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Dianali Jul 2021
Why do I see love everywhere I go?
Why do I seek love everywhere I go?
Dianali Nov 2021
Isn’t this the age
When we have
A lot of plants,
A bunch of plans
Little money
and even less time?
Roaring 20s, aren’t they?
Dianali Oct 2021
You found your way into my mind.
Now I randomly text you
at 2 am.
And you are okay with that,
slowly melting my stance.
You’re dangerously getting closer
To my heart.
Dianali Feb 2021
It’s plain and chaotic
And unique and divine
The beam of her caring
In every tender glance
Dianali Nov 2024
There is another timeline,
where we are home,
—after a lovely Sunday birthday dinner
of friends

We are thinking of hosting one next.
We agree everyone will love the dessert.
We complain about tomorrow—
Usual Monday’s sorrow
We do our nightly routine.
I ask you if you want some water,
for your bedside.

—Not in this cruel one, no.
Yet in some other, —kinder— it is.
We are happy there
Dianali 2d
I want to live,

Not just in my scripted mind scenes,

I actually want to live.

call it improv, taking a chance,


I want to be here.

Could you help me?

Get me off my head,

Ground me, pull me near

Bring one of those moments

That sweeps me off my feet

Don’t let me think about it.

Don’t let me ruin it.

Just let me be in it.

No, I am not ready.

But I am real.

And I am here.
Take a chance, out of my head
Dianali Feb 2022
De habitación en habitación va,
Inestable, ambiguo, vacío.
Sin alma, sin sed,
sin errar, sin perder
¿Qué queda en su insaciable piel?
No lo sé
Poco menos de un hombre,
Tal vez
Dianali Mar 2021
A formidable adversary
An even better rattle
In the anniversary of our last
soul-drowning battle

Long gone, every day further
My dearest enemy
no one got the glory
I’d surrender, but war is over.
You win, I don’t care anymore
Dianali Apr 2021
Can you imagine all the conversations we could’ve had?
All the songs we could’ve sung?
Dianali Feb 2021
my mind just was
submerged in that daydream
Romance is
An illusion of a team
Reality would eventually hit
no scenario less fancied than this
Not thought of as devotee,
but as a rival I was seen.
Dianali Jan 2022
Like knocking on a door
Of a house in ruins
You can come,
But not a soul will let you in
There’s nothing here for you
There hasn’t, a long time since.
Dianali Jun 2021
You  added colour to my mess
and me like a painting
you weren’t quite happy with
The egotistical artist in you
thought could paint over

I was ruined forever
Is not a masterpiece, I know
Dianali Nov 2024
I am aware
Ignorance is bliss.


I am aware.

I am too awake.

I am fully conscious!

This shall be the death
Of all my progress

I am aware!
Can you numb me again?

My mind is poisonous

I am aware

I am my own

                    worst enemy.
Introspection, too much
Dianali Dec 2021
I remember
every one of your lovely whispers
when you thought I was dreaming
My mind, my hair, my nose
I was perfect, every bit. To you.

You, protecting me at all costs
I couldn’t bare such tender
I radiated all the love you gave me
Sad it was never permanent
I wasn’t dreaming, real life was better
Dianali Jan 2022
I guess it was, sort of — dramatic
Now, thinking about it
It just resembles the beginning—
Let me put it this way:
If we hadn’t collide,
—you and I—
Our universes
wouldn’t be complete.
But romantically— you know?
Dianali Aug 2024
It’s a lovely day. Another lovely birthday. Sadness keeps expanding.. by the 29th, it has rooted in my heart
Dianali Feb 28
My brain's cache memory clears itself
From time to time

So everyone, everything, disappears.
—Except you

Somehow your stupid malware
Some sort of trojan virus
Got in.
I opened it. Infected me.

I shouldn’t have trusted
Heart security Breach
Antivirus on
Guard back up
Dianali Oct 2024
As if tearing a limb from a body,
Souls once entwined, sinew and bone,
Wrenched apart—
Only left behind,
The phantom pain,
The hollow ache,
Of what they were,
Of what once was.
Dianali Oct 2024
Evening air and dry text replies
It is a cold winter day,
in the midst of July.

Clear and loud silence,
surrounding her steps.
The sudden reflex to deflect.

A random call. A sudden ‘yes’.
Opening door, a familiar face.
Same old, same old.. exhausting exchange.

Dancing hands,  soulless gaze.
Curious hands, hypnotising embrace.
Rushing hands, the usual regret.

