Be patriotic,
Patriotic be
You and me.
Heigh **.! Shout thou.!
For thy land's song, for thy land's fair renown.
That man shall be as dark as Erebus,
whose ***** ne'er growled to return,
'That was my land, my dear native it was'
the one: ne'er hath this said, ne'er hath this sung
Such a man, through angel's marks,
would go down and deeper at the eventual phase;
Regardless of what he receives o'er there;
A tainted metal and deservedly disgrace
Be patriotic,
Patriotic be
You and me.
Heigh **.! Shout thou.!
For thy land's song, for thy land's fair renown.
He'll hath high titles and seamless wealth,
selfish wishes shall ask;
Despite those medals, rewards and honours he will trip,
faltering and facing the blast
Thou don't be the one,
work for thy fair mother's renown,
incessant be,
or doubly die, with a fading pronoun
To the vile dust from whence thee sprung,
Unnamed, unhonour'd and unsung
You'll receive what you doth give,
To your mother, nature and kin
Be patriotic,
Patriotic be
You and me.
Heigh **.! Shout thou.!
For thy land's song, for thy land's fair renown.
I love my country, you should too.
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