystified, seeking inspiration,
Meaningless alliteration,
Inadequate concentration,
Diligence and dedication,
What I need is a vacation.
Aug 2015 · 1.6k
Goodbye Summer
Gita Aug 2015
"Goodbye Summer" are the words I fear the most.
It signals the time to welcome the stress of school,
the heavy weight of work, endless endeavors on a "To-Do" list.
Goodbye to the endless summer days, as they ironically approach an end.
Let these horrible days begin.
Jun 2015 · 590
Gita Jun 2015
Fellow reader, before you abandon this piece,
won't you consider this poem once more?
Before you leave this work to criticize another,
were these rhymes truly such an eye sore?

Here's an amateur at hand, a beginner at the game,
I have already admitted my subservience.
Will the expert assist the rookie today?
Or decline to be thoughtful and courteous.
Jun 2015 · 1.8k
Writer's Block
Gita Jun 2015
Writer’s block has hit me once again.
Ideas fallen through, glass half empty,
metaphors worthless, rhymes are hopeless.
Every word written has been erased.
A blank mind continues at this pace.
Sluggish reading, unbelieving,
downward progress, I’m voiceless.
Jun 2015 · 2.9k
Gita Jun 2015
Will my body remain a temple after you penetrate its innocence?
Will these hands be forever stained by filth and guilt?
Will the world forgive me for the sins in this lifetime?
Will I ever have the chance to see this corrupt ground rebuilt?
Jun 2015 · 2.0k
My Body Aches From Failure
Gita Jun 2015
I crave achievement, but my body aches from failure.
From constant wounds to my frail skin, courage is beyond reach.
It is elusive, distant, away from my ***** hands.

I want to fulfill my ambitions, but my mind wavers from success.
From procrastination and the dark holes of depression, my conquest of dreams is fruitless.
It is shameful, humiliating, disappointing to my household.

I wish to express boundless love to the world, but my small mindedness has failed to grow beyond ignorance.
From lack of effort and unapparent care, I am a disgrace to my well wishers.
It is sad, dismal, sorry to see such a being alive.

— The End —