Lust overdoses, her soul feels sore.
Another heart rash. Repeat. Regret. Repeat.
emotional hangover,  

             unread morning-after text.
Dianali Jul 2021
You thought  I was playing victim, but for me, it was never a game
Dianali Dec 2024
It’s the spark in my mom’s eyes,
when the family arrives.
It’s the photo my dad is taking, of us
having dinner.
It’s my sister picking her outfit, doing her makeup.  
It’s my aunties singing and laughing in the kitchen.
It’s the cozy and cheesy decoration I picked.
It’s the loveliest mess,
The warmest season of all.
While all the gifts are by the tree,
the greatest, is just being here.
Let me just be here.
One more Christmas.
One more year.
Merry Christmas!
All the love.
Dianali Apr 2021
I made a nest in my wounds
Please don’t cure me,
I don’t want to be cured.
Dianali Aug 2021
After you used my body
My soul was tired
After you put a light in my eye
There was a fire
Dianali May 2021
I remember the last time I walked to your house,
in my headphones, a song by the cure
‘The cure’.. A bit ironic, I thought
Cause I was so sick
So, so, sick,
of loving
Dianali Feb 2022
La galaxia de la que fue parte, colapsó
Con fuerza de mil soles,
cual supernova
Donde el viento sople, ella ira
Creando micro universos,
Al saludar
Dianali Sep 2024
They keep on taking,

I am already empty.

What else can you strip me of?

My soul is already naked,

My flesh exposed

My heart vulnerable and lost
Dianali Nov 2024
I saw strength—
Arms that once held me,
Protected me
Turned into fragility:

The weakened shadow
Of the bravest man.—

I saw and I stood
Tears holding,
fears hounding.

I stood powerless,
wanting to give
some of my years
To the one heart
that gave me
Tore me up to write this. I crumbled inside.
It became real.
Dianali Oct 2024
Am I a temporary guest in your dreams?
Would you remember the way that I speak?

Would my personality be an ornamental feature to your future party stories?

Would I be a chapter in the terrible draft of the book of your life? Maybe just a page? A line?

Was my staying always conditioned?
Did I have an expiration date?
Dianali Oct 2021
The scenario in my mind is set,
I’m just too afraid
To say
Dianali Mar 2021
I wonder
Was it a spell I was under?
I am awake,
And the world seems duller
It was better in my mind
Dianali Mar 2021
You don’t exist in this universe
I’m living in,
the happiest version I’ve ever been
But then again,
Something is always missing.
a feeling that never fades
Dianali Nov 2024
The symptoms included:
Chest tightness, nauseas
Laboured breathing, heavy heart.
They say it’s a natural reaction
—I must be allergic—


     Bitter memories and regrets.
Treatment is letting go
Dianali Feb 2021
Am I a soul or a set of skills?
Am I a woman or just your desire?
When will I be free from everyone’s perspectives?
And when will It burnt,
My fire
Dianali Jul 2021
Thorns disguised in your arms
Where I let my trust slowly unwind
A trap, a maze
Pure evil in your gaze

I was disposable
But how could I tell?
Intertwined, passing the days
You were patient, you set the pace
And when you had to,
didn’t hesitate,
dug my grave.
Dianali 6d
trying to get a little dopamine—
In somebody’s lap.


Dianali May 2021
You are like a song
                        Stuck in my head
Dianali Mar 2021
You are just a stranger
In a familiar body
I’m still holding onto.
I knew you
Dianali Sep 2021
You were never that good,

I put some filter for your soul,

I made you up inside my mind.
Dianali Aug 2021
Well, she had given her soul away before,
Of course she was soulless.
Dianali Jul 2021
Walking blindly into the path of happiness,
it’s been a long time since I’ve followed it,
This time I’m not watching my steps.
Dianali Mar 2022
I’m selfish, I know
I’m stubborn, which, may be worse
I overshare… just not enough
I tend to ignore the facts that may be relevant
I’m amusing, yet I can make you sad
You’ll always want to know more,
you’ll never can
Poetry writes itself, doesn’t it?
Now I’m here, stuck,
with the image you want for me
no makeup will cover the fact that
I am still sad about it
No poem will soothe me enough
To ever forget about it
Dianali Dec 2021
I took care of it,
I wore it, - but just -on special occasions
No matter how little,
I cleaned every stain of it
I packed it so carefully
That I forgot I even had it.
Then the flood came,
And the mould grew,
I found it in my suitcase
Completely ruined.
And then I remembered
Why it was so special
I wore it the first night
I ever met you
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