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Falguni Sudan Jul 2018
i wanna sail and sail
          on horizon's port;  
vista: fresh neat yellow scotch w/ old      beef-red wine,
          sometimes seems like
                orange juice spilt over the sky and sometimes,
      lumps of candy floss
                of an orange colour dye.

           Towering mast;
                 our blessed dilapidated boat;
  ~where slicked hair,
          ~arched eyebrows,
  ~dropped jaws,
          ~bulging eyes,
and sacredness sit;
                       lingered breaths and
                    two collapsing ribcages,
   a place where sugared lips once kissed.
Jul 2018 · 792
Falguni Sudan Jul 2018
Be patriotic,
Patriotic be
You and me.
Heigh **.! Shout thou.!
For thy land's song, for thy land's fair renown.

That man shall be as dark as Erebus,
whose ***** ne'er growled to return,
'That was my land, my dear native it was'
the one: ne'er hath this said, ne'er hath this sung

Such a man, through angel's marks,
would go down and deeper at the eventual phase;
Regardless of what he receives o'er there;
A tainted metal and deservedly disgrace

Be patriotic,
Patriotic be
You and me.
Heigh **.! Shout thou.!
For thy land's song, for thy land's fair renown.

He'll hath high titles and seamless wealth,
selfish wishes shall ask;
Despite those medals, rewards and honours he will trip,
faltering and facing the blast

Thou don't be the one,
work for thy fair mother's renown,
incessant be,
or doubly die, with a fading pronoun

To the vile dust from whence thee sprung,
Unnamed, unhonour'd and unsung
You'll receive what you doth give,
To your mother, nature and kin

Be patriotic,
Patriotic be
You and me.
Heigh **.! Shout thou.!
For thy land's song, for thy land's fair renown.
I love my country, you should too.
For any queries, please comment down below
Jul 2018 · 215
Falguni Sudan Jul 2018
Sometimes be grateful for being ugly.
When you're ugly and people love you, you know they love you for who you are.
Beautiful people don't know whom to trust.
Jul 2018 · 446
Love is marijuana
Falguni Sudan Jul 2018
My love,
My love from another star:
An Ode To My Breath,
My whispering chest,
holy sabbath,
my Gospel's lap
my Nichiren,
my Shivaay,
my Allah's disciple,
my blissful night:
the heaven which brassy day denies
Jul 2018 · 572
love is marijuana
Falguni Sudan Jul 2018
My love,
My love from another star:
An Ode To My Breath,
My whispering chest,
holy sabbath,
my Gospel's lap
my Nichiren,
my Shivaay,
my Allah's disciple,
my blissful night:
the heaven which brassy day denies
Jun 2018 · 702
Falguni Sudan Jun 2018
It felt good. It felt good thinking about you slowly digging my neck deep with your tongue.
Thinking about you gazing deep into the ocean of my eyes and smiling upon my shoulder at the same time. It felt good thinking about you gradually waving your fingertips on the caramel upon my hair, telling me I'm beautiful. Thinking of you against my lips, smashing petal to petal.
It felt good.
The only thing that didn't feel good was,
the fact,
that I was thinking.
And only that.
Jun 2018 · 405
It's the end of autumn
Falguni Sudan Jun 2018
It's the end of autumn. And I don't have your arms to call home. And we're soon going to say goodbye, I know. For ever.

Isn't it interesting that during autumn, everything is so majestically beautiful even when everything is dying?
But, you are going. And, 'we' are dying. And nothing is beautiful.

Trust me, it's the end of autumn.
I wrote this back in November. Wanted to post XOXO
May 2018 · 4.8k
"Lips of a weeping dream"
Falguni Sudan May 2018
Softly and gently, I swim him along
the frail whirlpool of a lie,
He visits like a lamp in the froth of cold
forward towards but shy

I remember to keep my palm onto the cold night's sheet
and tell him how his would fit in,
how every moment of my cold nights would burn
into the arms of his unconscious sin

I canst remember thy face though,
o love, was the dust of snow much.?

Swaying like a leaf in the wind of my poem
skimming on the foam of an immortal stream,
with his perfect structured fingers touching his evening cup,
he flutters like a laugh from the lips of a weeping dream.

A dream.
O my.! Was this illusory?

