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 Nov 2014 Dagoth I Am
You have had me in every way
Rising mountains and flooded hollers
Gifted with everything, and I have nothing left to offer but this
This treasure of depravity
As you clean the crevices and ***** my mind
Worship, slather,  repeat
You delve in fiending for the taste
and with each pass of that silver tongue my thoughts get more tarnished
And you get...all of me
Taken in heat engulfed in passion
Drilled to the core
Filled with rapasciousness
I offered a gift and I was chewed up and swallowed
Consumed fully
Wanton abandon in caveman style of take what is yours
And that...I am
 Nov 2014 Dagoth I Am
The slightest whisper of the warmest touch
The breath of motion in the still of night
Blood rushes to the surface leaving fire in its wake,
as it follows the slightest movement,
the faintest touch, the longing for more
Electricity jumps the gap
Intensity amplified by the exquisite ache
Stirring deep within
Radiating shock waves that tether
Two becoming one
 Nov 2014 Dagoth I Am
I can feel you, restless, in my dreams, or mind, or heart.   tortured by thoughts of nothing in blackness in the noise of a crowded room.  There is no peace tonight, in my very being I feel it,  There are no meds to remove the screams, no drugs to escape the torture.  The numbness of self medication keeps your sanity hanging by the strongest of all threads.  Can't think too much, or ponder on what ifs.  But music looks beautiful dancing in the air, and time is a concept of man that serves no purpose other than to **** joy and draw boxes of conformity in thick black lines.

the color of sound
permeates cracks in the void
tolerable life

Existence without reason,  alone in an ever-present crowd, there are no rainbows in nighttime storms, I can feel your quick breaths as you are dragged into sleep unwillingly, though in desperate need. the trepidation runs deep, silenced by normality, fear of separation of mind tethered to others by soul alone.  Pretense in surface honesty, which is perceived as truth.  But the core of it, the fear of it, the whole of it cannot be hidden, for I feel you to the depths of who you are afraid to be.  There is no loss of sanity in being who you are,  Those colors sound beautiful as they dance in the smokey air, and the math is art incarnate, science is the symphony around which all things are born and oh the music.  Yes the music that dances through it all is the very air in all it's swirling hues of blissful perfection

two halves of self dance
tangos of darkness and light
beauty in all things

                    *in wait of nightmares
                    there need not be loneliness
                    joy in one who knows
 Nov 2014 Dagoth I Am
 Nov 2014 Dagoth I Am
I want you
to think me beautiful and mesmerizing
drawn to me,
for I fill the holes in  your soul

I want you
to walk away from me before it's too late
for if you hurt me
the pain will burn your spirit

I want you
to want to keep me smiling
lulled into peace
by my gentle laughter

I want you
to see me as I see you
through the mask of shadows
basking in the truth of who I am

It scares me

how much

I want you
copyright©PrttyBrd 01/02/2014
 Nov 2014 Dagoth I Am
The gentle way you gaze upon me
Your heart upon your tears
The drop in your voice
As your breath carries my name in the moonlight
The stars are aligned leading us home
Into one another
Searching beyond imagination
Through space and time
Never understanding the emptiness
Though seeming to be full
The pain of void
Filled at the sight of my soul in you
For you are my missing piece
And I am your sun
 Nov 2014 Dagoth I Am
Bound in darkness
Tethered by restraints unseen
Constrained by ideology
Control is illusory
Received in freedom
Freedom to perceive the truth
Or believe what's easy
Twisted minds revolt
Logic vs passion vs need vs want
Exercises in futility
Frustration abounds
Follow commands
Command desires
Twisting logic
Abandoning sense
Embracing concupiscence
Truth = justification
Justify and make it so
 Nov 2014 Dagoth I Am
As you wish
So shall it be

Goodbye my friend
Good intentions often resemble bad ideas...
 Nov 2014 Dagoth I Am
Because there is no reason
Because things change
Because i knew better
Because i want so much to believe
Because I care too much
Because I'm scared
Because trusting hurts
Because it's easier to deny
Because it was undeniable
Because romance seduces the heart
Because you are wanted
Because avoidance equals pain
Because I am empty
Because I am left to wonder
Because things changed
Because I am still afraid
Because there were promises
Because  I believed
Because they were broken
Because I see you
Because I know who you are
Because you are scared
Because I am real
Because I feel...everything
Because lies of omission are still lies
Because you disappeared
Because I want too much
Because I gave my heart upon request
Because you never thought I would
Because I am too honest
Because pain beats joy into submission
Because I know the truth
Because I knew better
Because you are loved
Because I am still afraid

The words fall out of my heart and will ever remain unspoken...
Because I am still afraid
 Nov 2014 Dagoth I Am
Life tends to teach lessons no one wants to learn
 Nov 2014 Dagoth I Am
I will be your shoulder and share your pain, you will never be alone
One stroke senryu
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