Years of long closed eyelids imagining their perfect fit
The word exists the definition doesn't,
Dejection over fancies is dejecting
Perfection is straight where you find true love.
Both girls and boys alike, dream about their "perfect" life-partner from the very beginning of their formative years. This "perfect" illusion seems to surmount over their subconscious self and when they aren't provided with the same revolutionised "perfect" partner, they feel dejected.
"don't be", I say. "Perfect" has no meaning. That one moment when you find true love, It is, nevertheless, "Perfect".
Falguni Sudan May 2018
Coral-black hair
plunging o'er his bold
lilac soft, nectar sweet lips:
which could be a flower moulder.

Dulcet whispers,
like a singing bird bed
And, after a smile
His beguiling, oyster-white teethset.

Two cinnamon-brown jewels melted onto snow
had the sparkle of 'Lueur d'espoir Petillante',
And a pair of his arched eyebrows which eased down gently,
to his black, beetle’s-leg eyelashes.

His dusky complexion would apprise me of
his never limiting sheen,
I just wish I get to visit this till the last blink of my eye:
A humanly divine paradise,
Falguni Sudan May 2018
Its so fortunate to have that 'someone'. Isn't it.? I mean, that someone who becomes the glimmer to your sparkle and the star to your dark.
I mean, that someone who calls you without asking and tells you stuff, no matter if it's during the scorch of 2pm or during the scar of 3am.
I mean, someone you can tease, troll and still get a 'I love you too' back.
I mean, 'someone' who is yours, and only yours.
I wish I had a best friend. I really really really wish so.
So, to all those who have,
you guys don't know how lucky you are.
We never really appreciate whatever we already have. Ask those who doesn't, and then you'll know the difference.
May 2018 · 177
Falguni Sudan May 2018
They'll say that they love you only when you stop talking to them and ultimately don't want them to tell you anything.
this always happen, doesn't it?
May 2018 · 406
"My dear poets" <3
Falguni Sudan May 2018
The carbon caged in their ribcage sparks exothermic,
through those alphabets of ancient prose.
poetry is what exits as ashes,
their souls aches to touch the
ink is what they have,
poetry is what they bleed
perfect liners with insouciant punctuation,
the treasure, in which they believe.
I thank you all for making this world a little better, by writing and letting out all these emotions, helping yourself and others in the process.  
This isn't just a writing community, it's a family. Helping and inspiring, one another. Thankyou!
May 2018 · 641
You'll regret
Falguni Sudan May 2018
burn her cigarettes,
burn her skin
undress her,
commit a sin

She'll growl
but you'll too,
A day would come:
much ado

she bled
she collided
she collapsed

still by your side,
she'll smile.
she'll smile

realisation will
strike you one day,
what a beautiful
soul you lost that day

she'll depart but you'll learn,
how to live life and discern.
Don't let your gratifications eat someone else, and you, eventually.
May 2018 · 196
Falguni Sudan May 2018
The bright of the burning sun
shoving itself perpendicularly on her wheat coloured complexion;
with the pitch black spot that she has right upon her cheek, the colour glimmered like fresh brass.
Jasmine new garnered, sailed at the waves of her black curls.
The sun so wild on her way made perfect amalgamation of colours in her long wavy hair, black and copper and brown and tin, every shade mixed with the other.
Her deep brown eyes which never seemed so brown, now seemed an example of exquisite beauty, the pupil shimmering against the shine of the sun, it looked amazing.
Her small pendulous lips, consisting the colour of dark pink and the tint of smoky black mixed with reddish wine at the edges, flamed up in the sun.
Her incomplete eyebrows, her messy eyelashes...
oh. how wonderful she looked. ✨
Thankyou so much for reading : ))
May 2018 · 411
That night.
Falguni Sudan May 2018
Burning cigarettes;

growling souls,
blackened body
mortal cage
and an immortal hobby

Bleeding philosophy;

drenched eyelids,
weeping lips
apparent affection
and a soothing kiss

Colliding bodies;

laying o'er,
fidgeting in the dark
coursed carbon
to a hungry, relentless spark

Collapsing ribcage;

blinding pain,
empty fie
gradual decree
The beautifully pure ******* that happens between two individuals is indeed, surreal.

— The End —